Living The Lifestyle - Monday 6/17/24

crewahl Posts: 4,000 Member
This is a thread for everyone. If you're new to GoaD, or to weight loss, your questions and comments are always welcome. If you're maintaining, or a long-term loser, your thoughts on the topic may be just what someone else needs to hear. If you're reading this, join in the discussion!

Each weekday, a new topic is offered up for discussion.

Monday - crewahl (Charlie)
Tuesday – Wildcard
Wednesday-misterhub (Greg)
Thursday -imastar2 (Derrick)
Friday - Wildcard

Today's Topic: Ah, the scale . . .

What is your reaction when you step on the scale and it’s up? What’s the reacton when it’s down? How do those answers impact your progress?

Bonus question - how do you refer to your scale?


  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,031 Member
    Ah, the scale! After so many years weighing in daily my first thought is one of reality. If it's up I've got to get with the program. If it's down I want to do more of what I did yesterday.

    The issue with my scale some days is a complete question mark. By now I know generally what causes my weight gain. So why do I continue to eat the forbidden food(s) that cause weight gain. There are health issues and medications that may or may not interfere with my weight loss. It's mainly water retention due to congestive heart failure. It hard to control what you can't control.

    Clearly it's one of making a decision to not eat the piece(s) of chocolate or the rare milkshake or many of the forbidden items that I know will add the weight on.

    So DW woke up and decided she was going to follow a diet that has witless for us both.

    It's decision time for me to join her. So when she gets back from her morning exercise in the local community indoor pool for seniors we'll have our little talk and hopefully execute the decision she mentioned.
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 969 Member
    The scale is your friend. It rewards good behavior and gives you a nudge when you need it. It usually confirms what I already know so there are few surprises. I can be a bit obsessive with the scale, but I have not gone as far as to give it a name.
  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 4,000 Member
    I like to think I’m rational enough that I can treat the scale as providing a byte of data. Unfortunately, I also like to think I’m honest enough to admit that a lower number makes me happy, and a higher number - particularly if unexpected - is a disappointment. Also, I have to acknowledge that historically at least, a lower number has increased my willingness to indulge. That is not a positive behavior.

    So I believe the scale is feedback, and I try to avoid the tendency to “reward” myself for a lower number.

    Lately I’ve taken to thinking of my scale as The Metal Box Of Justice. It evaluate what we’ve done, and metes out a number that reflects its assessment of that. No, I don’t name it . . . . that would be silly . . . . .
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 969 Member
    "I have to acknowledge that historically at least, a lower number has increased my willingness to indulge. That is not a positive behavior."

    Been there, done that. I still do sometimes. Human nature?
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,491 Member
    Down 😀. Up ☹️. Or sometimes down is 😅. I’ve been in my unofficial yellow zone for so long I don’t react much. Just longing for the day when 4-5 lbs magically vanish.

    Bonus- Mr Scale.
  • cakeman21k
    cakeman21k Posts: 6,014 Member
    when its a good number her name is sweetheart (thank you sweetheart!)
    When its a bad number her name is piece of shot (you lying piece of shot!)
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,145 Member
    edited June 18
    When it's up, it's darn! When it's down (under GOAL), it's Whoopie!!
    {Thank you cakeman for the formula ;) }
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 3,016 Member
    I'm certainly disappointed when the scale is up, and satisfied when it's down. With that said, I think the scale often tells me what I already know--whether I've been sticking to my plan or not.

    Of course, I am very used to the random day-to-day fluctuations that reflect hydration status more than anything, and I try (try) to focus on the longer-term trends. I think I'm ok at that, but I could always use more work on this.

    Finally, no names for my scale.
  • misterhub
    misterhub Posts: 6,310 Member
    The scale is a tool. Each weigh-in is a single data point. Those data points comprise a trend line.

    I do a pretty good job of monitoring the trend line without obsessing over the individual data points. If, at the end of the week, the trend is up, I assess what the cause may have been and adjust. If it is trending down, I try to model the past week. But, the real analysis is at the end of the month. Any major tweaks would be at that time.
  • misterhub
    misterhub Posts: 6,310 Member
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,145 Member