Roll Call ~ Saturday May the Fourth (be with you)

manladdvm Posts: 8,671 Member
Mornin' gents.


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,671 Member
    Nice day for dog training. Field trial in 3 weeks. Hunt test in 1 week.
    Love bartering for trade. Glad the foot is better.
    I guess if you pay for Google Earth, you can get pretty recent satellite photos. I am always amused when I do google maps and get up close on my property and see something that dates the image. Usually at least 5 years prior.
    Dave, you sound like you have completely recovered from a very successful surgery on your back.
    Good to hear you have Surgery scheduled, Sam.
    We are doing "no mow" May for the pollenaters. Just mowing some paths. One of the advantages of living rurally and no HOA.

    Onward and downwards ;-)
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,118 Member
    Good morning!

    No mow May. Interesting concept. I had not been able to mow for about two weeks because of the rain. It was very soggy last night and I was not able to get all of the grass cut in areas where water runs. The grass was wet and heavy. I can't imagine going a month without mowing. Weed whacking today around the rain. Still too wet to plant a garden.

    Work has taken a downturn. The bosses are clearly ticked that I'm leaving, and are putting the screws to me to get financials closed. I almost have the FY closed, leaving March and April to do. They gave a very low ball offer to the candidate that we liked. If they keep that up, they may not have someone before I leave. Not my problem. I'd even be happy now if they let me go when I got the financials done. I'm going to crank on them. I had wanted to research and clean up problems. Not going to happen now. I'm just going to do what I need to do to be finished.

    Have a great day!
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,920 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Look on it as a blessing, Steve. You'll have no regrets when you leave.

    Today is my mom's funeral. We'll leave late this morning for the 3-hour drive down to Salem. After the service there is a reception, then a gathering at the old family home for family and close friends. After that, we'll drive home. I'm guessing we'll make it back around 10 or 11. We're leaving Sassy in the back yard. She has a large, covered deck to stay out of the rain.

    We had some unwanted stress yesterday, when our two-year-old CRV quit working in the grocery store parking lot. We called roadside assistance, but before they arrived a whole stream of people came up and asked if they could help. A police officer, called by his off-duty sergeant, gave us a jump. The Honda dealer squeezed us into the booked-up shop and found the batter was completely bad. Wouldn't take a charge at all. We got a new one, still under warranty. Three hours I wish I hadn't had to spend, but amazed at how nice people can be.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,096 Member
    Haha Lee and the Fourth back at ya! Ooh Lee like your no mow May.
    Too wet and cold for tomatoes and such right now but of course other garden stuff likes the weather. My lettuce is wonderful and my peas are growing well too.

    I like your plan Steve.

    Sorry about th battery Dave. Knock on wood mine is giving me a bit of extra time. I have a smart charger plugged into it daily and have my car garaged which helps.

    Two year old car shoudn't have a dead battery in my book.

    Have a safe trip to Salem. We send our regards to you and your family.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,570 Member
    Good Morning

    Dave, if the battery was going to fail I am glad it happened before your trip down to Salem. But only 2 years for a battery is weird.

    Heather is on the mend now so I took her to lunch and we went for a walk around the Sports Park to get my cardio in. Solid walk though the hip flexors were screaming the last 5-10 minutes but I pushed through. We are getting a freak short rain storm today but I will get out again. I stay out of the gym on Saturdays. We typically are done with rain till fall but such is life. I think we will watch the Derby today since Heather asked about it. We always watched horse racing with my Mom when I was growing up on Long Island. It was on TV every Saturday from Aqueduct or Belmont. She went to college by the Saratoga race track in New York. My brother used to call my mom and they would watch the Triple Crown races & the Ryder Cup together. Lots of fond memories around horse racing. We always go to the races at the County fair for a bit.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,630 Member
    edited May 4
    The force is not with me today, may have overdone it yesterday; with DW down with hip and back I am trying to take care of house and Pablo. My grass will not get cut this week but will try and get before Friday. Clean forget about service for neighbor till I looked at clock and I needed to be 40 miles up the road at that time.
    Steve, I learned long ago unless someone has done or knows accounting, they do not value the work or what the person has to do. Like you being able to do all the necessary decisions for the move and stuff not related to accounting.
    Prayers for your healing Bob.
    Prayers for Dave and family as they travel to and from service in Salem.
    Lee, we know the girls are ready for training and will do you proud,