Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity #5: Mindful Eating vs. Emotional Eating



  • 130StrongerEachYear
    130StrongerEachYear Posts: 417 Member
    For the last 7 months I was consistent with IF and Keto and then came New Years weekend when I was out of town in an AirBNB with my children and grandchildren for my brothers wedding. There were snacks all over the place and we watched rival football games, I started having some popcorn and ended up eating the whole bag and having some pecan coffee cake, and having some She-Crab Soup...none of which I have been eating. And I found myself constantly hungry and looking for more snacks. In 4 days I gained 6 pounds. That has me convinced that I do not want to eat this many carbs. Certainly a lesson in how mindless eating and carbs result in hunger.
    Once I got home and focused on the Healthy Keto and IF 18:6 that I had been hunger dropped immediately.
    So a lifetime of limited carbs is how I will stay healthy.
  • Kateljm
    Kateljm Posts: 1,879 Member
    I am mostly a Mindful Eater. I do best when I ask myself first if I have yet to fulfill a nutritional need before I reach for something empty or less kind to the body.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,803 Member
    hicim705 wrote: »
    itladyee wrote: »
    @itladyee ~ Hey there!! If I'm totally honest, I'm a lot like you ... asking the questions and answering however and doing **all the wrong things** anyway. However, one more thing that you can/should consider is that quite frankly, the only one that you will be hurting is YOU. Learn the difference between physical and emotional hunger! I feel that you and I both struggle with this ... perhaps we need to keep each other accountable!!

    i love this!! i have such a different mindset this year and i hope it last...someone mentioned being "real", and you saying being ...totally honest...and I plan to be...the good, the bad the ugly! i get that in the long run...its only me that suffers...but I think I found my why....and that was my challenge. The superficial why's didn't work... for example: being able to play with my grandson. I play with him now.. we have a great time. Even at fewer pounds...I'm not sure I'm going to jump on a trampoline but we still play and it's fulfilling. So yes, keeping each other accountable is awesome!! I will confirm we are friends and we can take it further (texting) as I'm not always online if you desire!