Hello all, new to Tirzepatide and looking for friends

FionaAnne22 Posts: 178 Member
Hey everyone, quick introduction. I'm Fiona, live in Scotland, 2 kids, time consuming, stressful job, and recently started Tirzepatide. Started 3.5 weeks ago, on a 2.5mg dose. Next dose (Monday morning) takes me up to 5mg.

My weight loss history is long and rollercoaster-like. Joined MFP back in 2011 at 270 pounds, and with up and downs, got down to 160 pounds via a combination of methods, calorie counting mainly, but then for the last year Bright Line Eating. BLE allowed me the last 20 pounds, but it felt so restrictive, I rebounded around 18 months ago, and managed to make my way back up to 221 pounds.

During the rebound I was half heartedly trying WW, calorie counting, Zoe, but still overeating with fear I was going all the way back up and over. Enter Tirzepatide, which I signed up for purely out of curiosity, my opinion going in was no way is this going to work, I don't even use hunger anymore as a decision point in eating.

Well I'm now 3.5 weeks in, and I'm pleased to say I'm down 7.5 pounds. Not groundbreaking, but for me this is a slow, potentially forever journey, where my main aims are two things, hopefully lose some weight, but also don't feel restricted too much, as it does just push me into a rebound. I am definitely feeling less inclined to eat, and fuller, and left wondering is this how people with no food issues think?

Looking forward to seeing how it goes, and feel free to send me a friends request if you have similar aims!


  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 697 Member
    @FionaAnne22 .... hope you are still doing well on this med. I just started using tirzepatide compound five days ago. My appetite is completely gone! It's a very strange feeling. I felt nauseous last week after my first shot, so I am trying to do better this week and get more protein in. Apparently, drinking a lot of electrolytes is equally important, so I am doing that as well.

    I am excited for this journey!!
  • PBAUSA17
    PBAUSA17 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello from Edinburgh :) I just ordered my first 2.5 mg dose with expected delivery sometime this week. After weeks of thinking about this, reading various posts online, listening to Johann Hari and Oprah talk about these drugs, seeing a colleague lose weight, and being fed up with a 5-year plateau, I am trying Mounjaro! I initially lost around 33 lbs. through IF and continue to IF every day - and this is why I think I only gained 4-5 lbs back over the past 5 years. But, I just cannot seem to lose anymore. I need to lose 33 more to be in the normal BMI range so am giving this a try. I am worried about side effects, but am choosing to just embrace it and hope it gets me to a new set point. I can then (hopefully) maintain and not have to stay on it indefinitely. That is the dream!
  • JodieHut
    JodieHut Posts: 697 Member
    @PBAUSA17 ,,,, congrats! It's been a game changer for me and I'm only 15 days in! Side effects are minimal for most, but I embrace them as well.... its a small price to pay for better health in the long run. Best of luck to you!
  • jas0441
    jas0441 Posts: 13 Member
    I am in my second week and down 5 lbs ( 4.5 of which were in the first week). But I no longer have food cravings, I can eat 3 meals and not graze all day. My alcohol consumption is way down. So even though I may lose slowly, I am confident I will lose the weight eventually. I have been trying so many years, I think this is finally going to work. My BMR is only 1222 and TDEE 1446, so my daily calorie goal is only 1040 and on Zepbound this is not a problem to eat this little. Time will tell.
  • tabaret
    tabaret Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Fellow Loosers! <3 I've lost 30 lbs since late Jan. Started on Zepbound then switched to Wegovy 3rd month in due to shortage. Switching back to the Zepbound now as it seems it is available in my area again. Both work well for me but I'm having some side effects from Wegovy (lethargy, nausea, bad heartburn) that I didn't have with Zepbound. Have had NO trouble staying under the 1500 calories a day recommended by my Dr. since starting 5 months ago. Feeling better, but got another 70 to go, so I'm in it for the long haul. These drugs are a game changer for me. Looking forward to improving my life.