June 12 - June 18

GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
LW: 135.0
TW: 134.8

Good morning ladies. Well, very slow progress, but at least it's progress.

Sarah, I'm hoping to see a post soon about your mammogram. I'm sending you all my positive thoughts. <3 Looking forward to seeing your post here.

Lois, glad you're safely back home (for now ;) ), and that your leg did okay. I'm sure your hubby had a happy birthday in the happiest place. I'm guessing that Disneyland was busy! The economy is soaring, and post Covid I'm sure people are traveling there much more.

Speaking of busy, I've been rushing around. Saturday, we worked getting our yard ship shape and Sunday had our kids and grands that live in State here on Sunday for grilling and fun, then had to hit the ground running early Monday for a repairman, trainer, etc. Last night we had theater tickets, and we are trying to get ourselves ready for travel later this month and a lot during July. All while trying to keep my calories down and activity up.

Another busy day is ahead, so I have to get to it.


  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
    LW: 130.4
    TW: 132.0

    Wow. A big jump up and I'm not sure what to attribute this to, other than stress??

    Unfortunately, I did not get the results I wanted from the mammogram. It showed a solid mass rather than a fluid-filled cyst, so I'm being referred for a needle biopsy. The first appointment for that that I could get is July 18, and I have to travel a bit for even that. The earliest at our local facility was July 30. Honestly, access to health care is getting worse and worse. (However, my PCP's staff said they would call every day to see about a cancellation.) The one bit of good news is that they also did an ultrasound of my lymph nodes and those are clear. So there's nothing much I can do but just move forward. One thing that surprised me is how sore the mammo and ultrasound made me. And that boob is black and blue underneath--and I mean seriously bruised. I had not expected that. I could hardly turn over in bed the first night. But I took a couple of Aleve and made it through my class yesterday and then went to lunch with some of the class members. There were 11 of us and it was quite pleasant and a good distraction for me.

    Sheesh, I'm envious of the travel plans. Between the pipes and lawn issues and now this health issue, I expect that the trip abroad we had hoped to take in the fall or early spring of 2025 will not happen. So have enough fun for both of us. Where are you headed? We were thinking a river cruise--hopefully to include some of France and Italy. And hubby would love to get me to Norway. He was stationed there for a short time when he was in the Navy (many years ago) and loved it.

    Lois, glad that your birthday trip for your hubby went well and that you had minimal problems with the leg. I hope that the new system at work is finally humming along and that you can finally find some time for yourself. Is it still cool enough to enjoy the pool? Here, we still have cool days mixed with warmer ones, so the heat is still on in our pool. But Friday, it's supposed to be in the upper 90's and humid, so our muggy summer days are beginning.

    Hope we soon hear from Kelly. I know with the weather getting warmer up there, they are doing their best to get to the lake as often as they can. And of course, end of school activities are keeping most parents busy. Our schools close tomorrow.

    Before I go, here are my 7-day averages for last week, which don't seem to merit that weight spike. I actually did a tiny bit better with both steps and burn than I did last week. So I'm just going to try not to let it get to me and just keep pushing forward.

    Steps = 10,676 (4.31 miles)
    Kcals burned = 1,671
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
    Sarah, my gosh I'm sorry the mammogram didn't resolve what the lump means, but the lymph nodes being clear is great news. I'm feeling pretty positive about the lump being benign. I know that probably doesn't mean much, and I'm sure you're feeling pretty nervous. Like you say, keep moving forward, and distract yourself every chance you get . . that works well for me when I'm worried. A good show or movie on tv or a nice dinner on the patio, the baseball game. Soon, you'll get answers, and I'll bet it's good news. Your averages are incredible. Great job keeping that going!

    It's getting really hot here as well, Sarah. Just when I think I can get out for some outdoor walks, it heats up to where I just decide to opt for the treadmill once again. Here our Springtime is about 2 days it seems . . just head right into Summer from Winter. Our Autumns are pretty nice though.

    In late June we're going to Budapest to embark on a river cruise on the Danube. We disembark in Germany. It goes into ports in Austria and Germany, into the castle areas where we'll take a small plane ride to tour the castle that Walt Disney replicated for Disneyland castles. We signed up for daily excursions that I can't even remember what they are now, lol. We've never done a river cruise, only 2 ocean cruises, so this should be interesting. We've only been to Europe twice . . a tour of Italy and a trip to Paris. The other trip later in July is just to go see our kids and grands in California and Oregon, and then home. I hope my hubby will do okay. He has so much chronic pain, his days are hard. But, he really wants to go.

  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,312 Member
    Sarah - I'm with Sheesh. The nodes are clear - that is a very good sign. And you're so healthy - I vote benign and you'll be well.

    Sheesh - your trip sounds amazing. I hope hubby is able to to be pain free, or pain lessened on your journey!!

    I snorted when I ready your weather. We're already 105. We have some days of spring, a couple of days of winter and I really can't say we get any autumn (leaves don't drop until January) and of course, the upstairs AC unit did not want to play last night. So I had to sleep downstairs. I didn't notice until I went to go to bed about 9pm. Hubby said he thought it was a little warm when he went up before leaving for work but it didn't register to him. So here we are. Thankfully I called a guy who services our office and his guys are here now. Freon leak. $300 so YUCK! I'll take it over some other bills, but I wasn't planning on spending on AC stuff.

    We're home for a couple of weeks. One of hubby's auntie's passed away a couple of weeks ago. Her services are next Saturday in Cali. Waiting for hubby to confirm he can skip a clinic to attend before I book hotel reservations. It's at 1pm in glendale cali, and I can't make that drive solo - I HATE driving into that area.

    I was had to cancel my physical for yesterday. Too many challenges at the office to get away frm my desk. Rescheduled for the morning in a few weeks. Also made an appt with ortho for next week - just in case my leg swelling continues.