New to group

I’m new to this group and to the community in general. I have used the logging feature mainly. Is the “add Diacussion” button the same as just making a post? I am i correctly posting to the emotional eating group?

I’m at my highest weight and need to get a handle on my emotional eating. Looking forward to progressing.


  • Kim125lb
    Kim125lb Posts: 4 Member
    My user ID is my goal weight. I’m 177.6 now.
  • Cathy_54321
    Cathy_54321 Posts: 576 Member
    I'm an older woman who has struggled with my weight all my life. I have found success briefly occasionally but can't seem to make it last. I know structure and consistency are essential for me.

    I also know I have some eating behaviors where I feel I am observing myself but feeling I can't stop. Telling myself I'll eat just a little doesn't work for me. So, I do have some self-knowledge but have a ways to go to develop mastery. I also have many healthy habits, but they do not make up for the bad ones.

    One good thing is I am not giving up. So, here I go again. I think this group will be helpful because I won't feel alone in the struggle. I hope my story is helpful to you also.
  • jellis1388
    jellis1388 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi! I would love to keep this chat going. I also have emotional eating. I have been raw vegan since 8/1 (53 days) and my family is having NY strip steak tonight. I am finding myself having extreme anxiety over this. This is totally new for me. I’m anxious if I give in, will I get sick? If I give in, will I be able to stop? If I give in, how bloated will I feel? If I give in, how much will it effect my weight?

    I am trying so hard to lose weight but also to live a healthier lifestyle. I have high blood and high cholesterol in scary ranges and on lots of meds for it. I want off the meds and to be healthier! That’s why I went vegan.

    I wen raw to clean my system out. I feel soooooo much better on this lifestyle. I’m energetic, I feel healthier, happier, not bloated, and my skin has drastically improved.

    But this anxiety is really hindering me right now.

    On 8/1 I was 280.
    On 9/18 I was 256.
    My goal by 9/25 was to be 255. Only 1 lb to go… but how will this effect it? Or will it not? I know this sounds so silly but it’s causing my heart rate to increase and I am perseverating on it.
  • waxingturtle
    waxingturtle Posts: 34 Member
    @jellis1388 how did you do? I understand the turmoil you must have went through. I have celiac disease and must eat gluten free but watching my family eat amazing locally made donuts is soo hard!
    But for me, I know better and how sick I'd get. For you, I don't know. I'd think a little bit wouldn't hurt but that's your choice and whatever you decide is fine. To deny ourselves isn't always healthy. But sometimes sticking to your goals is a big reward!
  • waxingturtle
    waxingturtle Posts: 34 Member
    @Kim125lb I don't know if anyone answered your question but you are right. Adding discussion is like posting. But there is a Facebook like feature for you and your "friends" to use and you can post there too.