Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • JadeGypsyxo
    JadeGypsyxo Posts: 59 Member
    @bethanie, welcome! Max is so cute. I'm sorry you've been sick. I know it's super frustrating when I'm sick and it's prevents me from working out. I hope you're feeling better now

    @meg, super jelly of your vacation! While everyone else was cold you were on the beach. Jelly

    CW: 155.2
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 286 Member
    Oh my my…I just read through 11 pages to catch up.

    I’m hoping to get back to checking in regularly. I need it.

    My new years was blah to say the least. This past 6 months have been a roller coaster, emotionally, physically and medically (after my husband’s accident).

    I’m starting my new year a week late but here I am, ready to find my way back to my routine.

    Glad to see all the new members and all the “old” 😊

    Hoping everyone has a great week!

  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 165 Member
    @Katmary71 I’ve been hearing about Ashwagandha but haven’t looked into it enough to give it a try. Is there a brand you recommend? I have some sleepytime tea but that only makes me get up to pee more than I already do. :D That is great that you have your brother and nephew to help you. I need to find someone willing to climb into my attic to change our air conditioner filter. Such a stupid place to put it! Your cats remind me of when I wash Maggie’s face. She rubs herself all over the furniture acting like I just tried to kill her. :D I’m glad you liked the chicken chili! As for the questions, I would think it would be easier for you three to ask them. If you get stumped you could always do another form and have us submit questions/icebreakers we would like to see. That way you don’t end up with people forgetting to do their question or repeating.

    @micarro4 both of your adventures sound awesome! How sweet of you to want to play for the seniors. I’m sure they will love it and I hope you do get the courage to do it. Much better than cleaning the oven! :)

    @bethanie0825 Max is sooo beautiful and very regal looking. So sorry you had to put down your Riley. He was gorgeous. :)

    @trooworld Ugghh I hope you aren’t getting a cold and if you are I hope it quickly passes. The news was scaring me last night about all the flu going around this year. Usually I get a flu shot and I just haven’t this year. I think I will make an appointment and go this week. The thought of being really sick while taking care of Joe is one of my nightmares.

    @19shmoo69 That story is disgusting and hilarious! I love your kids!! :D

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Congrats on the 7-pound loss in two weeks. That is great!! :)

    Good morning! I started this post yesterday and then forgot to post it. 😀Yesterday was a great day! After a year and a half my little church finally has a pastor. I really feel he is going to be a great addition to our church family. We have our first staff/leadership meeting this Wednesday so I will get to start learning how he will be as my boss. Hopefully a good one! :) I am happy to say that I have been 8 days sugar free. Yesterday we went to Jason’s Deli for lunch and after eating I turned down eating the free ice cream and had no issue watching my mom and my sister eat it. I am determined to do this! This week I repeat last week’s workout and will get to dig deeper, lift heavier, and hopefully survive. Have a great day! :)
    Word for 2024 - Strive
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @vrafer @badnoodle @tammymcrady6278 Congrats on making it onto the leaderboard!!! Way to go!

    @morenin @sleepygirl79 @laurelfit57 @txcritter69 Congrats on the losses!

    @gemwolf110 I hope the coffee helped your homework efforts. That's a good idea to use what is in the freezer.

    @badnoodle Congrats on the loss! And super impressive that you ate out 3 times this week and still lost! Good luck with bathing suit shopping. re: comments and tagging...it's really hard when you are on a mobile phone but super easy when you are on a computer. :) But thanks!

    @19shmoo69 HAHAHAHA! That's hilarious! And gross lol.

    @Veta2018 I do like that suggestion, too. How'd your chili turn out? Mine was really good but greasy as heck. I should have used 93-96% lean ground beef but followed instructions to use 85%. I hope you enjoyed your reading and relaxing. What are you reading?

    @Katmary71 Oh yeah, full-blown cold now. :( Thank you. Daisy did NOT enjoy it lol but oh well! The chili was good. That's good you had a great turnout for such a fun and rewarding thing to do. I hope PT goes well.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Wow how awesome, great job! I am glad you got kiddo time.

    @AmbersWay Wow, super impressive that you read through all the posts! Glad to see you.

    Hi all. Ugh I hate being sick. And I had to cook dinner last night on top of it. :( My head feels like it weighs 20 lbs from all the congestion. I also have a sinus headache, so fun times. :( I have an appt with a dietician today. We'll see what she has to say. I've been to dieticians before.

    No Zero Days: Drank 64 oz of water, no spritzer (unusual for the weekends), tracked

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @TeresaW2024 Man, we posted at the exact same time lol. I'm glad I saw yours come in. I definitely have a cold, I'm a big miserable baby lol. That would be really hard to take care of Joe with the flu + you don't want him to get it either. I'm glad the pastor got voted in, awesome! I hope you get along with him and he's not a micromanager. Congrats on being sugar-free for 8 days! Awesome! Great job with the no-ice cream!

    @Veta2018 We also posted at the same time lol. Congrats on your loss and making it to 150 lbs! Way to go!

    No Zero Days: Drank 64 oz of water, no spritzer (unusual for the weekends), tracked

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @Veta2018 congrats on being 30 lbs down since September. How many altogether? Here's to your accomplishment!

  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 286 Member
    @TeresaW2024 that’s great news on a new pastor. What did your church do while waiting?

    @Veta2018 congrats on the loss! That’s so exciting! Cheering that next 20 on.

    @trooworld I hope you feel better soon. How do you feel about the help of a dietitian? I went that route in the past and would love to hear others opinions.

  • txcritter69
    txcritter69 Posts: 238 Member
    Good Morning,
    Congrats to everyone that moved the scale in the right direction.

    @micaroo4 I like your way of thinking about snacks. I love the choices of adventures you picked. I unfortunately am suck at the house for now. My daughter has my everyday car as her is sitting in our garage waiting to be worked on by my hubby.

    @TeresaW2024 What a way to start that morning. So glad to hear that the pastor is the one y'all are looking for. I too started this post yesterday and forgot to post as well. Congrats on being sugar free. That is great!

    @morenin I hope you get to feeling better.

    @Katmary71You are right about that on pet gifts. I am slowly getting through all the stuff in my craft room. It is hard trying to decide what to keep and what to let go of. My daughter is going to end up with what i get rid of so parting with it will not be such sorrow. Lol

    @bethanie0825 Your Shepherds are gorgeous. Your job does sound like it would be a love/hate relationship. I hope all goes well with the insurance covering Saxenda.

    @Megnolia82 Welcome home for your vacation. Sounds like you had a blast.

    @trooworld So sorry it turned out to be a cold. I hope you get to feeling better. Daisey sounds like Diesel when it comes to nail trimming. It takes my hubby and I to do his. My hubby hold him while I trim.

    @19shmoo69 I love the big mac from Micky D's. Kids will do some of the craziest things.

    @Veta2018 I miss being able to speed time with my mom. I did the same thing about put off today what can be done tomorrow. Congrats on hitting 150 lbs. That is an awesome job losing 30 lbs in just over 4 months.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Glad you had a great time with family. Congrats on your loss.

    @badnoodle Congrats on loss. We were invited out to eat the Sat before WI so it may have not helped in my WI but I am still sticking to the no spend Jan so I do for see any more eating out this month. Now only if I can give up the snacking at night.

    Now I think I am caught up. I started this post yesterday and though I posted it.

    Today will be a day of finally packing up Christmas Decor. I know I am probably the last to do this but, growing up my mom did not take down decor until after the 3 wise men come to see Jesus. I have decided to care on this tradition and wait the 12 days after Christmas to start taking everything down. The upside to this I get to see my Christmas decor a little longer. Hehehe
  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 102 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012- It's a packaged bag of kettle corn. I do 2 cups normally. I find kettle corn to be my favorite.

    Checking in with goals

    130oz- will met this goal by end of day
    exercise 3x a week- haven't exercised today but will tomorrow
    calories 1600-1800 - I've already gone over today but will stick to fajita chicken and veggies bowl tonight so I don't go way over

    I'm still a work in progress and I'm going to keep trying everyday to do a little better.
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 636 Member
    @trooworld - Thank you. Chili was good. I used 85% too and drained the excess grease. 30 lbs. Is my total loss. I just started on September 1st. It feels much longer though. I read the book of 1King for my bible study group on Tuesday, but I'm also reading "The Big Finish" by Brooke Fossey. It's about an elderly man and his relationship with his granddaughter. I won this book in Goodreads giveaway. I hope you feel better soon. I take Theraflu. It's works great, just doesn't taste that great. Good luck at your dietitian appointment.

    @TeresaW2024 - We posted at the same time...hehehe. Sorry to hear about Joe. That had to be scary. I'm glad you were able to find a pastor you like. I hope he's a good boss too. Congrats on no sugar! Now repeat and get yourself another 8 days sugar free.

    @AmbersWay - Thank you. Let's keep shedding those pounds together!

    @txcritter69 - Thank you. I can sometimes be a procrastinator. Especially when it comes to doing dishes. I don't like doing dishes or laundry. They never end. Once I have them all done, there's more...ugh. My mom's like a best friend, I can tell her anything. I'm so sorry you can't spend time with yours. <Hugs> I like that you have that tradition.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - I can't wait till May when my grandbaby arrives. Love'em up...hehehe. Too funny, it's like we're reading each other's minds yesterday trooworld and I both had chili, and today I had whole wheat spaghetti and meatballs.(not vegan) 1 cup spaghetti, and 6 meatballs. Great job resisting soda(pop). Keep it up!

    @sleepygirl79 - Thank you. Have fun with Zumba. Zumba kicks my butt. I need to take a few water breaks...lol. Small portions is a great idea. Stay strong!💪

    @865jessica - Is that 130 oz. of water? Wow! I can only drink about 67 oz. If I drink more than that I feel too bloated and can't eat. You're doing great! Keep making progress! Small steps = Big wins.

    I'm feeling good. Thank you everyone for all the encouragement.

    💪Mission Slimpossible Strong!💪

  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 95 Member
    I have decided to care on this tradition and wait the 12 days after Christmas to start taking everything down. The upside to this I get to see my Christmas decor a little longer. Hehehe

    I do that too! I should have put everything away yesterday, but I'm delaying a bit. The lights are pretty and I feel ick.

    In better news, my new kitchen scale is here and working. We'll see how it goes.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 511 Member
    Could have knocked me over last week with a pound loss. I am starting to get back on track, I went to the gym twice last week I do well during the day, after dinner I totally go off the rails! I really need to start figuring this out, just so darn tired by the end of every day. Unfortunately for me tired equals over eating 😔. Goal for today is to stop eating at seven, just for today🥰
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,147 Member
    @Katmary71 there are actually three new Godzilla productions. Godzilla minus one(japanese film), kong vs godzilla part two(monsterverse) and godzilla monarch(monsterverse series) (its on apple tv)
    @micaroo4 what a blessing you are going to the senior centers and interacting with those youngsters.
    @bethanie0825 i may be weird but if a doc prescribes it the insurance should cover it.
    To all those with losses great job and to those of us that held or had a gain let's get-r-dun next week.
    @vegan4lyfe2012 they're 18&17

    My apologies. I know I missed some posts to interact with. I am still trying to learn this reading and posting thing.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,737 Member
    WEIGH-INS needed for @DebJB30 @littlebabekitty @AmbersWay @broncobuddee

    Tomorrow weigh-in reminder for @FushiaKat good luck!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,737 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Congratulations on that drop, wow! You have been doing real good with food, I'm glad you have results from your hard work. How far into Reacher are you now? I haven't started the second season, I honestly forgot what happened at the end of last season so I may have to rewatch some. My memory stinks these days. You're doing awesome on no soda, wtg! True a lot of non-oil sauces are nut-based. Let us know what you end up with!

    @AmbersWay Glad to see you posting and ready to get back to it! It's been hoppin here lately, all the new friends here with their excitement is motivating me too. You definitely have had a tough time but you've kept going and checked in here and never gave up which I admire.

    @TeresaW2024 Hahaha that's the downfall of my 64oz of tea a day is I'm up during the night! I'm currently using this brand from Walmart, it's a pretty high dose so try taking 1 (that's what I do) and see if there's a difference and if not go up to the recommended amount. I think it kicked in for me after about 4 days. Hope it works for you, here's a link: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Futurebiotics-Ashwagandha-Capsules-Extra-Strength-3000mg-Stress-Relief-Formula-Natural-Mood-Support-Stress-Focus-Energy-Support-Supplement-120/852840559?from=/search LOL poor Maggie, too funny! Makes me laugh at how offensive they seem to find us wiping their eye “sleepies” but they must need help right? Eight days sugar free is awesome! Great news on the pastor I hope he's also a good boss.

    @Veta2018 Congratulations at hitting 150lbs! Wow 30lbs since September is amazing! Congratulations on 30lbs down!

    @trooworld Oh no I'm sorry you're feeling so lousy, hope you're feeling better soon. I feel bad for you that sounds awful. Good luck with the dietitian, I hope she's helpful.

    @txcritter69 Good morning! Passing on craft stuff to your daughter will definitely make it easier to pass on, smart idea. Hm so would she make you gifts with what you pass on? She may need a big chunk of fabric for an awesome Mom gift!

    @sleepygirl79 Have fun at Zumba tonight! I hope you don't become out-of-breath, glad to hear breaks are ok and it's under investigation. Does your husband usually cook? I'm imagining this amazing feast of pizza and doughnuts when he's gone but definitely don't do that!

    @865jessica Doing good on your goals! Are you a James Clear fan? The friend who was moderator when I joined this group used to post wisdom from him about being 1% better each day. He wrote Atomic Habits, good read if you're interested.

    @morenin Good luck with the kitchen scale. I may have said this before but there used to be a topic under “food” in the Food forum on here that discusses biggest surprises when you start tracking. Peanut butter and oils are two but another good example is if you buy sourdough bread the ends are tiny and middle pieces real long so they have an average on the label but we don't usually worry if labels are correct.

    @laurelfit57 You got this, good luck after dinner tonight.

    @19shmoo69 Interesting now that I think of it I don't really remember the first one much, I need to re-watch it.

    Hi team! Got a lot done today, I got up and did a light workout of PT stretches then caught up on work. Had lunch early then dropped off the Valentine's boxes and got photos of everyone with their boxes (really fun when they aren't the one who said yes to it and want you to go away as soon as you walk in with the box). I went and did another treatment at the holistic place then came home and registered for a grant writing class then off to PT. Weirdly my PT looks similar to my last boyfriend, they could pass as siblings. I have 12 visits and asked to stretch them out once a week versus twice a week. Not much else going on, looking forward to getting in the tub tonight! Have a great Tuesday!
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 286 Member
    WI Monday
    PW 205.2
    CW 205.2

This discussion has been closed.