Leslie Sansone December 2023 Walk and Workout Challenge



  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    We got about 5" of snow and it was very wet. A lot of trees were down on our way to Dennis' cardio reahab this morning, but not on our property. We lost one limb and the Hemlocks are hanging very low, but aside from that, all is well and we have power. The wind is suppose to come up with afternoon so time will tell, but so far, a meh storm that NOAA blew out of proportion! :yawn:
    I looked around as well and it looks like we will need to put together our own program from what is out there. I have a lot of Leslie's DVDs to mix and match, and I know I will have to start at 15 minutes and work up to the 5 mile walks. I think Jessica's Walk and Talk series is also a place I could start. I guess everyone has become far more commercial. :sad:
    The puppies are so cute and Mom looked over them when I peeked in. :laugh: She's pooped!
    Good for you on those Apple rings!!!! I need to get a move on! :bigsmile:
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    Dec 11-Steps-6059
    Now we're talking some steps again. I had laundry to do yesterday and I helped Dennis deal with some of the snow, as in I shoveled while he cleaned up with the blower :grumble: It got me lots more steps than I would have had and he had already done his cardio workout for the day, so I guess I can't really complain. :smile: Tuesday around here is clean upstairs day so we went to the Post Office this morning and after we go back, I cleaned upstairs-you know, the once over lightly clean that we probably all do in December! :laugh: Dust surfaces, vac everywhere and then mop high traffic areas and call it good! The house is clean (er), I got steps in and it's all good! :wink: Tomorrow should be much better! :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I had a rough day yesterday and just couldn't win at anything. So I'm resting and getting my resorted for tomorrow.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    Dec 11-Steps-6059
    Dec 12-Steps-6013
    You said you had appointments every day this week @Deeder522 and from what you have said, I gather it is all tech work, which can be freakin' exhausting! Plus, a lot of it is like teaching, it is all head work and it exhausts you for anything physical. If you have a week of appointments, make your challenge work, dinner & dishes PERIOD!! :laugh:
    I need to clean my 1st floor today and get my grocery list ready for my Aldi shop tomorrow. I am not sure why my steps are not higher, but it may be because I have not looked at my Garmin or tracked my steps throughout the day, so I am not purposely moving more. I got my hair cut yesterday and I know I stood a lot more than usual wrapping gifts, but I thought cleaning the upstairs would make up for it. Apparently not! :ohwell: It will be more of the same today as we need to mail all our US packages and get the wine we need for the holidays before I can get back to clean house. Of course, a real deep clean would also add steps but I am not taking time for that over the holidays! That is what January is for! :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Today, I was onsite for a tech visit and I did get some Apple exercise credits running around to all the computers.
    Tomorrow is a Hospital trip for an Ultrasound for Ryan's gallbladder. I'm sure they will tell us there are stones and we should take the whole shebang out. Which we will kindly respond nö! Then deal with it in a better non-cutting way.
    Yesterday we did get news from immunology that is immune system is not "acting appropriately" and they want to start IV treatments. So not great news but good news that confirms something is wrong. We'll just add it to the "Confirmed" list of things.
    Friday, I have a phone transfer I have to assist with.
    On Saturday, I have a funeral.
    Dang, this week just went by fast.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    Dec 11-Steps-6059
    Dec 12-Steps-6013
    Dec 13-Steps-4029
    OK, no way I am making 6700 steps average this month. :laugh: I am doing better today and will probably do better tomorrow because Dennis and I are doing the Tupper Lake stroll around Park Street, but after that, I am going to relax and enjoy my decorations, food, cookies and drinks and work on decorating my workout, house management and book planners for the new year. It is my creative outlet time!
    They don't cut your gallbladder out anymore, they "suck it out!" :laugh: I almost had a stroke when my sister told me they "sucked out her gallbladder." :noway: I got this mental picture of an MD with a straw sucking on her. I cracked up laughing for days!!!! She had a horribly diseased gallbladder and had no choice but to remove it, but the way she described I will never forget!!!!
    I am so glad Ryan at least KNOWS his immune system is not functioning properly. Sometimes just having someone confirm it makes such a difference in how you feel about yourself. My sister has mitochondrial disease and it took years to diagnose it because the only way to truly find it is with specific genetic testing that is very new. When she found out, she felt so vindicated. She even had doctors that told her to see someone else as they could not diagnose her "problem." Ryan can try IV treatments and if they help great, if not dump them. That's what my sister does now with everything they suggest for her issues.
    The weeks always fly by fast during the holidays @deeder522. it is even worse when things are going on at work, at home, and in your personal life added to the holidays! Dennis used to handle all the holiday stuff when I taught at Mott except decorating. We had a full day today and we both mentioned how life goes on during December and there is just an added layer of stuff to do. It is no wonder we all crash on the couch for hours. If you take care of yourself and Ryan, you'll be doing great! The rest can wait until January! Hang in there! Hugs! :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Ultrasound report came back and the gallbladder looks in great shape and they couldn't find any stones. The kidney, and pancreas all look good as well. There is some "scaring" on the liver so they think it's fatty liver. We're not 100% sure if we're on board with that response. More research is needed on that.
    We are wondering if the IV treatment might mean he could eat more food. Right now, I've counted 50 foods. Being able to add other foods in may help other things.
    Thanks for your encouragement @zichab it means so very much right now.

    My client for this afternoon is now tentative so I hope to move around more and get some minutes in. I think our January goal should be to complete the Walk N Talk series. That's 21 1-mile walks and talks. That gives us some wiggle room or maybe grace would be a better word.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    Dec 11-Steps-6059
    Dec 12-Steps-6013
    Dec 13-Steps-4029
    Dec 14-Steps-5560
    Garmin says my daily average is 5321 :laugh: No way that is getting to 6700 by the 31st! "I cannot worry about that today. I'll worry about that tomorrow." (paraphrasing Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind)!
    I LOVE that idea @deeder522! I was just telling Dennis this morning that I need to get back into my walking work outs because I am tired and that usually means I am not getting enough aerobic exercise. BUT, no way I can do 7 days a week, 30 minutes+ a day like I used to. I need to start with 15 minutes and hope I do not keel over! :blushing: I love the idea of 21 days of 15 minutes with Jessica. I think I can do that ... although based on this month, maybe that is even too ambitious! :laugh: We shall see!
    WOO HOO Ryan does not need his GB sucked out!!!!!! Good news for him!!! Scaring on the liver can be caused by a lot of things including infections, illnesses and childhood injuries to name a few. As an adult, it would be difficult to escape liver injury entirely. It was a broad jump from scaring to fatty liver. So much of Ryan's issues probably cannot be diagnosed in the normal way. All of my sister's tests come back "normal" also except that she has some "elevated muscle enzymes," which as near as we can tell, are not a diagnoses of anything. However, when added to her genetic testing, it is clear that her muscles are what is being effected by her genetic problem. Conventional medicine cannot deal with these new mulit-system diseases. Dennis is getting great care because he has a one organ problem! MDS love that! :ohwell:
    We all put too much pressure on ourselves during the holidays and we tend to forget that normal life goes on. Babies are born, people get sick, people die, countries invade each other etc. December is not exempt from life and right now, yours is very full caring for others. I just hope it helps to know "I get it!" because I often felt all alone when caring for all of my people. Grace is all we have!!!! :bigsmile:
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    Dec 11-Steps-6059
    Dec 12-Steps-6013
    Dec 13-Steps-4029
    Dec 14-Steps-5560 Daily Average 5,321
    Dec 15-Steps-3514
    Bad day yesterday. All of my urgent Christmas stuff is done. All I need to do now is wrap presents for DH and decorate the Christmas tree when we bring it in. The snow finally melted off it and it is warm enough that Dennis put it in a pail of water. I always have this tendency to need a "To Do" list longer than my arm to keep going. Once it is all done, I tend to crash and that is what happened yesterday. We went out for dinner in town and then did the stroll around the stores, but I did not have very much to all day except go down the You Tube rabbit hole.
    Today, I have a ton of stuff to do including bringing in more wood from the pile, so hopefully, my steps will be better. Dennis wanted Waffles and the no sodium waffle blog filled the bill so thank you again @Deeder522 for that link! I do not like waffles or maple syrup so no problem making salt free ones! :laugh: After I get a face cord or so of wood on the screen porch, I am going to make home made refried beans for our nachos tonight and home made salt free tortilla chips for Dennis. I draw the line there and eat the regular ones. :blushing: I made ginger bread cookies sodium free and you would never know it, but tortilla chips are dreadful without salt. :sick:
    Well that wood is not going to bring itself in so I need to get crackin'! :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Today it warmed up into the 50's and I took the opportunity to Walk outside at the nearby township park. It was a bit breezy but worth the walk and stretch.

    I once asked my 2 closest friends what they thought my hobbies were. They came back with photography and recipe research.

    hhmmmm, Nachos sound delicious. The salt on tortilla chips is my favorite thing. The more salt the better.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    Dec 11-Steps-6059
    Dec 12-Steps-6013
    Dec 13-Steps-4029
    Dec 14-Steps-5560 Daily Average 5,321
    Dec 15-Steps-3514
    Dec 15-Steps-5053
    :laugh: Well, bringing in the wood was good for my strength, but did not create a whole lot of steps I guess. Of course, the other way to look at it is thank goodness for needing wood or I might have had even less steps? Meh, it's the holidays-what can we do?
    OMG @Deeder522, we are under a flood warning and it is also over 40F!!! They are predicting 45 tomorrow and rain at 1-2 inches!!! Along with the ice and snow melt, our rivers are predicted to go above flood stage. We live on the side of a mountain, so we do not have a flooding problem, but we are worried about the Hemlocks staying upright!!! On Tuesday, the temps are dropping into the 30s and they are predicting 1-3" of snow!!! The weather needs some Prozac!!!!
    I am glad you got out for a walk as it does so much to help our moods at this time of year. I do not have SAD as I am a total night owl, but when I get out every day, I have more patience with Dennis and am calmer generally. I am going to be roasting my fall pumpkins today before they start rotting. Garmin keeps reducing my step goal and I am still not making it. :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,016 Member
    December Goals

    Mileage Goal 41 / 68
    Apple Challenge: Reach my daily exercise goal 8x. ( that's 20 Apple exercise minutes ) 4/8

    Yesterday, I wasn't very active. Today, I woke up to snow. They're calling for 1-3" by tomorrow but it looks like it will all melt before Christmas. Snow isn't making me feel in a "get to moving" mode.

    I reminded Ryan that when we focus on his gut health he starts to feel better and let's just stay in that direction rather than dive into the pit of Fatty liver. Last week he tried trout for lunch instead of steak. Trout seemed to work better than Salmon this time. So we'll try that 1-2 times a week. He's about 6 weeks into taking a zinc supplement. It's a low dosage and his system seems to be okay with it Added benefit is that it can help with leaky gut which we think he's had but couldn't get a DR to look into.

    Our work has been quiet and people have been slow in responding even if they were the ones making the request first. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Our son's shop is shutting down for the holiday for the 1st time in years. He'll be home from Thursday afternoon until after the new year. They also did a round of layoffs He was safe as he kept his nose clean and head down. ;)

    I hear from my BFF that they got a bunch of rain and flood watches. Hope things are okay with you, @zichab.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    Dec 11-Steps-6059
    Dec 12-Steps-6013
    Dec 13-Steps-4029
    Dec 14-Steps-5560 Daily Average 5,321
    Dec 15-Steps-3514
    Dec 16-Steps-5053
    Dec 17-Steps-4506
    There are several closed roads that are flooded, but we are fine. Our lake came up about a foot, but it was far worse for the roads by the rivers. Also, there are storm drains in town that are frozen so all the water had no where to go. The town crews were trying to crush and melt the ice so the water would drain from the streets. We expect this in April, but not December! :angry:
    Things always slow down around the holidays unless you work for Amazon! :smile: I am glad your son avoided the lay-offs. He must be very relieved!
    I think you are on it with Ryan. MDs only like to diagnose things insurance will pay for and dietary problems do not fall in that realm. My sister has had to manage those herself as well.
    Speaking of your BFF, I cannot believe how patient her dog is with those puppies! She walks away for a while and then she is right back there nuzzling them or pulling them close. She is doing a great job. :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I slept horribly last night. A mix of hormones and anxiety left me with about 3 hours of sleep. Today, I will be a slug.

    Get ready for more puppies @zichab, she has a 2nd female due in the next week or two. They should have a 2nd camera popping up this weekend, I think.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    Dec 11-Steps-6059
    Dec 12-Steps-6013
    Dec 13-Steps-4029
    Dec 14-Steps-5560 Daily Average 5,321
    Dec 15-Steps-3514
    Dec 16-Steps-5053
    Dec 17-Steps-4506
    Dec 18-Steps-6773
    Now that is more like it. I had to do two days work in one day-laundry and cleaning floor 2! That made for a lot of trips up and down. Today, I just need to clean floor 1 so I probably will not have as many.
    OH @Deeder522, I feel your pain when it comes to not sleeping. I had never had sleep issues in my life until after I turned 70 and for some reason, I have at least 1 or 2 nights a week when I cannot sleep. I have tried reading, TV, meditation (really not good for me as I am a TYPE 1 on steroids) and nothing works. If my mind wants to go, there is nothing I can do to stop it until 6AM when is crashes finally. Trying to function on 2-3 hours of sleep is dreadful and it never happens on a day when I could grab a quick nap. It is always on the days when we have appointments and lots of driving to do.
    Making a Czech Christmas bread (Zavin) today and yeast rolls for Christmas dinner. Also wrapping presents as I have not even started that task! YIKES! :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I slept very well last night and now I'm ready to go out and deal with everything. 😊 Sometimes when I can't sleep I'll put on a show that I know very well and drift off. I know the show well I don't have to pay attention (engage) with it so it becomes like a comfortable background noise.

    With the holiday on Sunday/Monday, I'm double-checking to ensure I have everything I need for holiday lunch and to get through the rest of the time with the stores being closed.

    We upgraded Ryan's iPhone and found that this one doesn't cause any pain while holding it. So that's an improvement. We're working at hardwiring everything we can in the house to decrease the use of WiFi.

    My sleep issues seem to be worse during "that" week every month. I'm healthy ( mostly) but I know menopause is coming down the road and I'm willing to bet I'm in perimenopause. I need to reread a book so I can better game-plan some healthy changes for myself in the coming new year.

    There is a fun little book that I found at the library before about meditation. It's called Just Sit. I've struggled with meditation and then 1 person explained it isn't about emptying the mind it can be about concentrating on the loudest thing in your mind.

    I looked the Czech bread up and that looks delish and I want to find some b/c I'm willing to bet that it would make amazing French toast.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    Dec 11-Steps-6059
    Dec 12-Steps-6013
    Dec 13-Steps-4029
    Dec 14-Steps-5560 Daily Average 5,321
    Dec 15-Steps-3514
    Dec 16-Steps-5053
    Dec 17-Steps-5233
    Dec 18-Steps-4506
    Dec 19- Steps-6773
    Dec 20-Steps-4566
    The one closest to our recipe is ořechový závin (https://www.cooklikeczechs.com/nut-roll-recipe/) but the filling is different. Dennis' grandmother used chopped nuts, breadcrumbs, brown sugar, cinnamon and melted butter to hold that all together in her recipe. The bread part is virtually the same though. We suspect it is because walnuts were not readily available or were too expensive as they were not wealthy immigrants by any standard. We also think this because when the bought the farm, that eventually became their green house business, one of the first things they did was plant a black walnut tree that still stands today producing tons of black walnuts. The other thing we always make for Christmas are koláče (https://www.cooklikeczechs.com/ceske-kolace-authentic-recipe-for-czech-kolache/) because Dennis' grandmother always made them and now our daughter-in-law makes them when we are in Europe. Czechs know their way around breads that is for sure!
    It's so funny that you say you are hard-wiring everything, because we are doing the opposite! We finally got a wireless printer and are now almost completely wifi. Dennis still has his HP computer hardwired, but my Mac laptop is not. We are not heavy users though as we do not run a business or control our heat and lights etc from our computers. I am glad the new iPhone does not hurt Ryan when he holds it. I have a hard time seeing the screen so I prefer my laptop for important things.
    I hit the grocery store today and got all the fresh produce I needed for tree decorating snacks, Christmas Eve snacks and Christmas dinner. I start shopping for ingredients for the holidays in October so by December, all I need is fresh dairy and produce. I make my drop cookies ahead and freeze them so I can get them out as I need them to bake. It's handy when we are visiting and I want to take Christmas cookies.
    Peri-menopause and menopause are two things I really breezed right through with virtually no symptoms at all. I was worse off before with mood swings, cramps, and days when I was so nervous I could barely function. Once my periods stopped, all that stopped too and I did not get the forgetfulness, hot flashes or anything other women mention except the occasional insomnia. My paternal grandmother was the same so it could be a family thing.
    I need to finish wrapping my gifts as the tree goes up on Saturday and I am getting excited!!! The house is going to smell like balsam for the next week and I am ready for it! :bigsmile:
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    Dec 11-Steps-6059
    Dec 12-Steps-6013
    Dec 13-Steps-4029
    Dec 14-Steps-5560 Daily Average 5,321
    Dec 15-Steps-3514
    Dec 16-Steps-5053
    Dec 17-Steps-5233
    Dec 18-Steps-4506
    Dec 19- Steps-6773
    Dec 20-Steps-4566
    Dec 21-Steps-4816 Daily average 4923 :laugh:
    Well, my daily average is shrinking the more the month goes on! :ohwell: I'll worry about that come Jan 1 when I start the Jessica Walk and Talk Challenge, which will more aptly be called the Walk and Pant Challenge!!!! :blushing:
    Today, we are finishing our wrapping and tonight we are driving around town to look at all the pretty Christmas lights. I am really tired today and I think it is the lull before the last mad dash of cooking. Tomorrow's "to do" list is much longer so I need a good night's sleep tonight!!! :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I think I'm pretty settled and ready for our lunch tomorrow. I've already the table set for tomorrow as well.

    Merry Christmas!!
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    Dec 11-Steps-6059
    Dec 12-Steps-6013
    Dec 13-Steps-4029
    Dec 14-Steps-5560 Daily Average 5,321
    Dec 15-Steps-3514
    Dec 16-Steps-5053
    Dec 17-Steps-5233
    Dec 18-Steps-4506
    Dec 19- Steps-6773
    Dec 20-Steps-4566
    Dec 21-Steps-4816 Daily average 4923
    Dec 22-Steps-4864
    Well better than yesterday I guess! :ohwell:
    We are decorating the tree tonight accompanied by our tree decorating snacks and then we watch Miracle on 34th Street. It is our tradition each year. Tomorrow, we also have snacks and enjoy our tree and fire. Sometimes, we watch a movie, but often we just chat about the year. I need to get my table set tomorrow for Christmas dinner. We also got snow today, so the spirit is bright! :smile:
    Merry Christmas! :bigsmile: