December 6-12, 2023

SarahMaxx Posts: 1,939 Member
LW: 127.6
TW: 127.6

I suspect that today's weight looks a little low because I was "nothing by mouth" from midnight on because of my annual physical this morning and all the blood tests. I suspect it bounced up a bit once I got some food and fluid in me.

Sheesh, I've been thinking about you and sending you, your daughter and SIL, and the new little family member good thoughts since last week, and especially on Sunday. I know you've had a busy schedule. Hope you're also finding some time to rest and take care of yourself, too. Hope all is going well.

Lois, I also thought about you and the trip back to CA to be with your friend. Hope it went well. I know he was touched by your willingness to turn around after the family trip and head back west for the memorial service. You are a good friend.

I'm a little nervous at the moment. Most of the time, I leave my annual physical knowing that my BP is borderline and my cholesterol is borderline, but other than that, I'm exceptionally healthy, especially considering that I'm not a young thing anymore. But today, my doc heard a bruit in one carotid artery in my neck and wants an ultrasound and she felt something in my left breast that she thinks might have been a rib, but she wants an ultrasound of that, too, just in case. So since it's time for my regular mammogram and dexa, I just scheduled all three exams for the coming week. I had been thinking about changing from a Plan G supplement to a Plan N supplement to save a hundred bucks a month, but since my docs do bill for the Part B excess charges, I was hesitating. And now, I think it's probably better if I stick with my Plan G. Arghhh. Honestly, it's expensive to grow old!

But at least, for now, I feel good. Last week, the weather did not allow me to walk outside very much, so my 7-day averages are down a bit. I did hit 10K steps every day, but my calories burned rate was down. It's really hard to meet my goal of burning at least1,725 kcals per day when most of my activity is on a treadmill. My class helps, but sometimes, I spend part of the time working with class members and don't get as good a workout myself.

In addition to the three imaging tests, I'm also meeting two friends for lunch next Tuesday, and I'm going downtown DC to a holiday bazaar with another friend a week from today. So I'm going to have to be careful to schedule activity time, too. This time of year just gets so busy. And to complicate things, we are STILL dealing with hubby's car. The body shop called us Monday and said that the Lexus dealer called and said it was ready (they had sent it back to a dealer for a third time!). But then they called and said that before they could get back to their location from the dealers, the warning light had come on again. So they authorized a free rental for us, saying it should be only a few more days. (Why do I not feel confident about that? LOL).

And we also need to get the car that was not in the accident checked out and serviced before we head to NC, and time is getting short for that. I hate to say it, but that trip to NC for Christmas sometimes feels more like something to endure than enjoy. But with my sister's health issues and the ages of the remaining aunts and uncles, it's something we need to do. We have limited time with them all, so even though things are bit complicated this year, we will make it work.

Well, time to get moving. Looking forward to hearing what is going on with everyone else. And before I go, here's my 7-day averages:

Steps = 10,335
Kcals burned = 1,658
Stairs = 12 flights


  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 676 Member
    Wow you ladies sure had a lot going on while I was away. I feel like I start off all my posts apologizing for not checking in.. .and here I am again.. Sorry!
    Life I tell ya. So today I'm working from home, as I have another stupid cold. I've been struggling with something lately that I thought was allergies, but now is definitely a head cold. A few weeks ago, I had what I thought was an allergic reaction to something at a hockey rink. I was standing under a heat vent when I suddenly couldn't stop coughing, then my eyes got red, so I went outside to get some fresh air. I immediately then started sneezing non stop, then my nose and sinuses completely plugged and my nose wouldn't stop running. After a few minutes, my right eye was completely swollen shut. Hubby brought me down the road to the pharmacy and he ran in and got me some Benadryl. After about 20 mins, all of my symptoms were gone, except my swollen eye. The swelling took 4 days to go away completely. I went to a walk-in clinic on the 3rd day and all the doctor did was give me prednisone to help clear any infection. Well now.. I'm sick.. and my eye swelled up again this morning. Not as bad, but it's swollen. I took an allergy pill and I think that's what stopped it from completely swelling shut. I have no clue what's going on and the earliest I can get an appointment is January 2. Ugh. So you talk about how great our free health care is here in Canada... well it's really not. At this point, I would pay to see someone if it meant I could get in to see someone today and it would be resolved. The only option I have, is to go sit in another walk in clinic for a couple hours to eventually get seen by a doctor that's not my family doctor and they likely will just band aid the problem, and not actually investigate it.

    Sarah - Wow you sure had an ordeal with your eye! So glad it's finally resolved. And more than likely all of those extra tests your doctor wants done are just precautionary. At least they are willing to actually look into them and not leave them, just in case.

    Sheesh - I hope your new family member is as adorable as you expected. Thinking of you and your family!

    Lois - So glad you had fun at Disney! The pics were super cute.
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,312 Member
    Back from the funeral. I'm beyond exhausted. The travel was brutal. I got home about 4pm yesterday and was so tired I couldn't sleep. I ended up working for almost 4 hours to catch up. My backup person didn't back me up very well. I had a ton to handle last night and today. When I went to bed, I couldn't sleep. I did have soda on the road on top of my morning coffee so I wonder if that was the culprit. I was so over-tired. Anyway still tired today. I am off again tomorrow and looking forward to sleeping in. I failed to step on the scale this morning so I have no idea what I'm up against. I also ordered two chicken salads from Cheesecake Factory last night. I had one for dinner last night and one for today.

    The services were beautiful. I was glad I went. His dad looked good. His mom was holding it together. And yes, I took the opportunity to truly tell her how much we love her and how much we appreciated having her in our life/family. She was super happy to see my daughter (her first granddaughter).

    The travel portion was challenging. I drove from Phoenix to Oceanside (six hours solo). Oceanside to Glendora - about 2 hours each direction - daughter drove. I drove all through the town to the various places Mon/Tues). Glendora back to Oceanside (another 2 hours in heavy traffic - daughter drove). Oceanside to Phoenix (six plus hours as I had to use the restroom three times plus top off gas once back in AZ!!!). Over 1100 miles in those 5 days.

    No more traveling - until 12/26...then a whip around trip back to Cali to see hubby's aging auntie before she leaves to go to the Philippines for a month. And then no travel again until Feb 4 back to Disney with my sister. WHEW! I might have to invest in some monitors and a desk at my daughters so I can just stay there and work when I travel. That way I can rest in between the drives. Now that I've typed it - that's not a horrible idea...I'm going to inquire at the office if we have any spare monitors (I hate to work on just the one laptop screen).

    Sheesh - hoping for news about the new grandbaby. So exciting. We found out friends of ours are going to be grandparents in May. We're so excited for them. They've asked for anything of Rhea's that we're done using...their daughter doesn't want anything "new", if possible. So my son and I will rummage through what we have not yet committed to others and prepare to take the remainder to them in February or April (baby shower in April - we'll see how I'm feeling about traveling at that point).

    Sarah - God Bless you woman! The hell you guys have been through with the car. Oh man.

    Kelly - I've heard many stories from our Canadian buyers and the "free healthcare". Several of them were here to get seen by a doctor and continued treatment. Hoping you're feeling better soon and that the prednisone will work at keeping the swelling down. Stay happy and hopefully healthy during the holidays!

  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,312 Member
    WOW. Who would have thought that travel could wipe you out for a few days. I was dragging. I worked on Thursday and part of Friday. But Friday morning, I slept until 9am! We also had our company Christmas party and it was fun...I had taken a nap early afternoon as well as slept in and was able to attend. Saturday and Sunday hubby and i wrapped up the holiday decorating and took the empty boxes to storage so now I just have to clean - UGH.

    We have company arriving next Friday for an overnight on their way to Palm Springs and my daughter and son in law will also be arriving next Friday for Christmas - New Years. So I've got finish getting upstairs cleaned out. Daughter stays in her old room, which was my MIL's room and I have packing cubes on the bed from packing up. I need to clean that off and then strip the bed dust, vacuum and remake the bed. Cousins are going to stay in the den on the new wall bed, so my office will be dusted and revamped this week as well.

    We've got a very busy holiday schedule as well. We bought tickets to watch Scrooge at a local theater with my daughter and son in law. And my son in law's sister is getting re-married on Jan 1 (Cam & Kelsie's mom). So we've got lots going on.

    It's Monday and it's chaotic. but I found a frozen chicken pot pie and that is in the oven for lunch/dinner today and tomorrow. The weather has finally turned chilly here. So wearing socks AND long sleeves. WOOT WOOT. Usually it's a tech shirt with yoga pants or shorts and flip flops. LOL.

    Have an amazing week. I'll check back when I can.

  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,939 Member
    Hi, everyone. I have a lot going on, but it feels good to share some of this with you. They say a problem shared is halved and a good thing shared is doubled. So here goes.

    First a good thing. The car is finally fixed!

    And now on to some worries, which includes one good thing. I had the ultrasound on my carotid arteries on Thursday and there are no blockages. The tech did mention that there is some soft plaque in the bulb, which I take it is the center between the two carotids, so I got a referral to a cardiologist. I haven't seen one since I had my baseline treadmill test when almost 20 years ago, so it's time. And my primary care doc wants his feedback on how to handle my borderline high BP and my high, but not terribly high cholesterol.

    Today, I went for the mammogram and dexa. I was so looking forward to having those out of the way since that "maybe it was just a rib" comment has left me a tad uneasy. Well, things did not work out with that. When I got there, they asked if this was just a regular screening and I mentioned what had happened at the appointment. Long story short, they told me that they needed to check with my doctor about what was written in my record and if she had documented the possible "something," then I would need a diagnostic exam and not just a regular screening, and they could not do that today. In that case, there has to be a radiologist and ultrasound tech available just in case they do see something that needs investigating. And the first appointment that I could get is for January 24! So I have to get through the holidays plus a few weeks without knowing if there's something there.

    And to complicate matters, I've been waking up with a little cramping in my calves and today, I'm having a good bit of pain in the calf muscles. So I feel like I'm just being hammered with health concerns. To try to address the calf pain, I just took a magnesium tablet and a couple of Aleve. I just hope that my brain doesn't wake me up with the "what if's" at 3 a.m., like it did this morning. I was awake from 3 a.m. until 5 a.m., and then had to roll out at 6:30 for that early appointment. (And Sheesh, there was an inch of snow of the ground. Our first of the season. A laughable amount for you and Kelly, but hey--the grass was white! :smiley: )

    Tomorrow, I have class and then I'm meeting two friends for lunch. I want to give them each a small gift and so spent a chunk of the afternoon shopping. Along the way, I looked down at my wrist to check the time and discovered that I had not put my Fitbit back on after my morning appointment. So I missed a lot of steps, and now I'm considering just writing off today more or less so I can rest my legs a bit. On Wednesday, I'm supposed to go downtown for a Christmas Bazaar, and I'm pretty sure that will include a good bit of walking because we are taking the metro train.

    Kelly, I am so sorry you're having trouble with your eye. I know firsthand how nerve wracking that can be. Hopefully, it was just something odd you ran into that you will not be exposed to again. I have been sending good thoughts your way. If only we could all get seen for things more quickly. There are just not enough doctors to go around. We pay a concierge fee so we can see primary care docs quickly. But God help us when we need a specialist. Every time I see another new community being built, I think "What about roads? What about health care?" The darned developers only care about the dollars going into their pockets.

    Lois, you do have a very busy holiday season ahead, although I know you enjoy have family visit. But when I think of all the travel, work, holiday planning, etc. that you're doing, I'm just amazed. Please take a little time to rest along the way.

    Sheesh, hope you'll log on soon to bring us up to date on the new grandbaby, family visits, etc. The Mexican trip sounds so good. Some time to relax in this sun! :)

    Well, time to get moving. Thanks for lending me an ear tonight.
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
    Hey all, I’ve been reading your posts, but have been too busy to post. I’m on my phone, so it will have to be brief.

    We got our new granddaughter here safely on Dec 3rd. 6 lbs 6 oz and 20 inches long. Lots of dark hair and very pretty o:) My Oregon daughter (currently on sabbatical) came for a week. She and I stayed at their house to care for the 2 year old, while mommy and daddy stayed at the hospital with new baby. It was so fun to take sister to meet her new baby sis!! Mama is doing well, and is back home getting a good schedule going with baby.

    I’m rushing to get Xmas all ready, seeing friends for lunch, etc. I’m proud to report that I’m still getting workouts done too. I’ll post weight tomorrow, and comment on your posts, and maybe a photo of baby. But, for now, I’ve got to run. Sorry to be brief.