Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,157 Member
    edited January 4
    @sleepygirl79 – I put my scale on the same tile every time, too. Once I’m out of this boot, I’m going to test out different tiles. I’m so curious now! I feel ya on the night time snacking. It’s a terrible issue for me because I’m such a night owl. I can’t typically go to sleep before 1am. Fruit just doesn’t cut it. I’m planning on making some hummus soon (gotta motivate to cook the chickpeas). That is a lot more satisfying to eat with crunchy carrots. Maybe if you found something with protein it could help?
    @FushiaKat – Love your Christmas Contest room…especially the house with the rooftop tree :)
    @Katmary71 – I am so sorry about all the pain you’re in. I wish I could wave a magic wand over you and make it all better. You are such an inspiration – you never give up and are such a positive person. Wish I could do more than just offering Hugs from afar.
    @19shmoo69 – LOL on the lips not turning blue! And your response was perfect! See…we KNEW you could do it!
    @trooworld – Kismet is as soft as a cloud :) Nice job pre-tracking and getting your water in…YAY!
    @Jactop – It’s so great to “see” you! You are gonna LOVE being a gramma!
    @TeresaW2024 – 3,000 pieces?!? Holy tofu that’s a lot of pieces! Be sure to share a picture when it’s complete. I am not good at puzzles. I had 2 coworkers that used to do puzzles on their breaks and I’d try to help. Sadly their entire office was moved into a different building, so no more socializing over puzzles. I’ll live vicariously through you :)
    Hunter went with me yesterday to pick up my groceries and then carried them all into the house for me. I should be set for the next 2 weeks or so…got 3 packs of tofu (I split each one into 3 servings) that I’ll eat with a grain (most likely quinoa) and veggies. Bought 8 bags of frozen veggies. Some fresh produce and a package of baked falafel that I’m going to give a try. I’m thinking the sauce I’ll make this week will be my nacho cheeze (I make it with potatoes, carrots, nooch & spices). I had to pull some chili in the freezer out to make room for all the veggies, so that will be lunch for a few days. I’m excited to use my new cutting board….my previous pastor has a small business. He uses reclaimed wood from old pews and makes them into cutting boards. It’s actually one of my birthday gifts from my mom, so technically I shouldn’t use it until the 16th, but she’ll deal HAHA
    Wish me luck this evening as I attempt to get the rest of my dishes washed (Hunter said she would help, but didn’t) and a couple loads of laundry done. Sucks being on a knee scooter. My son, DIL and sweet Sophie-Bear are driving up tomorrow and staying overnight. Can’t wait to see them!
    Here’s to all of us last-minute peeps!
    I decided on my 2024 mantra. It makes me giggle. Side note: The “s” word has always been my “family’s word”. Like it was never considered a cuss word on my mom’s side of the family. I grew up hearing everyone use it…even my devout grandmother :) I know MFP auto changes it to the word "kitten", so here it is with spaces LOL: Quit slacking and make s h ! t happen!
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 507 Member
    Good morning! Trying to get back track this week:). December was fun, busy and crazy but I totally went off the rails.. I am back at the gym this week, have hardly been here in 3 weeks😔 Just doing a real quick check in while waiting in line at the gym. I have pretracked today as I am taking my grandkiddos and mom out for mini golf and brunch. Tracking has never been a challenge for me before but for some reason it sure has been these last few weeks.
    Time to spin:)
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 625 Member
    edited January 4
    @vegan4lyfe2012 - 9 days with no added sugar, that's a positive. Now do it again and strivefor 10 days. Baby steps and you'll get there.
    @gemwolf110 - Yesterday, I was the second kitty. I was "You've got to be kitten me", this morning. After I got my husband off to work, I went back to bed.
    @19shmoo69 – Lips stop turning blue...lol. I haven't heard that NSV before. That sure is a good one to overcome.
    @sleepygirl79 - I sometimes find myself wanting to snack late at night too. I try drinking water. Most the time, it's not a true hunger. It's more of an old habit wanting to peek it's way back in my life or just being bored. You could try finding a snack with more protein in it. Protein is supposed to help keep you fuller longer. My bathroom scale has to be put in the exact same spot or it does that. I guess my tiles aren't even or something. You could check the batteries too, sometimes that will cause it too be irregular.
    @Jactop - Welcome! Our son is having his first baby in May. I'm excited about being a gramma too.
    @TeresaW2024 - I had a black kitty when I was younger too. I had to put a little bell on her neck so I could find her. Way to go with the full body workout!
    @JadeGypsyxo - Sometimes we just need to focus on our NSV. Congratulations on the loss.
    @FushiaKat - I like your Christmas room. Good luck with the Contest.
    @Katmary71 - Yay! For not eating the cookies. Oh....I put the elephant in the wall and put drywall over it. So you can't see it. But it's trunk is up and facing the front door to protect the house from negative energy.
    @trooworld - I pretrack all my foods too. Otherwise, I end up not eatting enough calories. I also just like planning ahead. Glad everyone is feeling better. My husband has had a terrible cough for the past week, I'm grateful I have not caught it.

    Good morning!
    I'm back to the routine of things. Having my husband home can really through off my routine. I get so much more done when he's at work. I pretracked my food, did a full body workout, cleaned the house and made some chicken and wild rice soup. It was a NO ZERO DAY!

    💪Mission Slimpossible Strong!💪

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,213 Member
    I like Tigger.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    edited January 4
    @JadeGypsyxo It's up to you if you want to log the weights that aren't your current weight, thought I'd add that to Darren's answer.

    @trooworld Thank you! I hope Emergen-C helps! I need to stock up on some too just in case. Beautiful day yesterday, hope today is too!

    @TeresaW2024 Yum that recipe is great, I'll have to make it after a store trip as I don't have Northern beans (maybe dry I'll have to check) and a few other things but I will make it soon! Thank you for sharing I pinned it. That's right I remember you sharing how you met your husband. I can't remember do you watch any of the Bravo shows? I just finished a book about the Hilton family, pretty interesting read. Good luck with the puzzle! I discovered Kohls had boxes you can buy to stick presents in that are ridiculous, one was a 5000 puzzle that was one shade of blue with a tiny square of white, I was so tempted to get that to give my youngest nephew but had got him a boxed set of books that wouldn't fit.

    @gemwolf110 I love this quote, right now the majority of us just started getting back on track and it feels like it's going super slow but we WILL see the results over time and it IS worth it.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 You're doing great with having healthy food around, congrats on the restocking! Baked falafel sounds good, I've only had Trader Joe's ones and loved them. A new cutting board is perfect to make healthy meals with, the cutting board sounds awesome, I love that idea to make cutting boards with. I have a dream cutting board but it was $75 before Covid (goes on top of all the stove burners, I don't have much room in my kitchen) so I'm sure it's more now. Good luck with the chores tonight! If it's too much take advantage of your son's family being there and have them help you while you hold the baby!

    @laurelfit57 Yay so happy to see you! You definitely sound set up for a great day!

    @Veta2018 Wow you were hardcore and did amazing today, way to go!

    @txcritter69 Aw Tigger is a beauty, he looks like a big kitty! How do you plan to organize the rooms? Lots of vertical storage would be very handy especially with a craft area!

    Hi team! I've done good today, started out with my workout then I went to the food bank farm greenhouse and thinned seedlings and started seeds. I went to the holistic clinic for about 30 minutes to use the Terahertz machine on my feet (I brought the new practitioner a bunch of artwork to check out because she had a picture of a Native American woman with a wolf on her wall and one of my favorite artists specialized in similar artwork). I have a couple hours then have a charity board meeting at a restaurant I've never been to. Not sure if I'm eating here or there, the only thing in my calorie range is a $20 salad and it doesn't sound all that exciting. I finally ordered a new carafe to make batches of hot tea and I'm loving having it ready whenever I need a refill, I'm posting my mug for @gemwolf110 because her mug reminded me of it! Definitely a no zeros kinda day! r1bgiiltpuqw.jpg
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    Weigh-ins Needed: @megnolia82 @littlebabekitty @tylaK2015

    Friday Weigh-in reminders for @Veta2018 @bethanie0825 @Cornanda @davors19 @trooworld @TeresaW2024

    I have a question for those in Goal Zone and Team Support, would you like reminders to weigh in? @FushiaKat @micaroo4 @broncobuddee and @vegan4lyfe1012 please let me know, I don't mind if you'd like me to, as long as I have weigh in days it doesn't take much longer.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    @JadeGypsyxo It's up to you if you want to log the weights that aren't your current weight, thought I'd add that to Darren's answer.

    @trooworld Thank you! I hope Emergen-C helps! I need to stock up on some too just in case. Beautiful day yesterday, hope today is too!

    @TeresaW2024 Yum that recipe is great, I'll have to make it after a store trip as I don't have Northern beans (maybe dry I'll have to check) and a few other things but I will make it soon! Thank you for sharing I pinned it. That's right I remember you sharing how you met your husband. I can't remember do you watch any of the Bravo shows? I just finished a book about the Hilton family, pretty interesting read. Good luck with the puzzle! I discovered Kohls had boxes you can buy to stick presents in that are ridiculous, one was a 5000 puzzle that was one shade of blue with a tiny square of white, I was so tempted to get that to give my youngest nephew but had got him a boxed set of books that wouldn't fit.

    @gemwolf110 I love this quote, right now the majority of us just started getting back on track and it feels like it's going super slow but we WILL see the results over time and it IS worth it.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 You're doing great with having healthy food around, congrats on the restocking! Baked falafel sounds good, I've only had Trader Joe's ones and loved them. A new cutting board is perfect to make healthy meals with, the cutting board sounds awesome, I love that idea to make cutting boards with. I have a dream cutting board but it was $75 before Covid (goes on top of all the stove burners, I don't have much room in my kitchen) so I'm sure it's more now. Good luck with the chores tonight! If it's too much take advantage of your son's family being there and have them help you while you hold the baby!

    @laurelfit57 Yay so happy to see you! You definitely sound set up for a great day!

    @Veta2018 Wow you were hardcore and did amazing today, way to go!

    @txcritter69 Aw Tigger is a beauty, he looks like a big kitty! How do you plan to organize the rooms? Lots of vertical storage would be very handy especially with a craft area!

    Hi team! I've done good today, started out with my workout then I went to the food bank farm greenhouse and thinned seedlings and started seeds. I went to the holistic clinic for about 30 minutes to use the Terahertz machine on my feet (I brought the new practitioner a bunch of artwork to check out because she had a picture of a Native American woman with a wolf on her wall and one of my favorite artists specialized in similar artwork). I have a couple hours then have a charity board meeting at a restaurant I've never been to. Not sure if I'm eating here or there, the only thing in my calorie range is a $20 salad and it doesn't sound all that exciting. I finally ordered a new carafe to make batches of hot tea and I'm loving having it ready whenever I need a refill, I'm posting my mug for @gemwolf110 because her mug reminded me of it! Definitely a no zeros kinda day! r1bgiiltpuqw.jpg

    I LOVE that mug!
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 91 Member
    trooworld wrote: »
    @morenin OH what a pretty kitty! Those eyes are incredible! What's their name? Oh sodium...I use way too much. I feel your struggle! Congrats on the drop!

    His name is Magellan! He is a major cuddle bug, but when he's not supervising his humans, he loves to poke his nose into anything and everything exploring!

    Yeah... As soon as I tried cutting down on sodium, and drinking more water, I immediately lost some. I guess sodium's a bigger problem than I thought. I weighed in today and I was done another pound. I guess I need to be more consistent with water, and get rid of my personal salt shaker.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,405 Member

    Can’t believe it’s already Friday! I’ve tracked most days this week! Unfortunately, I went over all of the daily nutrient goals so that’s something I need to work on. But tracking is definitely a good first step. Didn’t get my exercise in this week. Got a chunk of my schoolwork done at least. 2 of 3 assignments completed and submitted. Whoohoo.

    Weekend is looking to be good. Busy Saturday and Sunday might be just relaxing or continuing work on organizing the house. Goal is to have it ready to go if I’m in the position to sell in a few years and buy a house in the country. Hindsight I should have bought a house in the country originally but wasn’t thinking. Live and learn right?

    Hope everyone has a fantastic Friday!

    ~ Missy
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,065 Member
    PW: 239.0
    CW: 239.8

    +0.8 lbs
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,065 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Oh that helps, too lol. Yeah, I'm trying to stick to my plan, too, especially because it is a "no spend month" so no eating out lol. Oh no, I hope you aren't getting an ear infection, either! Those are so painful. 3,000 pieces, wow! That's cool that you and Joe met online and wow, you guys are brave, moving in together before meeting but look, it worked out! :D

    @gemwolf110 That is such a good quote, thanks for sharing!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 She looks it. Thank you! Your cutting board sounds cool. I'm sorry Hunter didn't help with the laundry and dishes, I hope you can manage. How are you doing with the healing? I love your phrase of the year! LOL Awesome!

    @laurelfit57 You got this! Enjoy your day today.

    @Veta2018 Oh gosh, I have the opposite problem lol. I am glad you didn't get your husband's bug. Congrats on a great day!

    @txcritter69 Tigger is gorgeous! I'm jealous you have a craft room. :D Good luck with the organizing.

    @Katmary71 I think I may be okay, he's back to work and I'm fine! Yes, it was beautiful down here as well. Sounds like a busy day. Your mug is really cute!

    @morenin What a great name for an exploring kitty! Great observation with the salt. I'm sorry your personal shaker has to go. Congrats on the loss!

    @Cornanda Yeah, I feel your pain: I had a gain after "trying" only to realize that I've only been tracking and drinking extra water since Tuesday.

    Hi all. I also am disappointed by the results of my efforts. But then I have to look at how long I've been "efforting" and it is no surprise: since Tuesday, I have been tracking and drinking extra water but 3 days is not enough. 7 days is the goal next week!

    No Zero Days: water was good, pretracked, had fruit for snacks

    Please fill out our survey by tonight at 8 pm PST: https://forms.gle/hrtVY35g64TVPEz39

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 151 Member
    Username: TeresaW1020
    Weigh in week:  Week 1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 252.0
    CW: 248.8

  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,213 Member
    @Katmary71 - I usually remember; I don't think I've ever missed a weigh-in. So I probably don't need a reminder. Thanks for thinking of those of us in maintenance.
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 292 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 255
    CW: 255
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,405 Member
    865jessica wrote: »
    @TeresaW2024- Your plans of reality tv and puzzle solving sounds like a good day. I hope your not getting an ear infections they are the worse.

    Time to be honest here, I've really slipped back into old eating habits. I'm snacking often and eating large meals. When I snack its sweets and salty things. I know what works because I saw it for months when I was focused and in control of myself. So my weight has gone up 5-6lbs over the last three weeks. I'm saying all this to hold myself accountable. My goal is to check in daily plus get back into the good habits I had before.
    -exercise 3x a week
    -130oz water daily
    -calories between 1600-1800.

    Urgh that was me yesterday. Just frustrated 😩 today I’m a bit blah. 😕
This discussion has been closed.