Fighting the Good Fight

KellyLyn68 Posts: 7 Member
edited March 2015 in Social Groups
Hi Everyone... My name is Kelly and I was first diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 21. I have been on every drug you can imagine for this disease, my levels were never "normal".
Now 25 years later I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, and type 2 diabetes. I said to myself..."Are you freaking serious?!?!?!"

I have done a lot of reading and trying to find a way to get back to "normal" but it isn't easy. The most important thing is to see someone who understand the correlation between the two diseases. I can't stress this enough, I spent 9 years in my town talking to people who a) didn't care as I was just "another" patient and b) truly didn't understand either disease.

Quite literally 2 weeks ago I met Robin Boland and she deals with endocrinology and diabetes exclusively. In just over 7 days my levels are better, I feel better and I am beyond thrilled she understands and really cares about me and what I am dealing with. <3

Join me so we can be a shoulder to cry on, a cheerleading squad and someone who REALLY understand what you are going through! Together we can DO EVERYTHING! B)


  • amc623
    amc623 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Kelly. I'm Anita. At 13 I was diagnosed type 1 diabetic. At 39, I was diagnosed with membranous glomerulonephritis. And last year at 41 was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I'm a walking autoimmune disorder! Haha!
  • JaspreetDhillon7291
    JaspreetDhillon7291 Posts: 3 Member
    Me too at age 7 was diagnosed for hyperthyroidism and then with thru radiation killed off the thyroid gland and then by nine was hypothyroidism and had to deal with weight gain all thru high school by the time junior year was 16 and got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes since then been dealing with diabetes taking insulin himalog and my lantus along with thyroid pill. Only best way to deal with is take ur meds and exercise input alot of water and rest. Stressing has just made it worse for diabetes it makes ur levels go up and thyroid with stress messes up ur menstrual cycle. So to deal with these 2 get with doctor until ur doses are set and eat foods that help ur thyroid and sugar stay stable. Thyroid helps with regulating ur thirst hunger and memory and energy levels. U know ur thyroid levels are abnormal if tired, menstrual periods are irregular, getting bloated and constipated more than usual.