Help with choosing the right foods.

My wife is exhausted in trying to figure out what is best for me to eat. She loves to cook and bake so my questions are; what flours are the best for baking? For cooking? How about sugars? I need a sugar that is gut friendly. Are there any fruits that are not good for me? What about Vegetables? Obviously we know that white is bad, but what about sweet potatoes?


  • tinadecavele
    tinadecavele Posts: 7 Member
    I have been learning this last year as I am newly diabetic and I also had open heart surgery. I am learning to cook with Almond flour and Truvia sugar is best for cooking. And yes you have to be careful with fruits berries are the best and others are okay in moderation. Bananas tend to raise blood sugar. Sweet potatoes and squash are great for you and beans you need to figure out what works best for you. Skinless meat is good also. I started with a 13.7 A1C and one year later down to a 6.4 and no longer using insulin and have lost 65lbs. I try to keep my carbs at 133 daily or under. I have been making soups for lunch and eating fish once a week. I make my own candy with sugarfree chocolate and Pinterest is my new friend for finding easy recipes that are low carb and sugar free. Just keep track of your blood sugar its important to exercise as well. I do chair based cardio and strength as I have a few leg issues but you can find lots on YouTube to help with that as well. Just remember its a learning experience and some days you will fall backwards and that's okay as long as you pick yourself up and start again.