Weight No More Team Chat - SEPTEMBER 2023



  • uclaxtina
    uclaxtina Posts: 67 Member
    Weigh-In Day: Saturday
    PW: 184
    CW: 183.4

    I was afraid to get on the scale this morning because I felt like I had a bad week eating poorly and not working out as often. Work stress got me down this week. But I’m surprised there was still some weight-loss compared to last week. I plan to do better this week and focus on myself.

    Have a great weekend all! 🤩
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,392 Member
    Special Last 100 Days of 2023 Challenge!! What's YOUR ONE THING?!

    Hope you'll join us! Here's the link:


    Jessica :blush:
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,392 Member
    The Sep Week 4 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin on Sunday, Sep 24th. We're focused on movement this week. Hope you'll join us for this 7 day challenge! Here's your link:


    See you in the chat thread!
  • JessicaVRosati
    JessicaVRosati Posts: 61 Member

    Weigh Day: Saturday
    Previous Weight: 149
    Current Weight: 147

    Starting Weight: 159
    Goal Weight: under 140

    Steps 9/17-23: 80124
    Sun 7351
    Mon 13757
    Tue 17860
    Wed 13489
    Thu 11144
    Fri 6768
    Sat 9755
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,679 Member
    I forgot to weigh myself this morning and will do it tomorrow ☺️
  • mryoss
    mryoss Posts: 19 Member
    September Start Weight:164.5
    September Goal Weight:157
    Ultimate Goal Weight:140
    September 9:161.0
    September 16:158.6
    September 23:156.9
    September 30:
  • OllieAndEd2021
    OllieAndEd2021 Posts: 175 Member
    Weigh-in day Saturday
    CW 167.0
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,679 Member
    Starting weight: 81.7 kg/180.12 lb
    Previous weight: 81.1 kg/178.79 lb
    Current weight: 81.1 kg/178.79 lb

    Steps 17-23Sep:
    S 8100
    M 7950
    T 6502
    W 7241
    T 16032
    F 6493
    S 1131
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 597 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I've been absent for quite some time now, after losing my Grandfather in January, 5 days before my Birthday, and my Mom in February, 1 month and 3 days after my Grandfather, I feel like it's time that I come back, and really stick to this so I can get healthier and more fit! (My mom was overweight my whole life, and my Grandfather wasn't very fit either.) September is coming to an end, so hoping there will be room for me here to rejoin for October!

  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,473 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I've been absent for quite some time now, after losing my Grandfather in January, 5 days before my Birthday, and my Mom in February, 1 month and 3 days after my Grandfather, I feel like it's time that I come back, and really stick to this so I can get healthier and more fit! (My mom was overweight my whole life, and my Grandfather wasn't very fit either.) September is coming to an end, so hoping there will be room for me here to rejoin for October!



    Hey Cassie! Glad to see you back in here - I can absolutely move you back to the standard weight loss team from the support team, not a problem. I currently have Sunday as your current weigh day, does this still work? Also, what is your starting weight for October?

    ~ Ashley
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,473 Member


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  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 597 Member

    Thanks, I hope this time around is great, and helps me get to where I need and want to be! Yes, I would like to keep Sundays as my weigh in days, as I just weighed in today for the first time in a while. And my starting weight is the highest I've ever been, which suuuuucks! It's 238.6, I want to see that number disappear! By going DOWN, not up!
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,411 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I've been absent for quite some time now, after losing my Grandfather in January, 5 days before my Birthday, and my Mom in February, 1 month and 3 days after my Grandfather, I feel like it's time that I come back, and really stick to this so I can get healthier and more fit! (My mom was overweight my whole life, and my Grandfather wasn't very fit either.) September is coming to an end, so hoping there will be room for me here to rejoin for October!


    Super glad to see you back. Had been wondering how you were. You've had a tough year. Glad you are back at it!
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 1,027 Member
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW: 197.8
    CW: 197.6

    With three days out of this past week related to my birthday celebrations I’m happy I still had a loss 😀
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,265 Member
    It's the final week of September already! New members can now sign up for October - please feel free to share this link and invite anyone who might be interested. If you're already here on the team, you do not need to sign up again :smiley:

  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 1,027 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    It's the final week of September already! New members can now sign up for October - please feel free to share this link and invite anyone who might be interested. If you're already here on the team, you do not need to sign up again :smiley:


    Thank you @jugar! This has been my 1st month with this group and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed participating! I’m looking forward to continuing for many months to come!

    I appreciate all you and the other coaches and group leaders do for us!

    A big THANKS!!
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 1,027 Member
    Total steps: 57,472

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,265 Member
    Please welcome @lucyvclark5243 to your team for October - they will be checking in soon. Enjoy!
This discussion has been closed.