Leslie Sansone December 2023 Walk and Workout Challenge



  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,016 Member
    We're having a green Christmas here. Christmas went well for us and my Mom made it over too. 😊
    Today we'll take it easy and rest up for this final week of 2023.

  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,016 Member
    ok, I lied. I didn't rest that much. I overhauled and rearranged my bedroom. Then I did a nearly 40-minute walk outside since it was about 55 out today.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,016 Member
    December Goals

    Mileage Goal 62 / 68
    Apple Challenge: Reach my daily exercise goal 8x. ( that's 20 Apple exercise minutes ) 6/ 8

    Welcome to the final week of 2023! I'm close to my goals and there are more puppies!!! Another 7 puppies were born yesterday afternoon. You can see them on the camera feed too.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    Dec 11-Steps-6059
    Dec 12-Steps-6013
    Dec 13-Steps-4029
    Dec 14-Steps-5560 Daily Average 5,321
    Dec 15-Steps-3514
    Dec 16-Steps-5053
    Dec 17-Steps-5233
    Dec 18-Steps-4506
    Dec 19- Steps-6773
    Dec 20-Steps-4566
    Dec 21-Steps-4816 Daily average 4923
    Dec 22-Steps-4864
    Dec 23-Steps-7090
    Dec 24-Steps-5306
    Dec 25-Steps-5112
    Christmas tree day was epic! Lots of steps getting it in and up as Dennis needed more help than usual. I find it hysterical that I have more steps on days when I was sitting most of the time. :laugh:
    OMG the puppies are so tiny!!!! I even forget how tiny kittens are when they are born. I always see them as full grown cats. Mom #2 seems very protective and watchful. So cute!!!!
    Doesn't it feel good to overhaul your bedroom!!! I always love it when I got to bed and every thing is in tip top shape. In our house, our room is where we put things that are waiting for a home and every now and then, we either find a home or they go!!!!
    It's warm here too and I am over it. You're going to make your December goals by the look of it. I definitely will not!!! But, I am seriously planning my 2024 goals and priorities. I need to read more, move more and organize more. I have over 80 years of photos that need to be put in order and labeled as Dennis and I are the last ones with the memories of who many of these people are. This is the year we get them all organized. Next year, we go after 40 carousels and 2 large boxes of slides! One job at a time! :ohwell:
    I am so glad your Christmas went well!!! We all need to enjoy the last week of 2023 and just chill if we can!!! :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Saw my last client of the year today and have just a bit of admin work in the next day or two. I have a final Christmas gathering on Saturday. After that, I'm done for the year.

    I'm heading off to do some stretching for the night.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    Dec 11-Steps-6059
    Dec 12-Steps-6013
    Dec 13-Steps-4029
    Dec 14-Steps-5560 Daily Average 5,321
    Dec 15-Steps-3514
    Dec 16-Steps-5053
    Dec 17-Steps-5233
    Dec 18-Steps-4506
    Dec 19- Steps-6773
    Dec 20-Steps-4566
    Dec 21-Steps-4816 Daily average 4923
    Dec 22-Steps-4864
    Dec 23-Steps-7090
    Dec 24-Steps-5306
    Dec 25-Steps-5112
    Dec 26-Steps-4104
    OH MY I am in trouble!!! I got My Name is Barbra (Barbra Streisand's memoir) for Christmas and I cannot put it down and it is 59 chapters long!! The way I see it, I have to get this read by Jan 1 so I can start my Walk and Talk challenge! :laugh: My steps are down and will no doubt go lower as I am reading this book constantly. It is so fascinating. She is something else!
    I'll get some steps in tomorrow though as Dennis has his cardio rehab and then we go to Aldi's for our NY's eve and day shop. I really only needed fresh produce, but Dennis decided he wants wings for NY eve and he found a recipe to make them low sodium so now I need to get chicken wings too!
    The rest of this week is getting my planner set up for 2024. I switched from At-A-Glance to the Happy Planner so we shall see. There is a learning curve every time I change planners so I do not do it often, but I needed a less work centered planner now that I do not have meetings and really time sensitive "To Do" lists. We'll see how this one works out.
    I am glad you are done for the year and can take a breather @Deeder522! I always loved the feeling of freedom when I submitted my grades at the end of the semester as my final administrative task!!! Enjoy your last task and the freedom you have when it is DONE! :bigsmile:
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    Dec 11-Steps-6059
    Dec 12-Steps-6013
    Dec 13-Steps-4029
    Dec 14-Steps-5560 Daily Average 5,321
    Dec 15-Steps-3514
    Dec 16-Steps-5053
    Dec 17-Steps-5233
    Dec 18-Steps-4506
    Dec 19- Steps-6773
    Dec 20-Steps-4566
    Dec 21-Steps-4816 Daily average 4923
    Dec 22-Steps-4864
    Dec 23-Steps-7090
    Dec 24-Steps-5306
    Dec 25-Steps-5112
    Dec 26-Steps-4104
    Dec 27-Steps-3396
    Dec 28-Steps-3563
    I have been reading as I knew I would! In addition to Streisand's memoir (where I am already 200+ pages in), I also have Trevor Noah's memoir and Edward Trudeau's biography (he was one of the MDs who worked to fine a cure for TB) to read so my steps are taking a hit. I am such a non-fiction reader and my daughter-in-law sent me Kristin Hannah's, The Nightingale and I am seriously going to try to get into it. Novels tend to lose my interest quickly, but I promise I am going to TRY! :blush:
    We went to the transfer station and the recycling center today and when we got home, we brought in 8 loads of wood so we are all set to read and eat for the next 3 days!!! I already have more steps than I did yesterday! :laugh:
    Actually, Dennis and I have a practice that we have engaged in from the first year we were married. On New Year's Eve day, we get a glass of wine (or beer or a Manhattan for Dennis depending on mood) and we write down everything we accomplished in the prior year. We always look forward to it because we often forgot how much we accomplish year to year, even when we think all we did was "work, take care of children, clean, take car of cars, fuss at each other, get aggravated with our boys" etc etc etc. We look back at the goals we set for the year and often are surprised at how many of them we achieved. Then, we set the goals we have for the next year. It helps so much to have our goals in sync because often Dennis is thinking of some of the same things I am and we simply have not mentioned them to the other yet. On the other hand, sometimes our goals are not even on the other's radar! It is so nice to be working together toward the same goals. :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,016 Member
    It's a bit of a wild end to the work year. When clients try and do things independently only to find out what we do isn't easy. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    I have a gathering to go to tomorrow. I didn't have time or energy to make something so I picked up a selection of crackers and a Ham/Onion cheeseball.

    I've read a few of Kristen Hannah's books and liked them.
    I just finished "The Purest Bond" by Jen Goldbeck. It's about the human-dog connection. I follow her on Social Media. Her "snap" of life with her golden retrievers has been a nice happy spot in my day for a couple of years now.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,016 Member

    December Goals

    Mileage Goal 71 / 68
    Apple Challenge: Reach my daily exercise goal 8x. ( that's 20 Apple exercise minutes ) 8/ 8

    Not including today, I've tracked 967.5 miles this year.

    Well, I made it to the Christmas gathering. It was the 1st time in months that I've eaten food made by someone else. Hours later I threw up. I think it was either the Salad or the meatballs. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Either way, it wasn't what I was expecting.

    Tonight, we do nothing fancy for NYE maybe wear my best PJs for the ball drop. 🤣 I am looking forward to Our little walk challenge in January and want to find a small strength training routine to add in the new year.

    Happy New Year, @zichab and Dennis.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    edited December 2023
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    Dec 11-Steps-6059
    Dec 12-Steps-6013
    Dec 13-Steps-4029
    Dec 14-Steps-5560 Daily Average 5,321
    Dec 15-Steps-3514
    Dec 16-Steps-5053
    Dec 17-Steps-5233
    Dec 18-Steps-4506
    Dec 19- Steps-6773
    Dec 20-Steps-4566
    Dec 21-Steps-4816 Daily average 4923
    Dec 22-Steps-4864
    Dec 23-Steps-7090
    Dec 24-Steps-5306
    Dec 25-Steps-5112
    Dec 26-Steps-4104
    Dec 27-Steps-3396
    Dec 28-Steps-3563
    Dec 29-Steps-4182
    Dec 30-Steps-2961 (Streisand's book is killing my steps!!!)
    I think Garmin gave up on me as they now show my goal steps as 4853 and they were 7478 at the beginning of the month! :laugh: Meh, it has been a relaxing fun month for us so there's that!
    I am looking forward to the 21 day challenge and I have my tracking sheet ready! I need to get my cardio back on track this month. I am going for 21 days, but I am hoping to work up to 30 minutes by the end of the month. In Feb, I'd like to get back to 30 minutes every other day. If I can do that, then in March, I want to do Leslie's Walk if Off in 30, which has the strength workout with weights every other day. Of course, I may totally be overestimating what I can actually do beyond carrying wood, so we shall see! :laugh:
    I hope Hannah's book is good because I will need to report to my daughter-in-law so I need to finish it. 986.7 miles!!!! Woo Hoo!!!! :+1: I have not added mine up but I am pretty sure thay are no where near 900 miles!!
    We did our priorities for next year and I have all the food for tonight ready! Off to celebrate with Mr. zichab!!! Happy New Year @Deeder522, Ryan and son as well as anyone else who is reading here incognito! :bigsmile:
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited December 2023
    I used my step counter for about half of the month and then decided to take it off because some family was gonna stay with us through the holidays and other family members will be in and out. Plus the one staying with us has the two youngest ones, so they always want to be chased or to do the chasing around and lots of active playing also. I'll put it back on the first of January as the house will be sadly quiet again.
    I did a lot of extra cleaning/tidying up and moving things around in preparation for the family with young children who were staying here, as well as general Christmas preparations. It was a fun and active month.
    A belated Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays and any other special Celebration days that anyone is celebrating. See you all In January 2024!

  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,449 Member
    December Goal: Average 6700 steps/day
    Dec 1-Steps-5318
    Dec 2-Steps-5277
    Dec 3-Steps-6166
    Dec 4- Steps-6559
    Dec 5-Steps-8331
    Dec 6-Steps-3057
    Dec 7-Steps-4575-Daily Average 5,611
    Dec 8-Steps-7930
    Dec 9-Steps-3745
    Dec 10-Steps-3915
    Dec 11-Steps-6059
    Dec 12-Steps-6013
    Dec 13-Steps-4029
    Dec 14-Steps-5560 Daily Average 5,321
    Dec 15-Steps-3514
    Dec 16-Steps-5053
    Dec 17-Steps-5233
    Dec 18-Steps-4506
    Dec 19- Steps-6773
    Dec 20-Steps-4566
    Dec 21-Steps-4816 Daily average 4923
    Dec 22-Steps-4864
    Dec 23-Steps-7090
    Dec 24-Steps-5306
    Dec 25-Steps-5112
    Dec 26-Steps-4104
    Dec 27-Steps-3396
    Dec 28-Steps-3563
    Dec 29-Steps-4182
    Dec 30-Steps-2961 (Streisand's book is killing my steps!!!)
    Dec 31-Steps-3996

    December average per day .... 4,984 steps a day! :laugh: A long was from my 6700 step goal! Meh it was a fun month and I have 2024 to fix it! Heading to January! :bigsmile: