75 Hard/Medium/Easy Challenge: March 3 - May 17

jugar Posts: 10,212 Member
edited March 2 in Social Groups
Need to hit the next level? Want some company to stick with your commitments for 75 days? Give this a try!

This is the hard version -


But we are going to be more creative!
  • Set your own diet
  • Set your own amount of water, appropriate to your weight and activity level. Recommended 0.5 - 1.0 ounces of water per pound of body weight as a minimum.
  • If 2 workouts is too much, go for 1. But a good one!!
  • If you miss a day, a meal, or anything, you do not have to start over. But get right back on track as soon as possible.
  • Selfies optional!

Anyone from any team can join in here. Just report on your day from 1/75 to 75/75. Good luck!


  • ChelleChelle1031
    ChelleChelle1031 Posts: 54 Member
    I’m starting my version of the 75 Hard/Soft

    ✅ Activity - 90 Mins of Exercise & 10k+ steps a day (inside/outside/combo of both)
    ✅ Reading - 10 Pages of Reading - I’m going to continue with my Bible and commit to 10 minutes each day.
    ✅ Water - my goal will be 80 oz (includes coffee, herbal tea, unsweet tea, flavored or sparkling water)
    ✅ Diet - Low Carb, at or under my calorie goal 1350
    ✅ Pictures - I will do this daily plus will still do MeThreeSixty each week.
    ✅ Avoid - No Alcohol or Cheat Meals
    ✅ Personal Addition - No spending money outside of household/family needs. This means the cute shirt stays on the rack.
  • ChelleChelle1031
    ChelleChelle1031 Posts: 54 Member
    edited March 2
    Day 1/75 (03/01)

    03/01- 05/14 - My MFP WaistAways 75 Day (Medium/Soft) Commitment -

    ❤️ Activity - 90 Mins of Exercise & 10k+ steps a day - ✔️ - All Outside (13,015)
    ❤️Reading - 10 Pages of Reading - ✔️
    ❤️ Water - my goal will be 80 oz - ✔️
    ❤️Diet - Low Carb, at or under my calorie goal 1350 - ✔️
    ❤️ Pictures - I will do this daily plus will still do MeThreeSixty each week. - ✔️
    ❤️ Avoid - No Alcohol or Cheat Meals - ✔️
    ❤️Personal Addition - No spending money outside of household/family needs. - ✔️

  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 747 Member
    My 75 Medium Plan

    • Follow my 10K training schedule every day. My race is April 20th. Then will continue with repeats of some of the later week’s schedule to continue to stay in shape for future 10K races.

    • Read about my diet plan for 15 minutes per day to keep me motivated. I have a book on the Diet Center plan and there are motivational stories and info about the plan.

    • Drink 8+ glasses of water per day.

    • Will take a photo on Sunday March 3rd and then at the end on May 17th. Just want to do before and after.

    • Doing the Diet Center plan I once used about 35 years ago. It worked then, and hopefully will work again.

    • No alcohol - it’s part of the Diet Center diet anyway.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 590 Member
    Day 2/75

    Another successful day in the books! Water was definitely easier today, that seems to be the most challenging part for me.
  • Itadakimasu7
    Itadakimasu7 Posts: 313 Member
    :star: THE PLAN :star:intense music

    :star: 2 workouts of 1 - 45 minutes each. Probably some chair exercise, stationary bike, yoga and gentle movement work. I'll try to do the full 90 minutes, but really if I get any exercise it's a win. :+1:

    :star: Diet, I'm allergic and sensitive to a lot of foods and my digestion is really poor. So I'm going to go for: calorie counting 1,700 calories or less and at least one or two plant based protein shakes per day. :+1:

  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 1,969 Member
    I'll try 😀

    1. 45 minute walk + 10 minute exercising or meditation + get 7k steps
    2. Read a motivational article
    3. Drink 1.5 litres of water
    4. Before & after pics + an outdoor pic a day
    5. Stay in caloric deficit
    6. Reduce alcohol at weekends + reduce sweet treats
  • Emilienewme
    Emilienewme Posts: 247 Member
    I would love ve to join this challenge

    1- I will do 1 good workout/day including different type of exercise (I feel like my job would qualify as a second workout)
    2- read 10 pages of any book
    3- drink 2.5 litres of water
    4- diet: my goal is to stay within my calorie allowance and try to eat more protein
    5- I don't drink but I will try to reduce the chocolate I eat
    6- photos: maybe 1 at the start and 1 at the end
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,731 Member
    edited March 4
    Hello everyone! I saw all the 75 hard talk in the WaistAways group and I am glad it got its own topic so everyone can join in. I will also be doing this with a few modifications so here are my daily goals!
    • Naturewalk ~ I often go for a walk first thing in the morning and I love being in nature with my camera. I usually only skip if it is raining or if I don't feel well. The weather is looking pretty good for the future, so I don't have that excuse now. I will do my best to go outside every day. Most of my walks are 70+ minutes long, but I am not going to put a minimum on this.
    • Drink 3 liters of water & tea ~ I already do this. If I don't drink a lot, my headaches are worse so most days I hit 3.5 to 4.5 liters a day.
    • Reading ~ I love to read and this is also something I already do daily. I am not a big fan of self helpy type books, but I do have some other non fiction books/magazines to read.
    • Sleep 8+ hours ~ The 75 hard doesn't touch on sleep which I think is an oversight. For me sleep is really important and something I need to keep paying attention to so I am adding it as a daily goal.
    • Under 1450 calories ~ This is a good number for me to continue losing weight while having room for the occasional treat. I already know I won't be able to do this for the full 75 days because my birthday is soon which includes a dinner. So as an extra goal, I plan to limit my cheat days to 7 for the entire challenge duration.
    • Eat between 10:00/16:00 ~ Important for me to make sure I don't run out of food before the day is over. A small eating window helps me a lot with not overeating. Added benefit is walking on an empty stomach in the mornings.
    • Bonus: Gym rings every other day ~ I started adding a gym rings workout a couple of weeks ago mainly for my upper body. I really enjoy the workout, but I don't want to do this daily so I will keep doing this every other day.
    That's is it! I haven't had alcohol since I was like 16, tried it once, hated it and never touched it again so that is not worth tracking for me. I will take a full body picture as the starting point today and do another one for day 75. I think that is plenty. Good luck everyone <3

    If you don't know who I am because we are in different groups, I will put a short about me under the spoiler:
    My name is Laura, I am 35 and I live with my cat Tinus in a small village in the Netherlands. I got really lucky with the house I rent and I live very close to a national park with a second one 30 minutes biking away. I enjoy walking, taking photographs of nature (birds are my favorite), reading fantasy books, drinking obscene amounts of tea, singing, postcrossing, video games and jigsaw puzzles. I am a pretty visual person and I like sharing pictures. I suffer from chronic fatigue, chronic headaches and persistent depressive disorder. It makes weight loss and life in general a little challenging, but I try my best!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I would like to try this. I'm currently battling a cold so it may be a bit later joining. Then again I may try battling with the cold.
  • ChelleChelle1031
    ChelleChelle1031 Posts: 54 Member
    Day 2/75 (03/02)

    03/01- 05/14 - My MFP WaistAways 75 Day (Medium/Soft) Commitment -

    ❤️ Activity - 90 Mins of Exercise & 10k+ steps a day - ✔️ - Treadmill, Circuit, Hike (16,529)
    ❤️Reading - 10 Pages of Reading - ✔️
    ❤️ Water - my goal will be 80 oz - ✔️ 💯 oz
    ❤️Diet - Low Carb, at or under my calorie goal 1350 - ✔️
    ❤️ Pictures - I will do this daily plus will still do MeThreeSixty each week. - ✔️
    ❤️ Avoid - No Alcohol or Cheat Meals - ✔️
    ❤️Personal Addition - No spending money outside of household/family needs. - 👎

    Today will be hard to stay under calorie goal. We have LifeGroup (Church) Dinner tonight and I have no control over the food being provided. 🤞

  • ChelleChelle1031
    ChelleChelle1031 Posts: 54 Member
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    I would like to try this. I'm currently battling a cold so it may be a bit later joining. Then again I may try battling with the cold.

    @19shmoo69 - Join and do what you can. Every little bit helps. Feel better!!

  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,808 Member

    🥗 - Diet - Stay under my Weeky Calorie Goal, track everything
    💦 - Water - 48 ounces of clear water, 64+ ounces of liquid
    👣 - Average 17k Steps Daily (one day of rest)
    💪 - 100 minutes of intentional exercise (I miscalculated in my orignal post)
    📖 - Read 5 pages daily of any book
    📷 - Take a before and after picture
    🍸 - Limit alcohol to one drink weekly
    👏 - If I mess up just get back at it

    Day 1 - March 2: - Met all my goals 1/75

    🥗 - Tracked everything, weekly calorie limit on track
    💦 - 64 ounces clear water, plus a few cups of coffee
    👣 - 19,331 Steps
    💪 - 140 minutes of intentional exercise
    📖 - Reading two books - When Parents Love Too Much and The Masked City - Read more than five pages of each
    📷 - Took my "before" picture
    🍸 - No alcohol
  • Losingweekly
    Losingweekly Posts: 14 Member

    March 3 to May 17
    Calorie counting on MFP: Max per day 1200 cal

    10 x 8oz per day

    FitCoach App Mon. Tue. Thu. Fri.
    Walk 8000 steps per day

    No Selfies
    Progress: Day 1- 💝
  • morenin
    morenin Posts: 91 Member

    Day 1! I am reducing the amount of water I will be drinking back down to 8-12 cups though. I was living in the bathroom with 16.
  • NouveauRee
    NouveauRee Posts: 457 Member
    75 Hard-ish

    Actually thought about doing this on Jan 1 but hubby was not interested and I felt I needed extra support. Also was nervous about being discouraged because I’m not a competitive beast. This version is more my style. Hard is all relative. Everyone has their hard. This will be my modified and personalized version with some stretch to make me stronger and better than yesterday.

    ✅ 90 minutes intentional exercise could be cardio, strength training, yoga, stretching, walking etc it can be spread throughout the day in 10 minutes bursts as time permits or all in one session. It can also be either inside or outside as long as it gets done!
    ✅ Read 10 minutes of a nonfiction book. Currently have 3 nonfiction books ready to read in my library queue. I tend to read in burst but lately not daily. For this challenge I will read 10 minutes a day.
    ✅ Drink a gallon of water. I usually drink 3 quarts a day but will strive for 4 especially with the increased exercise.
    ✅ So not a selfie queen but will take a stomach photo on days 1/25/50/75. My stomach area is my biggest problem area. Complete and total apple🍎 just check out my profile pic😉
    ✅ Not a fan of the word diet but that’s my own personal issues. Will aim for whole minimally processed foods. Nothing is off limits but if I want a cookie it will need to be homemade with “clean” ingredients. If I do have something packaged the label must be all ingredients I can pronounce and understand. There are still some foods in the house that do not meet this requirement so aiming for minimally processed 90% of the time. All new groceries will meet this requirement.
    ✅ No added sugar. I rarely drink alcohol so personalizing to sugar because that’s my hard.

    Good Luck All💪