Leslie Sansone May 2024 Walk and Workout Challenge

texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
edited May 1 in Social Groups
WELCOME to all walkers!
May 2024 is here! And time to start another new monthly challenge! Surely beautiful flowers 🌸🌼 and other signs of spring are finally here! You know.... April showers bringing all of those beautiful May flowers that we looked forward to last month. Hopefully we shall have some extra sunshine to brighten our days, as well as our outdoor walks
This group is open to any and all πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ walkers πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ. Many of us use Leslie Sansone as well as other favorite instructor's walking or workout DVDs πŸ“€, as well as those great walks or hikes outside on the trails or pathways that are available to us, or a walk in our neighborhood, or on the treadmill. All of these many options count toward our miles, steps, or minutes.
However you get your walk in, come on in and join us! Whenever you are posting what you have accomplished please remember to also share any strength πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ training πŸ’ͺ or other types πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ of workouts πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ that you are doing. We all benefit greatly by learning from one another and getting new ideas.
The goal that you choose is your own personal goal for this month πŸ‘ŸπŸ“….
If you find this group any time during the month it doesn't matter which day of the month that you join in. Just set your goals to reflect what you hope to accomplish during the remaining days of this month. It is never too late to join in :) , you are always welcome!
We are a happy, supportive group, and I promise that joining this walk challenge will motivate, challenge, as well as inspire you!
Let's tie up our shoes and get some water, and walk strong, together πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‰πŸ˜„, because....
Together we can do this....
texasgardnr πŸŒΊπŸ¦‹πŸŒ·


  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Happy May Day!!

    May Goals

    Mileage tracked 80
    Apple Challenge: 12 workouts of 5 minutes or more for the month.
    I hope to continue to add more strength training this month.

    We're looking at 70's through the weekend so I'm hoping to pop out early and get my walks in.
    Ry continues to gain some strength back. He had an excellent visit with our Chiropractor yesterday and slept decently last night. He's still having to pace himself but maybe we can get him out for a small walk around the house this afternoon.
    During the episode, I remained fairly calm and was more in a protection mode instead of panic. I know what he needs and can assess him b/c I'm with him 24/7. The nurses were just guessing and grabbing at him, which made things a little worse. Once they figured out it was a stroke or heart attack most of them left. Then it was just 1 Nurse and myself. That allowed me to leave him and run to the car to get our go-bag. It was also how I figured out I wore the wrong bra that day! 🀣🀣
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Got my walk at the Park in 1st thing this morning and even played around with the fitness court.

    A little bit of rain and then we settle into a lovely weekend.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    I didn't get much sleep last night due to some storms that came through. I had to be up early for my mammogram today too. Taking today as a much-needed rest day. Tomorrow, I should be back at it and on Sunday I'm going to the Lantern Festival at the Zoo with some friends. I know I'll get some mileage that night.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    20 min walk with Leslie and 6 minutes of Arms with Jessica to start my day.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,459 Member
    May Goals: Accumulate More than the 88 miles achieved in March on my Garmin!
    May 1-Miles 2.3: Total Garmin Miles 2.3
    May 2-Miles 1.7: Total Garmin Miles 4.0
    May 3-Miles 1.1: Total Garmin Miles 5.1
    May 4-WAH: 2 Mile Power Walk: Miles
    I have come to the conclusion that my life is going to be too chaotic to have much of a plan for the next two months beyond moving as much as I can. Dennis has decided to buy a new truck, so we now have added appointments for that. He is having knee replacement surgery and we have classes and appointments we have to do before that happens on June 3, and now we have mice to deal with! All of a sudden, my life is not my own! :laugh:
    In case you did not know this, mice can get into your dishwasher!!!!! :noway: I opened my dishwasher on Monday to add my dishes and a mouse ran out of it and one was dead in it!!!! :sick: I had to unload the whole thing, wash the dishes, sanitize the dishwasher & all its filters, reload the dishes and sanitize them. Apparently, this is not an uncommon problem and Maytag dishwashers are known for it. I have a GE and have never had this problem before. Then, I went to get my peanut butter pretzels and apparently, the mice like those too as my upper cupboard had been raided and this never happened before either. Mice are usually a fall problem, but this spring has been awful for them. I came downstairs to do my workout and my desk is covered in droppings so they are in the ceiling. UGH!!!!! So now I am cleaning everything and spraying with peppermint to drive them out with the added benefit of also driving out the spiders!!!! This better work because mice are destructive and yucky and causing me a ton of work!!!!! :explode:
    I am so glad to hear that Ryan is getting stronger again. He is lucky to have you. I do very well in an emergency, but I fall apart after and am useless!!! You have incredible stamina and I am not surprised that you need some down days. :heart:
    I am going to workout when I can, but track here every day whether I can work out or not. I need accountability and I will probably do more (like walk around the hospital, car dealerships etc) knowing I have to log it. I need my job back!!! Life was so much more predictable when I worked! :bigsmile:
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,459 Member
    May Goals: Accumulate More than the 88 miles achieved in March on my Garmin!
    May 1-Miles 2.3: Total Garmin Miles 2.3
    May 2-Miles 1.7: Total Garmin Miles 4.0
    May 3-Miles 1.1: Total Garmin Miles 5.1
    May 4-WAH: 2 Mile Power Walk: Miles 3.0: Total Garmin Miles 8.1
    May 5-WAH: 1 Mile Heart Healthy: Miles
    We have decided we need a vacation from the woods. Both of us have noticed a complete lack of energy or desire to do anything and we think we need a change of scenery. So, we are headed to Watertown ( a small city about 2 hours away) for a long weekend in a couple of weeks. He wants to go to the Seaway and the winery that is up there and the Commissary at Fort Drum as well as some other places. We find that we miss traffic and people, believe it or not, if we stay in the woods too long. Hopefully, this will cure our malaise.
    I was on my feet cooking all day, but it did not amount to too many steps so I added a 1 mile workout in and I feel better! Leslie is right, even a mile helps.
    No mice today so maybe the peppermint did the trick as there have been no spiders either. Last night, I was down in my office, which is under the kitchen, and I heard what sounded like a mouse so I banged on the ceiling and about scared Dennis to death!!!! He was in the kitchen and the noise I heard was him getting a snack! :laugh: That will teach him not to raid the cabinets when I am away. :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    May Goals

    Mileage tracked 17 / 80
    Apple Challenge: 12 workouts of 5 minutes or more for the month. 6/12

    I went to the Lantern Festival last night and had a great time. It took about 90 minutes to walk through the whole thing. They had it broken down into 3 sections: Chinese culture, Ocean, and Insects. Glad I mentioned it to some friends otherwise they probably would never have gone.

    As most people like to take a vacation to the woods, a vacation is rightly due if you live there. Even if it's only a mini one.😁 Poor Dennis, lol. He'll have to make announcements about getting food from now on.

    This morning I tried a new 1 mile Power Walk on the Walk at Home YouTube page. They posted the new video a few days ago. The guy leading, Tanner, did ok but it just isn't Leslie. πŸ˜• It was still a decent walk with a few minutes with the stretchy band thrown in.
    I saw that the new page I found, Improved Health, just posted a new 10-minute workout. I'm considering doing that tomorrow.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,459 Member
    May Goals: Accumulate More than the 88 miles achieved in March on my Garmin!
    May 1-Miles 2.3: Total Garmin Miles 2.3
    May 2-Miles 1.7: Total Garmin Miles 4.0
    May 3-Miles 1.1: Total Garmin Miles 5.1
    May 4-WAH: 2 Mile Power Walk: Miles 3.0: Total Garmin Miles 8.1
    May 5-WAH: 1 Mile Heart Healthy: Miles 2.6: Total Garmin Miles 10.7
    May 6-WAH-1 Mile Happy Walk: Miles
    I spent all day deep cleaning my upstairs because it was so beautiful out today. I opened all the windows and just let all the dust fly out! :blushing: Tomorrow, I am doing the same thing on lower floor. The spiders are going to get the message that my house is no place to build webs!!!! Still, I am trying to keep to a workout schedule, even if it is only 1 mile. 15 minutes I can always find.
    I am very worried about @texasgardnr though. The floods in Texas are awful and seem to be covering much of the state, Houston is a pond. I hope she is OK and lives on high ground.
    Yeh, I have tried a couple of the new walk leaders and I just do not like them. I use Leslie's older ones most of the time because I just feel old when I look at the new leaders in their muscle bound workout gear. I am very anxious to get into Improved Health as well. I am hoping that I'll have some time to focus on that site in the next few weeks.
    You are racking up the miles this month!!! You go!! :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Took a rest for today. We had a new dryer delivered yesterday, and we had to finish the installation b/c the poor young kids had never seen a ridged vent before and broke 2 elbow joints. They felt so bad and were very honest that they had never seen a setup like that before and were very impressed by it. But all that put me a bit behind so I did laundry catch-up today.
    Luckily, the laundry room is right by my office, and we were working with e-mail issues for most of the day.

    We just had tornadoes south of us in the Kzoo / Portage area. It doesn't sound good right now. Some hail 4" in diameter was reported, and multiple touchdowns. πŸ™πŸ»
    It may show up on national news tomorrow. We only got a little rain.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    My errands this morning kept me from a workout but I'm looking at later afternoon or evening to still get some time in. Ryan may attempt a few laps on the bike.
    Laundry catchup continues.
    So work is starting to flow in again, which is needed.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    I'm caught up on laundry, but I took some extra rest days just because.
    Ryan made a couple of laps around the farm, but he's still tired. At least he's moving forward with recovery instead of having setbacks.

    Tomorrow looks like a good day for a morning workout.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Last night, we got lucky to see the Northern Light like most of the country. I think Ryan and I spent 2 hours running in and out of the house getting pictures. Fingers crossed for a repeat tonight.

    This morning I did 1 Mile from Walk Away the Pounds on YouTube. Then it was into the Kitchen to make up Ryan's breakfast mix for the next several days. After breakfast, I ran a few errands. Lunch and then a few errands with the kid which, included stopping by a local ice cream spot for Dole Whips. They had Strawberry and Orange flavors, but we had them twist it together.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,459 Member
    May Goals: Accumulate More than the 88 miles achieved in March on my Garmin!
    May 1-Miles 2.3: Total Garmin Miles 2.3
    May 2-Miles 1.7: Total Garmin Miles 4.0
    May 3-Miles 1.1: Total Garmin Miles 5.1
    May 4-WAH: 2 Mile Power Walk: Miles 3.0: Total Garmin Miles 8.1
    May 5-WAH: 1 Mile Heart Healthy: Miles 2.6: Total Garmin Miles 10.7
    May 6-WAH-1 Mile Happy Walk: Miles 4.2: Total Garmin MIles 14.9
    May 7-Miles 1.7: Total Garmin Miles 16.6
    May 8-WAH: 1 Mile Happy Walk: Miles 2.3: Total Garmin Miles 18.9
    May 9-Miles 1.5: Total Garmin Miles 20.4
    May 10-Miles 1.6: Total Garmin Miles 22
    May 11-WAH: 1 Mile Happy Walk: Miles
    We heard that MI had tornados at EF-3 strength in Kzoo, but when we looked at the online news, it said Portage in Kzoo county. I was always worried about them when we lived in MI. The scariest thing is those tornado sirens. I will take 48 inch snowstorms any day over 1 EF 1 tornado! :blushing:
    I am so glad to hear that Ryan is steadily improving. That has to be such a relief for both of you.
    LOL we loved our rigid vent in MI. It was code in Genessee county if your dryer was below grade (i.e. in the basement) and ours was. It was so much easier to clean out once year and did not really collect the kind of lint this flex vent does. When our dryer needs to be replaced, we are going with a ventless one. My son has one in Netherlands and they do such a great job drying and you do not have to worry about lint in the vent. We did not know it, but they are available here as well so we are getting rid of the vent hole for the dryer and using it for a bathroom exhaust fan for our downstairs bathroom.
    We have been in the car for most of the week either at the MDs or a class for the knee replacement or at the dealership for the new truck. Next week we are leaving on Wednesday for our mini-city vacation and trip to the seaway and the commissary. I am hoping we will be walking enough for me to get in some miles! I am planning to do 3 miles tomorrow, but we shall see! :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    May Goals

    Mileage tracked 35 / 80
    Apple Challenge: 12 workouts of 5 minutes or more for the month. 9/12

    What should have been an easy drop-off of a new computer turned into 2 hours of troubleshooting and scheduling a return visit for later this week. πŸ˜– So that kept me from my workout of the day.

    Tomorrow, I'm hoping to try another Improved Health workout.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Evening me had big "Go get 'em" energy when thinking about the next morning's workout. I woke up, fired up the computer, and looked at my planned workout. Then immediately look for a different workout. lol
    Walking off the Weight from Improved Health. It was a constant move your body for 30 minutes. Not just legs but she had my arms in constant motion.

    Now off to find something else to eat b/c the lone banana isn't enough.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Well, Ry didn't sleep well last night and was up before I was. So I skipped my morning working out to attend to him and then got right to work for a client. Maybe tonight.

    Hope you have a good mini-cation @zichab
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    I managed a couple of laps around the farm tonight.
    Sadly, the scale doesn’t lie and showed how poor my eating choices have been while stresed. πŸ₯²
    It’s been a full week of work which concludes tomorrow with an onsite visit for some networking.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Yesterday I did a 20-minute workout with Improved Heath. She had me changing moves every 30 secs. So it felt like time passed quickly but boy was I moving.
    Then we were at a client after that and they have 2 floors so that ended up being more running around between floors. So my watch recorded 46 minutes in all yesterday.

    I'm calling for an active rest day today.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Well, I guess I can say yesterday's active rest day went well. 3 loads of laundry, 1 load of dishes, and a complete deep clean of my bedroom closet which I have to complete today.
  • Irishewes
    Irishewes Posts: 6 Member
    edited May 19
    I am starting with Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds 5-day fit walk DVD. Starting with the 1mile walk each day.