Looking for New Members

Mia_Vojago Posts: 21 Member
edited January 28 in Social Groups
We are looking for new members to start Week 1

Week 1 will start on Thursday February 1st, 2024 and will end on Wednesday February 7th

Wednesday Weigh-In will be on Feb 7th, 2024


  • mimimoore85
    mimimoore85 Posts: 1 Member
    How does this work? :)
  • Mia_Vojago
    Mia_Vojago Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Mimi - this is a new group with very simple objectives.

    1- we will have “Weigh In Wednesday” when members can report their weight or their weight loss.

    2- we ask that members try to post at least twice a week with a rundown of their goals, their challenges and any other things happening during their day

    The point of the group is to provide a place for accountability, and getting support and encouragement from others.

    The main goal is to be consistent with a weekly weigh in and occasional chit chat.
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Venting here for a minute- I'm really struggling to get this weight off. Just not seeing results on the scale that I feel I should be. I haven't had a loss since before Christmas. Well, I went to the dr today for a physical, and in hopes to get a weight loss medication I used in the past. It really helped me with my energy and gave me the boost I needed to get my exercising done. Also lost weight with it. Well she wouldn't give me anything. All she would do is put me on like a 16 week program with coaching and help, with the things I'm already doing. I was upset at first but I guess this is my sign to push harder and keep going. I dont need pills anyways, because I know they aren't good for you but at this point I was just desperate. I'm just really struggling.
  • stepper61
    stepper61 Posts: 7 Member
    @Sweetzyd , you got this! You have a plan…….keep working your plan and the scale will show it. You have a crazy schedule with school age kids, so don’t sell yourself short!
    I’m 62 and back into serious tracking on MFP- working in getting in over 100 g of protein daily. It helps after doing weights, and keeps me full. I have at least 30 to lose……. But I’ll take the first 10, as step 1. I’m trying to envision what cute clothes I have that fit me so nicely when I was at my lowest in December 2015, so maybe having a favorite outfit as your goal will help you?
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    @stepper61 Thank you for the encouragement!! That is a great idea, to pick a cute outfit as a goal to fit into. There is definitely more that I need to be doing. Starting again with my walks tomorrow.
    Sounds like you have a great plan, with more protein and weight lifting! Good luck to you. We've got this ❤️
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,360 Member
    New to this group. Will go to the introduce yourself area and take care of that.