November 29 - December 5

GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
edited November 2023 in Social Groups
LW: 133.2
TW: 133.4

Did I just type December?! It's hard to believe it's the last month of the year. It flew by for me.

My daughter is still hanging in there and keeping baby girl baking in the oven for a few more days. She had another day of pretty strong contractions, but laid down immediately. Luckily she had a nanny that day who took over for her 2 year old, and her job (works from home) is very flexible. They stopped, and yesterday she saw her doctor for the last time before c-section, and all is well. My Oregon daughter is flying in on Saturday to see and help with the baby, stay both here and at daughter's house as needed. My daughter here and her hubby and 2 yo are coming here to sleep Saturday night also because we live closer to the hospital and the c-section is scheduled very early on Sunday. Then, we will bring the 2 yo to the hospital later to meet her baby sis. o:) So, I'll have a house full. Then, my Cali son and his family are coming for Xmas to meet the baby and visit. They'll stop in Tahoe to ski, and they'll ski here one day also if they have time. We'll have more guests in January when OR grandkids come to meet baby. THEN, in February hubby and I will go to Mexico for a much needed rest!

Sarah, my goodness, I'm so sorry about your eye. I wear contacts also, and I have done the same. It's too easy to make mistakes like that when we're already vision impaired! Luckily, eyes heal quickly. I'm glad you called and got good information. I use the Refresh brand eye drops (my doctor tells me I have dry eyes). I like the single use viles (preservative free), and you can get a box of them at Costco.

How nice of you to take your "chatty" neighbor out! I hope you enjoy some "me time" while your hubby is out of town. When my hubby goes fishing, I avoid self pity by making sure I have some fun while he's having fun. :D In past years I only did chores, and realized that's not a good idea. At least for me, lol!

Speaking of fun, Lois, I hope your Disney trip is going smoothly and lots of great memories are getting made! Please report all the fun when you're back. Safe travels.

I have a busy day ahead. I finished my Christmas shopping, today will hopefully finish decorating. I can't do it alone though (a tree assembly like you, Sarah), and hubby had has had a cold, so we'll see. He's feeling better today. Then on to new grandbaby :)


  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,939 Member
    LW: 128.4
    TW: 127.6

    Yep. December is upon us. It came so quick! Sheesh, I was filled with envy when I read about your Thanksgiving snowfall! I want some snow!

    But I suppose there are some good things about the warmer late fall and winter weather. Friday morning we are going down to National Harbor with another couple to see the Titanic exhibit, and as of today, the forecast is chilly and rainy. :/ But forecasts can change. Two days before we went to Kennett Square the forecast was for rain and wind and we got neither. The evening we were in Longwood Gardens was wonderful, light jacket weather.

    Hubby made it to up-state PA and back with no problems. None of the hunters got a deer, so no venison in the freezer, but he had a great time anyway and got a much-needed break from work. Now it will take him several days to get all his gear put away. Thank goodness for a garage as a staging area.

    We just got back from taking his car to the body shop for what we hope is the last time :p . And the HVAC seems to be doing well--finally! Yesterday, I arrived to teach my class and found that there was no heat in the room where the class is held. I told everyone that they could leave, and it would be an excused absence. But everyone stayed for the whole time. Talk about troopers!

    My eye is still a little pink and tender but doing okay. I have to admit that I'm proud that I was able to deal with that as well as I did. Yesterday, I got a clean bill of health at the dentist, and I hope to get similar good news when I have my annual physical next week. Last time, my borderline high BP was her only concern. (But this year, when she does that mini-cog test and tells me to draw a clock showing a certain time, I'm going to include a fitbit showing the digital time! :D )

    Lois, I am glad that the Disney trip went well and that everyone had a good time. Looking forward to hearing more about it. I assume your foot did okay?

    Well, the day is also moving by fast, so I'll just share my 7-day averages and get on my way. Kelly, hope you can check in soon.

    Steps = 10,302
    Kcals burned = 1,725

  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,312 Member
    Happy belated thanksgiving everyone. So sorry. Disney was a blast!!! We were up at 6ish and at the park for early entry every morning. We went until 10ish at night. We did go back to our room for a break. We had a gorgeous 3 room suite (a 1br suite with 2 connected rooms). It was AWESOME. Little Rhea didn’t smile in the pic as it was 9pm and she’d been going all day. She did smile in separate picture I took when we first got to the Dessert Party. So much fun was had. We all came home exhausted.

    I leave again tomorrow morning for my friends dads funeral services in California. Back on Wednesday. I did have to work 1/2 day on Wednesday but boy was I tired.

    Sheesh. Can’t wait to hear the baby has arrived safely and healthy. Enjoy your family time - exhausting as it might be. Get some rest when you can

    Sarah - so happy to hear your eye is ok.

    Kelly best wishes to you and your family for a safe and happy holiday season

    I’m on my phone so kinda short. I’ll post more when I can.