Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - JANUARY 2024



  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 125 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012- It's a packaged bag of kettle corn. I do 2 cups normally. I find kettle corn to be my favorite.

    Checking in with goals

    130oz- will met this goal by end of day
    exercise 3x a week- haven't exercised today but will tomorrow
    calories 1600-1800 - I've already gone over today but will stick to fajita chicken and veggies bowl tonight so I don't go way over

    I'm still a work in progress and I'm going to keep trying everyday to do a little better.
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    @trooworld - Thank you. Chili was good. I used 85% too and drained the excess grease. 30 lbs. Is my total loss. I just started on September 1st. It feels much longer though. I read the book of 1King for my bible study group on Tuesday, but I'm also reading "The Big Finish" by Brooke Fossey. It's about an elderly man and his relationship with his granddaughter. I won this book in Goodreads giveaway. I hope you feel better soon. I take Theraflu. It's works great, just doesn't taste that great. Good luck at your dietitian appointment.

    @TeresaW2024 - We posted at the same time...hehehe. Sorry to hear about Joe. That had to be scary. I'm glad you were able to find a pastor you like. I hope he's a good boss too. Congrats on no sugar! Now repeat and get yourself another 8 days sugar free.

    @AmbersWay - Thank you. Let's keep shedding those pounds together!

    @txcritter69 - Thank you. I can sometimes be a procrastinator. Especially when it comes to doing dishes. I don't like doing dishes or laundry. They never end. Once I have them all done, there's more...ugh. My mom's like a best friend, I can tell her anything. I'm so sorry you can't spend time with yours. <Hugs> I like that you have that tradition.

    @vegan4lyfe2012 - I can't wait till May when my grandbaby arrives. Love'em up...hehehe. Too funny, it's like we're reading each other's minds yesterday trooworld and I both had chili, and today I had whole wheat spaghetti and meatballs.(not vegan) 1 cup spaghetti, and 6 meatballs. Great job resisting soda(pop). Keep it up!

    @sleepygirl79 - Thank you. Have fun with Zumba. Zumba kicks my butt. I need to take a few water breaks...lol. Small portions is a great idea. Stay strong!💪

    @865jessica - Is that 130 oz. of water? Wow! I can only drink about 67 oz. If I drink more than that I feel too bloated and can't eat. You're doing great! Keep making progress! Small steps = Big wins.

    I'm feeling good. Thank you everyone for all the encouragement.

    💪Mission Slimpossible Strong!💪

  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 139 Member
    I have decided to care on this tradition and wait the 12 days after Christmas to start taking everything down. The upside to this I get to see my Christmas decor a little longer. Hehehe

    I do that too! I should have put everything away yesterday, but I'm delaying a bit. The lights are pretty and I feel ick.

    In better news, my new kitchen scale is here and working. We'll see how it goes.
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 598 Member
    Could have knocked me over last week with a pound loss. I am starting to get back on track, I went to the gym twice last week I do well during the day, after dinner I totally go off the rails! I really need to start figuring this out, just so darn tired by the end of every day. Unfortunately for me tired equals over eating 😔. Goal for today is to stop eating at seven, just for today🥰
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,306 Member
    @Katmary71 there are actually three new Godzilla productions. Godzilla minus one(japanese film), kong vs godzilla part two(monsterverse) and godzilla monarch(monsterverse series) (its on apple tv)
    @micaroo4 what a blessing you are going to the senior centers and interacting with those youngsters.
    @bethanie0825 i may be weird but if a doc prescribes it the insurance should cover it.
    To all those with losses great job and to those of us that held or had a gain let's get-r-dun next week.
    @vegan4lyfe2012 they're 18&17

    My apologies. I know I missed some posts to interact with. I am still trying to learn this reading and posting thing.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    WEIGH-INS needed for @DebJB30 @littlebabekitty @AmbersWay @broncobuddee

    Tomorrow weigh-in reminder for @FushiaKat good luck!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    @vegan4lyfe2012 Congratulations on that drop, wow! You have been doing real good with food, I'm glad you have results from your hard work. How far into Reacher are you now? I haven't started the second season, I honestly forgot what happened at the end of last season so I may have to rewatch some. My memory stinks these days. You're doing awesome on no soda, wtg! True a lot of non-oil sauces are nut-based. Let us know what you end up with!

    @AmbersWay Glad to see you posting and ready to get back to it! It's been hoppin here lately, all the new friends here with their excitement is motivating me too. You definitely have had a tough time but you've kept going and checked in here and never gave up which I admire.

    @TeresaW2024 Hahaha that's the downfall of my 64oz of tea a day is I'm up during the night! I'm currently using this brand from Walmart, it's a pretty high dose so try taking 1 (that's what I do) and see if there's a difference and if not go up to the recommended amount. I think it kicked in for me after about 4 days. Hope it works for you, here's a link: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Futurebiotics-Ashwagandha-Capsules-Extra-Strength-3000mg-Stress-Relief-Formula-Natural-Mood-Support-Stress-Focus-Energy-Support-Supplement-120/852840559?from=/search LOL poor Maggie, too funny! Makes me laugh at how offensive they seem to find us wiping their eye “sleepies” but they must need help right? Eight days sugar free is awesome! Great news on the pastor I hope he's also a good boss.

    @Veta2018 Congratulations at hitting 150lbs! Wow 30lbs since September is amazing! Congratulations on 30lbs down!

    @trooworld Oh no I'm sorry you're feeling so lousy, hope you're feeling better soon. I feel bad for you that sounds awful. Good luck with the dietitian, I hope she's helpful.

    @txcritter69 Good morning! Passing on craft stuff to your daughter will definitely make it easier to pass on, smart idea. Hm so would she make you gifts with what you pass on? She may need a big chunk of fabric for an awesome Mom gift!

    @sleepygirl79 Have fun at Zumba tonight! I hope you don't become out-of-breath, glad to hear breaks are ok and it's under investigation. Does your husband usually cook? I'm imagining this amazing feast of pizza and doughnuts when he's gone but definitely don't do that!

    @865jessica Doing good on your goals! Are you a James Clear fan? The friend who was moderator when I joined this group used to post wisdom from him about being 1% better each day. He wrote Atomic Habits, good read if you're interested.

    @morenin Good luck with the kitchen scale. I may have said this before but there used to be a topic under “food” in the Food forum on here that discusses biggest surprises when you start tracking. Peanut butter and oils are two but another good example is if you buy sourdough bread the ends are tiny and middle pieces real long so they have an average on the label but we don't usually worry if labels are correct.

    @laurelfit57 You got this, good luck after dinner tonight.

    @19shmoo69 Interesting now that I think of it I don't really remember the first one much, I need to re-watch it.

    Hi team! Got a lot done today, I got up and did a light workout of PT stretches then caught up on work. Had lunch early then dropped off the Valentine's boxes and got photos of everyone with their boxes (really fun when they aren't the one who said yes to it and want you to go away as soon as you walk in with the box). I went and did another treatment at the holistic place then came home and registered for a grant writing class then off to PT. Weirdly my PT looks similar to my last boyfriend, they could pass as siblings. I have 12 visits and asked to stretch them out once a week versus twice a week. Not much else going on, looking forward to getting in the tub tonight! Have a great Tuesday!
  • AmbersWay
    AmbersWay Posts: 319 Member
    WI Monday
    PW 205.2
    CW 205.2

  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 125 Member
    @Veta2018- Ya it's 130oz of water. I was seeing a nurse practitioner in a weight loss program and she recommended I drink half my body weight in water. So it's a bit over half my body weight but I've gotten use to it and it just feels like what I need.

    @Katmary71- I'll check out James Clear. I've not heard of them.

    I'm going to work hard on controlling my eating today and get in 30-45mins of exercise today. I hope everyone has a lovely Tuesday.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    @AmbersWay Thank you! I've worked with dieticians in the past and it hasn't helped (they wanted me to eat very plainly and I like adventurous foods and am a cooking ethusiast. They didn't seem to get that.). This time is different: I am trying to qualify for bariatric surgery and have to attend 6 sessions with the bariatric surgeon dietician. The goal of working with her, per her, is to get used to the way I will eat right after surgery so it won't be so hard (for a temporary time, 2-3 months and then I can eat whatever in smaller amounts). How did you feel about working with the dietician?

    @txcritter69 Thank you! Oh gosh, I'm sorry Diesel is the same way! We also have to put ear medication in as she has an ear infection and let me tell you, she's not having it lol. The poor girl, we couldn't even do it because she tries to bite us. The vet said to bring her in and they can do a one-and-done type of medication (why didn't he offer it to begin with is what I want to know?). Have you tried a Dremel with Diesel? I've heard once dogs get used to that, it is easier. Oh I've left my Christmas decorations up until spring break when I was in grad school, so don't feel too bad!

    @vegan4lyfe2012 Thank you! Dinner sounded good. I love spaghetti. I'm glad you were satisfied with your portion. Wow, 18 days, that's awesome! I hope the doctor gives you good news today.

    @Veta2018 I should have drained the grease on my chili, ugh. You are doing fabulously! That's cool you won that book, I've entered those giveaways several times but have never won so I gave up lol. Thank you. I actually bought some Theraflu yesterday and it helped a little. I also got Vicks ointment to rub on my chest...that brought back memories from childhood lol. Thank you.

    @Jactop Way to go!

    @laurelfit57 You got this, Laurel.

    @Katmary71 Thank you! Yeah, I feel pretty miserable lol. That's funny about the elderly people wanting to get the box and make you go away lol...you'd think they'd want company. I hope the PT helps.

    Hi all. Yesterday, I clocked out of work at 10:30 am, I just couldn't do it. I slept most of the day until my dietician appointment. I guess I didn't say the reason for my appointments: I am trying to qualify for bariatric surgery. I figure I've tried to lose weight for 30 years with only fleeting success, it is time to do something different. I have to attend 6 sessions in total. I don't have a requirement to lose any weight but it is my goal to lose weight while waiting for surgery. I won't have surgery for about another year between the dietician sessions + the surgeon's schedule. Yesterday, I didn't eat much: I didn't eat dinner because I wasn't hungry. I need to drink more liquids today. That's my goal.

    No Zero Days: Listened to my body/hunger signals and didn't eat dinner, tracked

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,975 Member
    I've come down with cold symptoms. I did a covid test; it was negative. But I'll have to postpone today's adventure. 🤒
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 542 Member
    Veta2018 wrote: »
    @laurelfit57, @vegan4lyfe2012, and @txcritter69 - nice job on the weight loss.

    Yeah! I hit 150lbs. on the scale this morning. I wanted to be there by New Years but I slacked on doing my daily exercise. That makes it a total of 30 lbs. lost since September 1st. I have 20 more lbs. to lose till I reach my goal weight. Then, I will use the habits I've learned to maintain my weight. @FushiaKat - It's been inspiring to see you at your goal weight and maintaining.

    💪Mission Slimpossible Strong!💪

    That's awesome, Congratulations!!! You got this ♥
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 542 Member
    Username: FushiaKat
    Weigh-In Tuesday
    SW: 245
    Maintenance Goal 135 - 140
    Weeks in maintenance 02 of 52

    PW: 136.7
    CW: 137.6

    Yay! I won first place in the contest. I never dropped out of the top ten the entire time we were judging. It must have been the little train ride in the back, I built the ride first since it's a ride contest, then I tried to fit the room around the ride.

    Life is good, but 2024 is sailing by. I'm taking my cat to the vet she had all of her teeth removed and there's a flap of skin hanging out of her mouth. But of course, my doctor called this morning and moved my appointment to tomorrow, and I also have a phone appointment with my Rinvoq nurse too at the same time, I'm going to be busy. Just waiting on the Vet to call me back in a few minutes. I need to get our Christmas Tree taken down and put away.

    2024 will be all about getting organized and decluttering at our house, the older I get the less I remember so I don't need as much stuff to take care of.
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 263 Member
    @AmbersWay Our church had an interim pastor. He is a great guy but also had another full time job so he wasn’t able to give much of his time to our church. Our deacon chair stepped up for the daily operations and I thought of him and his wife, our financial director, as my bosses. It will be good to have someone taking the lead and seeing the big picture.

    @Katmary71 Thanks for the link! I will definitely do more reading on it. I already take a ton of stuff. :D

    @trooworld I hope your cold is feeling better! Wow, taking the step to have bariatric surgery is huge but for some people, it really is a lifesaver. I worked with a guy once who had it and it completely changed his life. But there were some real struggles too, which I know you are educating yourself on. I truly wish you the very best and believe me, I have thought about doing it too.

    Hi Team! This is just a quick check-in because I am truly beat. I did my workout this morning and pushed myself harder than last week. Then I had to take Maggie to the groomer and go to the office where I had to get my file cabinets ready for the New Year. After that, I went shopping as I waited for Maggie to be done. I bought a big fuzzy pink coat that feels like a blanket. Today was such a nasty rainy day that I couldn’t resist. Came home and made air fryer salmon bites and sweet potato fries. Yummy!
    Word for 2024 - Strive
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member


    Thank you!

    What is the one main thing you hope to improve this year in yourself?
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 7,008 Member
    @865jessica Good luck today on your eating and exercise!

    @trooworld Hahaha I meant the business owners we bring the collection boxes to not the elderly recipients of cards! You're right they do want to chat and are really touched to be thought of. Just walking out of the home whose craft room we used we had residents excited when they saw the decorated boxes. A woman at Mountain Mikes told me she wasn't interested when I walked in with their box and someone had said yes or I wouldn't be there so when she offered to check with her manager I agreed and waited. Then I asked her to smile and pose with the box and she finally laughed and had fun with it. I'm not super outgoing so even doing this ups my anxiety but figure it's good for me in the long run. I'm glad you came home when you weren't feeling well. I'm sorry to hear how long the wait will be for surgery, I know you aren't making an easy decision and wish you could do it sooner. Hope you're feeling better! Did you like the dietitian?

    @micaroo4 Oh shoot get some rest and feel better soon!

    @littlebabekitty You got this, keep reminding yourself of how slender you'll be in that dress!

    @FushiaKat Woohoo that's wonderful on first place in the contest, you're so good at those! I hope things go well for your cat and with your appointments. Funny you answered my group question with getting your house in order!

    @TeresaW2024 A fuzzy pink warm coat in this weather is perfect to stay warm and keep your spirits up! Yummy dinner!

    HI team! Not much new, worked out then read for a bit and went to the holistic group and tried their inversion table and sauna. I didn't want to do anything to worsen my "rain pain". Just made pizza and am going to get back to reading, we have another storm going through and I'm not feeling the best so I'm taking my tea carafe to my room and getting cozy. Have a great Wednesday!
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,491 Member
    Hi all! You guys are doing great! Quick hello as busy few days. Made it to Aqua fit class today. Day 9 of tracking as well!

    Have a great night everyone!

    ~ Missy
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    Has anyone's home screen changed? I don't pay for premium and now my home page has all these boxes saying "go premium".
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,491 Member
    edited January 10
    Veta2018 wrote: »
    Has anyone's home screen changed? I don't pay for premium and now my home page has all these boxes saying "go premium".

    I used to have that until I went premium.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,491 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    @Katmary71 there are actually three new Godzilla productions. Godzilla minus one(japanese film), kong vs godzilla part two(monsterverse) and godzilla monarch(monsterverse series) (its on apple tv)
    @micaroo4 what a blessing you are going to the senior centers and interacting with those youngsters.
    @bethanie0825 i may be weird but if a doc prescribes it the insurance should cover it.
    To all those with losses great job and to those of us that held or had a gain let's get-r-dun next week.
    @vegan4lyfe2012 they're 18&17

    My apologies. I know I missed some posts to interact with. I am still trying to learn this reading and posting thing.

    I wish but Blue Cross doesn't want to pay for it. I don't understand how a for-profit company can overrule what my doctor and I decide. It's mind boggling.

    And your kids sound super cool and funny lol (the candy/McDonald's post)
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,115 Member
    @TeresaW2024 - Were the salmon bites the ones from Skinnytaste? Have been thinking about trying those, but no one here is a huge fan of salmon.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,594 Member
    @micaroo4 Sorry about your cold. Feel better soon! I'm glad it isn't COVID.

    @littlebabekitty You got this.

    @FushiaKat Congrats on your win! I hope the vet went well. Good luck with organization/decluttering.

    @TeresaW2024 Ugh it isn't much better, but thanks! I am going to take a COVID test this morning. I just hate those tests. Yeah, one of my best friends just had the surgery in October and it has changed her life. Yes, it is hard to go through, but I'm struggling now so what's one struggle vs the other? Yes, I am educating myself. Thank you, I appreciate it! <3 Yay for your workout efforts...you are doing it! That coat sounds awesome. Yum.

    @Katmary71 That's a tough decision. There are so many things I want to improve. But I'd say the #1 thing is my tracking consistency. OH hahahaha...that makes more sense! That's good they appreciate the boxes! That's great you asked the lady at Mountain Mike's to get her picture taken, that wouldn't have been easy for me either! Thanks, I look at it as an opportunity to work on myself and my relationship with food while I am waiting. Not feeling much better. I couldn't really get a sense of her (the dietician) since it was so short. I'm not sure yet. I don't actively dislike her, so that's something, right? LOL How were the inversion table and sauna? I bet the sauna felt good. I'll be thinking of you with the rain. I hope it passes quickly.

    @gemwolf110 Great job, Missy!

    @Veta2018 Yes, mine changed but I do have Premium. I think they did a website update.

    Hi all. Still sick here. I will take a COVID test this morning in a bit. I'm feeling a bit better but not much. Still congested, coughing and sneezing. I'll call work when someone gets in and see what they want me to do. Daisy, my oldest dog, has an ear infection and it has been impossible to put the medication in her ear (she tries to bite us). The vet said to bring her in and they could do a one-time medication. So, we had an appt for yesterday at 3:15. We went out to the parking lot to go and there was this huge utility truck blocking our car, nobody inside. We couldn't find the owner so we had to reschedule our appt. I was so mad! So, I have to take care of the vet appt today. Have a great day.

    No Zero Days: Listened to my body/hunger signals and stopped when slightly full at lunch and dinner, made Irish oats with blueberries for breakfast, tracked

    Want to keep track of your steps with the team? Add a tab to the Google Sheet! https://tinyurl.com/Slimpossibles

    Get the Kik app and chat with us in real-time! Just download the app, create a profile, and message me (username: trooworld) and I'll add you to the private group chat! https://kik.com/

    My phrase for the year: "New year, new me!"
  • 865jessica
    865jessica Posts: 125 Member
    @Katmary71- One thing I want to improve this year is my strength and stamina. I know it's two things but I feel they go hand and hand.

    I did well yesterday meeting my personal daily goals. I just discovered the water flavoring I've been using has some caffeine in it. I didn't see it listed on the box and it wasn't till I googled it that I found out. I checked because my husband said it had caffeine in it and I was arguing "No it says nothing about it having caffeine." Not that I'm against caffeine I just thought I wasn't getting it in my flavored water. So I'm just going to limit the use of that flavoring
  • TeresaW2024
    TeresaW2024 Posts: 263 Member
    edited January 10
    @Cornanda I didn’t use her recipe but made up my own. I brushed the salmon with a paste I made of brown sugar, soy sauce, avocado oil, smoked paprika, black pepper, and garlic powder. With a squeeze of lemon, they were delicious!! We love salmon and while it was a little pricey we both realized how much more it would be if we got it at a restaurant. Let me know how the Skinnytaste recipe is!

    @trooworld I hope the COVID test is negative. Oh, I would have been so mad too if a truck was blocking my car! What if it had been an emergency? Poor Daisy! :(

    @865jessica That is annoying that you didn’t see an ingredient like caffeine listed on the water flavoring box. Maybe it’s such a small amount they don’t have to legally list it?

    Good morning! I’m getting my post in early because this is a busy day. Workout this morning is full body, which will be brutal. But fortunately, I had a very good night's sleep. What a difference in my attitude! :D We have church tonight and then our first staff/leadership meeting with the new pastor. He passed the preaching test for me last Sunday, so now we will see if he can pass the leadership requirements. I’ll keep you posted! :)
    Word for 2024 - Strive

    Answer to the question: The main thing I hope to improve this year is making my health a priority. I will soon be 58 years old and being this overweight and out of shape is unacceptable!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    edited January 10
    What is the one main thing you hope to improve this year in yourself?

    There are a few things I'd like to improve this year. I guess the main one is to de-clutter my home from stuff I don't use anymore. Having too much stuff can make living in a small space feel untidy. Also, when we do move into the new house, I don't want to fill it with unnecessarily stuff.
    I'm a homebody. I rarely leave the house. Therefore, I would like to make an effort to be more social and make plans to visit family and friends more.
    I also would like to grow my relationship with God. I recently started participating in a bible study and I've been making time for daily prayer and reading.
    Then, my husband will be retiring next year, so paying off some of our debts and re-evaluate our budget is another important thing I would like to accomplish.
    It is also important for me to continue to eat healthy and stay active while I work towards my weight loss goal.

    @FushiaKat - Thank you. Congratulations on making first place in the contest.
    @TeresaW2024 and @Cornanda - Salmon bites sound tasty. I really need to buy another air fryer. When we moved out of our old house, one of the kids took it with them. I really don't know how I lived this long without it.
    @trooworld - Sorry you're still sick. I hope it's not COVID and you feel better soon.
    @Katmary71 - The weather hear has been nasty too with a combination of rain and snow. It puts me in a gloomy mood. I hope the sauna was helpful reducing your pain.
    @865jessica - I find it frustrating sometimes, how misleading products can be about there nutrition value and ingredients.

    💪Mission Slimpossible Strong!💪
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,230 Member
    @trooworld – I’m sure it’s scary and exciting both to anticipate having the surgery. They say doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is insanity (don’t know who “they” are), so you will be breaking the insanity cycle! And if a utility truck was blocking my driveway, I would’ve contacted the company. Or was it unmarked? If so, I’d have called the non-emergency police number. I’m stubborn like that, tho. I’m mad FOR you.
    @865jessica – Gotcha. I love kettle corn, too. My BFF is a nurse and she told me the same thing about a decade ago…to drink half your body weight. I actually love water, so I’m constantly drinking it.
    @Veta2018 – Food Twinsies! I pay for Premium, so I can’t answer your question. Your list of things to improve on this year is inspirational! I need to get my house organized. A little at a time…
    @19shmoo69 – Your teens are hilarious. I would’ve bet money they were middle school aged. Good thing I don’t actually bet!
    @Katmary71 – I’m only on season 1, episode 3. I can’t seem to watch more than one series at a time (stupid ADHD), so I really want to finish my re-watch of The Office before continuing on with Reacher. I’m halfway through Season 6 of the The Office, so it’s not going to take too much longer. And the sauce I ended up going with was a cheat sauce – Herdez Guacamole Sauce LOL. Hope your PT looking like your ex isn’t too weird.
    @FushiaKat – Congrats on winning first place and always being in the top 10 along the way!
    @TeresaW2024 – Your pink fuzzy coat sounds so fun! Let’s go Barbie!
    Tuesday was a good day! (I walked out of the doctor’s office humming Ice Cube’s It was a Good Day LOL) Got my walking boot! I think TOM may be visiting soon, though, because all I could think of was stopping at BK for an Impossible Whopper and fries for lunch. BUT I DID NOT DO IT! Went to work and ate my salad. Went home and had my leftover spaghetti & unmeatballs for dinner. Ate air popped popcorn for my nighttime snack. Then I got hit with an awful sugar craving. I made some pancakes. Not happy about that, but ended the day in the maintenance calorie range, so I don’t think I screwed up too bad. So that leads me to:
    QUESTION - What is the one main thing you hope to improve this year in yourself?
    My goal is to speak kinder to myself and to realize that just because I may have one relapse, doesn’t mean everything is shot. Dust myself off and keep on keeping on.
    2024 Mantra: Quit slacking and make s h ! t happen!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,975 Member
    MFP has recommended macros for me: 20% protein, 30% fat, and 50% carbs. It then gives a goal in grams: 80 protein, 53 fat, and 200 carbs. My calorie allowance is 1600.
    Here's what I don't get: Today I ate within my calorie range (1500), but I exceeded the grams of every single one of the macros. Shouldn't that mean that I'm over on calories? Shouldn't the math work better?

This discussion has been closed.