
KateInSafety Posts: 1 Member
Im also working on weight loss (20 lbs specifically has creeped up on my the last 2 years) but moreover getting my body into a more healthy and fit place. I'm a bridesmaid at my best friends wedding in Aug and would love to feel and look great!


  • PrfChaos
    PrfChaos Posts: 17 Member
    Happy new year!
    Are you planning on using any specific diet or fitness plans?
    August gives you plenty of time to build those good habits as you make changes. 👍
  • MarieSoleil046
    MarieSoleil046 Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome Kate!

    Great objective you have 😊

    Have any ideas on the habits you want to build to achieve it?

    Feeling good about oneself is the best thing in the world! From what I’ve experienced in the past, whenever I was training consistently 1-2 weeks, I felt so confident and sexy in my body (even though there was no visual changes yet).

    Wish you the best of success 😉