Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • Oldmfp
    Oldmfp Posts: 28 Member
    edited January 6
    @gemwolf110 Awesome quote, I am saving it.

    Since you guys are sharing your kitties. Here's my Angela cat. She think shes human hehe ☺


    @Teresaw2024 I also struggle with insomnia. Most days I have to take a melatonin to sleep. It really affects my day and energy. Im trying my best to establish a night routine. Sorry to hear about your pastor. Prayers that it will all work out 🙏

    I've been doing good with diet but some days I get sucked into the snack bing at the end of the day. I made a healthy snacks list to help me remember to eat healthier snacks. I am going to try to do better next week. Let me know you have any more healthy snacks ideas and would like to add to the list for inspiration. 🌟

    Healthy Snacks: 🍏 🥕 🧀

    Raw veggies and Ranch or Hummus
    Mozarrella string cheese and nuts/seeds
    Mozarella string cheese and olives
    Grape Tomatoes & cheese
    Grape Tomatoes and nuts or seeds
    Cottage cheese and stevia
    Greek Yogurt and Fruit or stevia
    Cellery and nut butter
    Keto crackers and cheese
    Keto crackers and avocado
    Sugarsnap or Snow peas
    Keto baked chips and salsa
    Edamame or chickpeas
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    @littlebabekitty Just saw you snuck in between my posts, Angela is such a beautiful cat! You reminded me of a snack that's actually pretty low cal, I take a Mission carb balance tortilla and put one serving pizza sauce, cheese, then japapenos (Trader Joe's sweet and spicy are so good), artichoke hearts, and kalamata olives and put in the air fryer. Can do bean tortillas like this too for 250-400 calories.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,975 Member
    @littlebabekitty - Angela is beautiful!
  • tammymccrady6278
    tammymccrady6278 Posts: 219 Member
    Weigh in day Saturday
    PW 199.2
    CW 196.6

    Good morning! Hope everyone has a great day today. I’m back on track this week even though it has been so stressful. I had a great walk last night with my fur baby. She is on a diet too lol. She is 15lbs and vet says she needs to lose about 3 It is psi hard for me to reduce her food intake lol. She is constantly going to her bowl and licking the emptiness of it. I feel so bad for her. She doesn’t understand. On the other end of the scale our Great Dane is about 120 and is in good shape. I’m glad we chose a girl over a male as they can get to about 200 crazy right? Well this morning I’m on my way down to in in-laws to get her to have a shower. Let’s hope she is agreeable. I have to share this. While she was in hospital I had went down to clean out her fridge as it was a disaster. Did you know tha dill pickles will actually mold and turn white while still in their juice? I saw expiration dates that went back to 2013. lol. But it is all up to date and clean as a whistle now. Well I had better get my butt in gear so will check in later.
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,115 Member
    @teresaw2024- I struggle with sleeping too! Have not found anything that really helps.

    @19shmoo69 - I open two MFP windows and switch back and forth so I can look at the discussion on one and write my post on the other. I don't post that often though- definitely not a pro. Things are very active on here right now and just my opinion, but it would be great if you posted some of your funny stuff until you get the hang of all these responses.

    I love reading all these posts, but I get sort of overwhelmed on responding.

    FYI- I finished Demon Copperhead and it was excellent.

    I'm happy with the progress I made this week. Now to keep myself together over the weekend. There is more I can do next week and I will try to put that in place as well.


  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,230 Member
    @sleepygirl79 – Hmmm…something protein packed but not hummus. I’m gonna have to think about that. Hummus or air-popped popcorn are my typical go-tos.
    @Veta2018 – Potatoes are life! I think I may have mentioned it last week, but I discovered a delicious way to cook Idaho potatoes. If you have an Instant Pot, put 1” water in the bottom, add a steamer tray. Scrub and prick them and pressure cook for 14 minutes and let them natural release. Holy tofu are they delicious…just plain with nothing added. Flaky, moist and yummy. We eat them plain, hot or cold, like an apple!
    @littlebabekitty – Hang in there. Hugs. Angela is so cute! A snack list is a great idea…no struggling in the moment. Just refer to the list and pick one! I think I’m going to work on a snack list today.
    @tammymccrady6278 – I’m so sorry you have to deal with adult siblings misbehaving when everyone should be focused on their mother. Definitely take time for yourself each day. And no…never knew pickles could mold in their juice like that! Pickles don’t last long around my family :) How sweet of you to get it all cleaned out. Sounds like it really needed it.
    @19shmoo69 – That is awful…maybe the tannins are affecting your serotonin? That can cause headaches. Regardless, I’m sorry. I’ll drink lots of tea for you.
    I had a nice, quick visit with son and family. Hunter was still over when they arrived, so you get to see a picture of my Grammy Awards. They are so stinkin’ cute I can’t stand it!

    Welp, we have snow on the ground and I’m feeling bad that I had promised a couple people I’d get to the post office today to get things sent to them. Well ya know what? It’s gonna wait until Monday cuz this chick is not about to slip and fall while hopping on one foot. I’m going to take some time to sip some tea and write up some weight loss goals and strategies. And watch another episode or two of Reacher. My son and DIL raved about it last night and had me watch the first episode. I don’t see why so many people are drooling over the guy, but it’s an intriguing story, so I have to see where it goes.
    I hope everyone has a great weekend! Don’t forget to drink your water!
    2024 Mantra: Quit slacking and make s h ! t happen!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Congrats on that loss! I suppose if you have to not sleep when you are supposed to be sleeping, that's a good topic to think about. :D It's good to self-reflect. We got this!!! I really hope the potential pastor works out. I can see why it would be important to have an understanding and good boss. Working from home is nice, I still do it once a week!

    @865jessica Great goals, Jessica. You got this!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Oh how wonderful! I'm so glad. Oh my gosh, those kids! So cute! You look totally smitten, too. Just stay in and enjoy that snow day! Do not risk it.

    @sleepygirl79 Thank you! OH gosh, I do love a good Chinese buffet! Enjoy your weekend.

    @Veta2018 Whoa that blog IS interesting! I don't know how I feel about that, I do love potatoes. I will definitely still have a potato.

    @littlebabekitty I'm sorry you are under stress and not feeling well. HUGS. Oh Angela is beautiful! I love her coat and markings. Thanks for sharing! That's a great list of snacks. Yum!

    @Jactop You can just right-click over one of the empty ones and select "RENAME" but I renamed a tab for you. ;) Feel free to change your sheet in any way you want!

    @tammymccrady6278 That sounds stressful! That's a good goal. Congrats on the loss! That's a lot to lose for a little girl (your pup). I'm trying to get one of our pugs to lose weight and give her less food and I think she hates me lol. Wow, a 200 lb dog would be crazy! I'm glad you cleaned out your in-law's fridge. I hope they weren't eating that stuff!

    @Katmary71 Thanks and yes, it is hard! Have a great Saturday! LOL --> the meme. It's so me!

    @19shmoo69 What I do is open a blank Notepad document (it's available on all PCs) and write my post in there. This keeps everything together and I never lose my post. Then, I just copy and paste it into MFP. Good morning! :D

    @Cornanda and everyone else: Please don't feel like you have to respond to everything. Just do what you want to/can. No worries!

    @Cornanda I'm glad you liked Demon Copperhead. Have a great weekend!

    Hi all. I woke up with a screaming migraine. I took some medication but it makes me nauseous so now I have to deal with that. I also have a runny/snotty nose. I don't know if it is allergies or I'm getting what my husband had this past week. :( I sure don't feel like going to get groceries, but I will do it.

    No Zero Days: water was good, pretracked, had non-starchy veggies with lunch

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 397 Member
    edited January 6
    Username: askewcr
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    PW: 258
    CW: 258.5
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    @Katmary71 @19shmoo69 and I will chat about the results. There were some really good ideas!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    Good morning,
    I've been reading all the healthy snack suggestions and I'm surprised no one has mentioned hard boiled eggs. My goto snacks are hard boiled eggs, greek yogurt, and nuts.(almonds, cashews, pistachios) Pistachios are the best because they have a shell and take longer to eat. Also, if I know I'm eating for the wrong reasons, I eat raw vegetables(carrots, celery, or broccoli) with hummus. Today should be a relaxing day. My husband is working a double, so I'll probably do some reading.

    💪Mission Slimpossible Strong!💪

  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 125 Member
    @Katmary71- Thanks for the suggestion on frozen yogurt with fruit. That sounds so good. I did air popped popcorn for months and I do like it as a snack. It's really the fact that Christmas treats and candy have been about that made it easier for me just to do chocolate candy instead of healthier options.

    Weigh in day- Saturday

    Exercise 3x a week- accomplished
    130oz daily water- accomplished
    Calories 1600-1800 - failed

    Going to keep working on meeting my goals daily.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 542 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    Weigh-ins Needed: @megnolia82 @littlebabekitty @tylaK2015

    Friday Weigh-in reminders for @Veta2018 @bethanie0825 @Cornanda @davors19 @trooworld @TeresaW2024

    I have a question for those in Goal Zone and Team Support, would you like reminders to weigh in? @FushiaKat @micaroo4 @broncobuddee and @vegan4lyfe1012 please let me know, I don't mind if you'd like me to, as long as I have weigh in days it doesn't take much longer.

    Thank you that will help keep me on track this year. I did a really bad thing last night; I woke up in the middle of the night and ate a piece of my husband's birthday cake. I'm not feeling too good about that and am getting back on track today. Some days are just harder than others.
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 263 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Your grandbabies are precious!! <3<3

    @trooworld I’m sorry that you woke up with a migraine. I remember how much you suffered from those. <3

    @Veta2018 You are right that hard-boiled eggs are great snacks. I will make some this week! I keep Pistachios in the shells too for snacking and agree that if they are not in the shell then I’m eating way to many.

    Hey everyone! So, my morning started with Joe passing out on me. He does that when his blood pressure drops. The good news was that I was right there to catch him and get him on the floor. Once he had his meds and breakfast he was fine. We went to the brunch and both of us are hopeful for his new pastor. I have no doubts that we will be voting him in tomorrow and I am so relieved! There are still also unknowns but at least after a year and a half, we have something worth praising about! :D After that we went to see the baby. He is sooooo cute!!
    Word for 2024 - Strive
  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 125 Member
    @micaroo4- I also struggle with stopping when I start snacking. I had done good for three/four months of laying off the snacking and just focusing on my meals. I just have to get back to what I know works for me.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    The January Week 2 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin tomorrow, Sunday, Jan 7th. Get in, get your name on the list and then, the mystery begins!!! Should make for a fun, FUN week! See you there!

    Here's your link:


    Jessica :smiley:
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 139 Member
    Not feeling well, so eating easy food and sleeping a lot instead of moving. Hopefully I can get back on track soon.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    @tammymccrady6278 i did not know that about pickles. Your story reminds me of an episode of Duck Dynasty. Godwin found a jar of pickles and ate them because “they never go bad”. Well (LOL) yes they do.
    @Cornanda Funny Stuff? Hmmmmm?
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Thank you for the tea sacrifice. My wife likes Reacher. We had talked about watching it together and then BOOM she is through and waiting for the next episode. SMH
    Beautiful grandbabies!! Grandbabies are the best!!!
    @teresaW2024 and @katmary71 I could not find WORD so I went with DOCS. Thanks!
    @micaroo4 i am with you on perpetual snacking. I was an expert with the snacks.

    I am praying for all of you who are not feeling well.

    My two sons and I went to see the Godzilla Minus -One movie. It is just a hair below genius. The best way to describe it is that it is not a Godzilla movie but a filmed story that involves Godzilla. There were a couple parts where I was about to get choked up.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    @tammymccrady6278 Aw your poor pup, I bet you're extra sympathetic when she's licking the bowl eating less yourself now too. I'm glad she enjoys walking. Oh my goodness I've never seen a moldy pickle! Very nice of you to clean everything out sounds like it was WAY overdue!

    @Cornanda Don't ever feel like you have to respond to everyone, I love just knowing how everyone is doing to be honest. I'm glad you loved Demon Copperhead! Good luck this weekend, keep on being awesome!

    @TeresaW2024 OK I take a bunch of stuff to sleep then my hormones are all over but taking Ashwaganda has helped me stay asleep for a change. A friend on here recommended it when I was having bad insomnia, it's good for stress too. When I do my Epsom salt/ACV/Dr. Teal baths at night for 30 minutes I tend to sleep better as well. I just got some Melatonin Sleepytime tea in my stocking and have thrown that in as well but things improved with Ashwaganda.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Your grandchildren look A LOT alike! They're so precious, I love your smile when you're with them so much. Don't worry about getting stuff sent to people, they'll all understand as no one wants you getting hurt. Hm the drooling may be because he looks amazing without a shirt but he comes across like a robot which is odd when watching it. I need to start the second season of it.

    @trooworld Argh I keep hoping you've had your last migraine! I hope you're feeling better soon. I've been having bad allergies as well, it's been such a warm winter things are blooming that shouldn't be, I have sunflowers popping up and my Pok Choy bolted already. The survey results are very interesting, look forward to discussing them with you and Darren!

    @Veta2018 Yes good call on the hard boiled eggs! I think pistachios and say sunflower seeds are the perfect time and amount of work but I used to keep bowls of unshelled walnuts with a nut cracker and the pickers and those you REALLY work for, I couldn't handle that if I was starving! Enjoy your time alone today reading.

    @865jessica I was doing the same, fell completely off the wagon telling myself I needed a break after surgery and then I baked a ton of stuff and had to sample it! Have you tried different colors of popcorn? My brother and I have been getting each other the yard long World Market popcorn tube that has blue, red, and yellow popcorn. I love blue and he loves red. I've ordered it from Amish Country Popcorn for myself and for gifts, here's one of their gift sets: https://www.amazon.com/Amish-Country-Popcorn-Variety-Gift/dp/B07DFMWF37/ref=sr_1_7?crid=TPJSAJC2JT02&amp;keywords=amish+popcorn&amp;qid=1704594872&amp;sprefix=amish+popcorn,aps,178&amp;sr=8-7 They do have slightly different tastes and yellow has the least flavor to me.

    @txcritter69 I have a place mat I use for the cat bowls that says “My Favorite People Have Paws”! I think you have a great plan for the craft room, I look forward to seeing how you organize it. My aunt sews and did a wall unit with a bunch of cubbyholes and has all her fabrics in them which is fun to check out. Funny I got 2 of the metal stemless wine glasses with a lid from two different friends this year that have cat and wine sayings and both are rose gold so I have a set now. Funny how much animal stuff you get when you have pets.

    @FushiaKat It's no problem. I know you're feeling bad about last night but it happened and I know you'll get right back on track so please try to not feel bad. I agree some days are definitely harder than others. If there's something to learn from it think about it then move on.

    @micaroo4 Good things to think about, true snacking is hard to stop I agree.

    @TeresaW2024 That's great news to hear about the pastor, I'm glad you and Joe are feeling good about him. Wow thank goodness you were there to catch Joe.

    @morenin Hugs, hope you're feeling better soon.

    @19shmoo69 If you have a PC OpenOfficeWriter is free, I use that on my laptop when I come on here but use Word for all my secretary stuff. Interesting I haven't heard anything about a new Godzilla. I had to laugh at your wife, my ex-boyfriend and I were watching Yellowstone together and one night he went and watched like 5 episodes when he couldn't sleep. It was our “date” thing where we'd watch an episode together in our separate homes. That honestly was the start of things falling apart but not just because of that.

    Hi team! I got up early and cleaned as my brother and nephew had planned coming over in the afternoon then went to the garden club for a rose talk. My nephew and brother helped with light bulbs and fire alarms as I can't get on ladders. Did my charity board minutes and worked out when Asher got in the perfect spot to catch him and throw both of them in carriers and take them to the rescue group at Petco for nail trims. They way they carry on is pretty embarrassing but overall they did well. Tomorrow I'm going to decorate the Valentine's boxes the charity is putting in businesses to collect the Cards for Seniors. I got a bunch of supplies and am looking forward to it even though I get teased for being awful at wrapping. I made @TeresaW2024 's White Chicken Chili and it's delicious and pretty fast since it doesn't have chopping to do.

    Have a great Sunday!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,975 Member
    I drew slips from my adventure jars, so that I can plan for Tuesday. If I do an outdoor adventure, it will be Hike College Woods. College Woods is an area, owned by the University of New Hampshire, with an extensive trail system. We are getting our first snow of the season right now, and I don't know how well the trails are marked, so I may opt out of the outdoor adventure depending on the conditions on Tuesday. The indoor adventure is Play Guitar for the Senior Center. There's an activity center for seniors at the McConnell Center down near the public library. They said I could come at any time; there's always something going on and the visitors would love to have some entertainment. Some of the seniors will probably accompany me by singing (which would be great, because it would distract attention from me; I'm kinda shy). My dad used to go play at the center after he retired, so this adventure is kind of in his honor. I think I need to learn a new song for the occasion. I'm snowed in today, so I'll have time to learn a song. The song I'm thinking of is "Never My Love" by the Association (for those in my age group who might remember). Just in case I chicken out on the adventure, I drew a slip from the chores jar as well, and it's Clean the Oven. I cleaned the oven in November, so it's not too bad. So those are the choices - which ever ones I don't do will go back in the jar for another time.

  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Day - Friday :expressionless: and it's Sunday morning
    PW - 263
    CW - 264
This discussion has been closed.