Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity #2: SET SOME 🥅GOALS🥅!



  • vexedangel678
    vexedangel678 Posts: 263 Member
    edited January 1
    Winter Weight Goal - Lose another 5%

    Exercise - 20 minutes whole body workout each weekday morning (combining cardio and strength) and 10 minute walk each weekday lunch; trying to add in a hike each weekend

    Nutrition - Combination of Mediterranean diet and whole foods plant-based diet; probably allowing myself one (still controlled) cheat day a week. Haven't been drinking alcohol since beginning of August, but that isn't a hard and fast commitment. Use Intermittent Fasting (12-8 pm eating window)

    Health - Working toward getting off my 2 blood pressure medications and avoiding a statin; might see about getting back on metformin if needed, but hopefully only temporarily.

    Mental health - continuing to manage my depression and anxiety in healthy ways; helping my family manage theirs as well.

    OVERALL PHILOSOPHY as I am feeling the effects of aging--USE IT so I don't LOSE IT. Keep my body and mind strong.
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,730 Member
    edited January 1

    Why? I need to get my SPARKLE back! 2023 was an extremely difficult year, started out fabulous but quickly took a nosedive. I reverted back to all those old habits of not eating healthy and being on my seat instead of my feet. Looking back at pictures from 2020-2022 I realized I used to smile genuinely and had a SPARKLE in my eye that is no longer there. Eating healthy, intense exercise and a positive attitude gave me the SPARKLE and I'm going to get it back.

    Exercise: 60 minutes minimum daily with increased intensity to combat stress. Walk a minimum 250 steps 12/12 hours... 13,000 - 15,000 daily. FUNctional Fitness 2 - 3 days weekly.

    Nutrition: Back to basics... Track Everything, Stay Within Calorie Range, 80oz Water, More Freggies, Balance Macros

    Health: Get bp out of high range and back to normal. Reduce STRESS!
  • katiecondy1
    katiecondy1 Posts: 3,790 Member
    keep a plan so the plan can work.
  • Retired_Sue
    Retired_Sue Posts: 12,638 Member
    edited January 2
    Exercise - 6 days with stretching/light workout one day a week (rest day)

    Nutrition - Follow Whole Body Reset for eating plan.

    Movement - Set a daily step goal and get up and move every hour to achieve it.

    Weight - Work towards achieving my 5% goal or at least half of it.

    Mind Over Matter - Do 5 minutes of daily journalling

  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 556 Member
    Exercise - Organized class twice a week, weight lift once a week, fun exercise on Saturdays (ice skating right now), get my steps up on days I don't exercise

    Nutrition - Add in more vegetables, add in a vegan lunch once a week, green smoothie 4-5x a week, going to focus on eating more from my own garden since I'm lucky enough to have one, AF 25/31 days in January

    Health - Get my cholesterol lowered and keep my blood sugars lowered through the year. I managed to beat back my pre-diabetes diagnosis two years ago and I would like to keep my numbers in good standing for the next year

    Weight - If I can lose 15 lbs this year I will be extraordinarily happy! (already down 3 ( I think it was just water though), so I'm possibly going to reevaluate that goal in a few weeks)

    Mental health - meditate in the mornings 5-10 mins, Try and complete simple abundance
  • sushynes
    sushynes Posts: 1,127 Member
    Goals: I kind of already set them in the last activity.


    1) to work up on the elliptical from 5 minutes twice a day to 10 minutes twice a day within the next 6 weeks.
    2) continue to incorporate my calisthenics 3x a week, free weights the other 3x/days a week.
    3) continue my stretching exercises for my plantar fascitis heel at least 3-4 times a day.
    4) try to include aerobics (WALK AWAY THE POUNDS) by end of January/February, plantar fascitis disappearing hopefully by then.


    1) continue to eat balanced meals but stay within my 1200-1400 calorie range for 6 out of 7 days, having 1 cheat day.
    2) continue to drink at least 5 bottles of water a day.
    3) most important: stop buying chocolate with almonds and do not bake any more holiday cookies/brownies.
    4) eat half breakfast omelette when I go out to eat for breakfast.
    5) eat half dinner when I go out for dinner.

    To get even further below my BMI range. Continue to have lower cholesterol and good blood test results. To feel comfortable in my bathing suit this summer. To have my clothes feel looser since I've gained a bit of weight since last December. To continue to feel healthy and energetic each day. To feel good about myself and not be a yo yo dieter. I want to break the cycle of gaining after I lose a lot of weight, and I know I can do it. I've done it throughout the year, just not consistently long enough. I did it before and can do it again!

  • hicim705
    hicim705 Posts: 5,587 Member
    edited January 5
    As an Overall Leader of the 5% Challenges and the researcher/writer of most of the Pre-Challenge Activities, I've taken the time to read all previous comments. You all inspire me to try to be my best each and every day ~ THANK YOU!!

    ~ Nutrition: Get back to the basics. Record nutritional intake (AT LEAST 5 days/week to begin with) to ensure a tracking of what is eaten and where adjustments should be made. Limit take-out and strive for more natural, less processed foods. If it is 'natural' it is usually good to eat. If the food is processed, determine if I really **need** that item or if I could have something more natural (fruits/veggies/even meats) in its place.
    ~ Exercise: I had a plan in 2023 to exercise roughly 23 miles/week for every week of 2023. I achieved that goal 51 out of 52 weeks. For 2024, I'll plan exercise ... 24 miles/week for every week of 2024 and will strive for 7,500 steps/day. I would like to have a goal of 10,000 steps/day but this is difficult having a desk job. I want to ensure consistency and success, not set myself up for failure.
    ~ Non-health related: Looking forward to retirement. I should be able to do so at the end of August/September, but I got a pretty good increase in 2023 and would like to ensure a full year at that salary/job description before making the move into retirement (or even semi-retirement).

    Heidi (hicim705)
    Overall Co-Leader, Seasonal 5% Challenges
    2024 Winter 5% Challenge ~ Captain 🔴🌡️RED HOTS🌡️🔴
    Co-Leader, Seasonal 5% Challenges ~ ✍️🖊️📓💻Bloggers✍️🖊️📓💻!!
    Co-Leader, In Between Leader Team for the 5% Challenge
    Co-Leader, In-Between Challenges (IBC) 🐦🔥Phoenix Team🐦🔥
  • 130StrongerEachYear
    130StrongerEachYear Posts: 417 Member
    Try to think about achieving balance in your life which is necessary to have a healthy lifestyle.
    ~ Set a specific goal (or goals).

    I want to get to a healthy weight. My blood pressure medicine has already been cut by 75%...I want to get to zero.

    I also want to be strong enough to pick up everything around the house that needs to be picked up. I have often relied on my husband but he is losing his memory significantly and his health is failing. I know sometime in the next few years all the heavy lifting will be up to me.

    ~ give yourself a timeline.

    My initial time line is the 5% Challenge and I am committing to losing 8 pounds in this challenge In 70 days. I intend to increase the weight I am lifting in the challenge from the 3 pounds I am using now to 10 pounds by getting to 5 then 10. I intend to stay on Keto with intermittent fasting for the next 70 days so that I am healthy and losing weight on a consistent basis.

    ~ WHY?
    Without health and strength - I have limited energy and I struggle to do some of the everyday living activities. I want my life to be easier not harder.

    ~ EXERCISE - Make an appointment

    I do my exercise in the morning before I get busy doing anything else. I have been walking nearly every day and I found that if I take half my walking time to do a strength routine...I could fit it into my schedule and not miss the exercise.

    ~ NUTRITION? How will you nourish your body?

    I am doing time restricted eating which is a subset of Intermittent Fasting. I am going to rotate some OMADS fasting days into the two meal a day that I had been doing for the last 6 months. I do healthy Keto that includes meats and proteins with low starch vegetables. I generally have a huge salad with some chicken, or shrimp, or pork for lunch and then a protein with a non-starchy vegetable for dinner.

    Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity #2: SET SOME GOALS! see above
  • Kateljm
    Kateljm Posts: 1,879 Member
    Setting Goals for the 2024 Winter 5% Challenge:

    Specific: To lose at least 3 pounds, and build a foundation of strength training by 3/16. In addition, to create a habit of going to bed by 11 p.m. by 3/16, moving my curfew earlier by 6 minutes each week, at least 5 days out of 7. (I need about 8 hours in bed to generate 7 hours of actual sleep. I need to be consistent to train my body to naturally yield to sleep when I go to bed in order to achieve my body's necessary recovery.)

    WHY? "My life depends on this!" With many good health markers, I am working on improving my weaker health habits to stave off health crises. Diagnosed with beginning Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in May 2023, I have learned that "everything matters." (Guess what, no matter what health crisis hits you as your body responds to aging, "everything matters" to you, too!)

    - Cardio: 60 minutes of brisk walking or 30 minutes of intervals (C25K) daily.
    - Strength Training: 30 minutes 3 times a week using Precision Nutrition direction
    - Wind Down: Yoga, gentle stretching, or 20-minute warm soak to wind down before bed.

    - Mindful Eating per Precision Nutrition
    - 3 servings of fruit daily
    - 5 servings of non-starchy vegetables daily
    - will test switch to 100g of protein daily to enhance muscle building
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,531 Member
    @gouldsgranite, I LOVE your goal, “Practice yoga daily. Continue with the Yoga with Adriene series“