Choosing weigh-in

I weigh myself everyday at the same time, when I first get up after I pee. Problem is I can get three different results. Right now I just choose the smaller one (of course!), but was wondering how others approach this.


  • offitgoes
    offitgoes Posts: 755 Member
    Used to have that problem. I would weigh until two numbers came up the same and then that was the number I went with. I got a new scale a while back and I don't get different numbers any more. Sometimes I wish I did :s
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,339 Member
    If your scale in a digital one, you may want to replace the batteries (or charge them). If it is analog, you may want to get a new scale.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,907 Member
    I just step on the scale and take the first weight unless it is somehow completely out of whack, then log it and move on