Roll Call - St. Patrick's Edition - March 17, 2024

shenry111 Posts: 4,140 Member
Good morning!


  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,140 Member
    Good morning!

    We are not big St. Patrick's Day fans here, but some people are, so I respect that.

    I lost 2.1 pounds this past week. My weight this morning was 177.5 pounds. Down 15.5 pounds since the first of February. Woot!

    I was so tired yesterday. Frankie woke me up at 4:00 again this morning. Today is going to be about catching up on some chores. Yesterday, Connie and I raked most of the front and side yards to get all of the sticks, leaves, etc. left by the storm.

    Have a great day!
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,658 Member
    No Irish here either but we will have Corned beef, red potatoes, cabbage and cracklin cornbread.
    Knee stayed out of joint more than in yesterday, tried not to let it slow me up but only got half number steps as usual.
    Rain this morning and cooler, backdown to freezing Wednesday morning.
    Off to church,
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,692 Member
    Top of the mornin' gents.

    Same yard stuff going to happen today at my house. But I will play with the pups and maybe wet a line first.
    So discussion with my supervisor went as expected. He just wanted to check in with me to see what my level of frustration was at and my perception of how the team was responding to the situation. I didn't sugarcoat it, advising him it was going to take time for her to rebuild the respect she lost, and that she was going to have to show up and do her job to do that and that it remains to be seen if she can do it. He is in a little over his head as our supervisor, not really able to take the hard line. His boss is a true believer in kumbaya, but the bottom line is profit, so eventually when kumbaya isn't working, you gotta make someone cry. I do feel like I/we could do a better job creating a better community environment for this doctor, since she tends to sequester herself away.
    Congrats on the excellent results on the scale, Steve! I stalled this week.
    What kind of commitment did you make with this company, Steve? Accounting seems like a inherently stressful job to me and then add your other responsibilities make it even more stressful. There is always Obamacare.
    I am lucky, I think. As frustrating as I portray my situation to be, I am really treated like the talent on a News program, plus I truly like my support team. We work well together. I just miss being able to make the decisions I was able to make when I was the boss. I can certainly make it to 65 (just turned 63), and then I will probably dial it back or even do my own thing.
    Did you ever get a diagnosis on the knee from the MRI, Sam? Did I miss you making that report?
    Pain management going better, Bill?
    Bob, you have had a really cool career path. Sucks that our bodies eventually betray us.
    Where are you hiking today, Mike?
    How long before you can go back to full activity, Dave?

    Onward and downward ;-)
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,470 Member
    Mornin; men.

    Rain here, and quite cool, but I will put on some rain gear and go for a hike after church.

    I love corned beef and cabbage, but should go easy on salty foods in general. Not a fan of green beer or generally drunken shenanigans...

    Dave, I have a carpenter friend who constructed a beautiful coffin when his father died; I will never forget his devoted work. Honoring the dead is a noble act, something that makes us more than just cogs in the wheel.

    DD called me early this morning from Bali (where it is bedtime.) She's moving to Hawaii on Tuesday, packing and getting rid of things she can't take with her. She called to tell me that a close friend of hers, ever since she moved there 7 years ago, died on Thursday. She and her husband were staying in a vacation cottage when a landslide completely destroyed the place. 50 years old. DD's in a state of shock over it, so we talked for half an hour.

    Got my tax returns in the mail, that's over and done.

    Never got out for a walk yesterday. Been active around the house, but haven't really walked far or hiked since Wednesday; not good.

    Have a good day.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,954 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    The Affordable Care Act has enabled millions - especially self-employed and small businesses - to have health insurance that doesn't put them in the poor house, my sister and brother-in-law among them. Nixon almost pushed for a national health plan in '73, but Watergate intruded. Too bad everyone doesn't have the same health plan that I do, or everyone else in the developed world, for that matter.

    I see my neurosurgeon on Friday. We'll see what he says about activity levels. Of course, I also have my oral surgery tomorrow. When it rains, it pours.

    First effort at urn, is not turning out as I hoped. The rough-turned vase I am working with isn't an especially attractive piece of wood. I'll finish it, but I think I will start over for mom's urn.

  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,586 Member
    Good Morning

    I am sure you will find the right piece of wood for your Mother’s urn.

    I got my walk in yesterday, just a mile. I will walk again today. I am taking it slow. I will try to walk in the morning and again in the afternoon if possible. We don’t do corned beef and cabbage. Cabbage is a hard no and the corned beef would have to made into a hash. I have been fortunate with Medicare and my supplemental plans. Despite all the procedures of the past 18 mos, it has cost me very little and denied me very little.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,103 Member
    Top of the mornin' to ya this St Paddy's Day. Nuthin' celebrating here as I don't drink now or want to do the St Patrick's Day run either. But enjoy the green those who do!!
    My wife does make a mean corned beef Irish Stew sometimes just not today. When we were visiting in New Orleans they had a big parade and threw cabbages (duck!!!) to the crowds. We got a cabbage and bought corned beef. We stripped off the outer leaves and the cabbage was just fine.

    Good luck with the neurosurgeon tomorrow Dave.
    Yikes Mike sorry about your DD's travails in Bali.

    Hey Dave how about them Ducks winning the Pac 12 conference title basketball game. Goin' to the big dance!!

    Off to WW meet-up and yoga etc.