How much food can I actually eat?

Selv45 Posts: 1 Member
I’m 316 pounds and MFP says for me to lose 2 lbs a week I need to consume 2,010 calories. This means that I’m already in a 1,000 calorie deficit since 3,010 calories would be the goal if I wanted to maintain my current weight but what happens if, let’s say, I only eat between 1,800-2,000 calories a day but I burn 900-1,000 calories a day from exercise. Does that mean I’m now in a 2,000 calorie deficit? Should I eat more? Currently been doing it this week and I’m usually starving after I eat lunch and after I eat dinner which is weird because before those meals I’m relatively hungry but after I eat I get way more hungry and I have no idea why. I also have been drinking about 120-150 ounces of water per day. Also, not sure what MFP means by remaining calories? For example today the equation was 2,010 (goal) - 1,750 (food) + 1,009 (exercise) = 1,259 remaining, what does that mean? Do I eat more so that remaining calories is less? Because with these numbers that means that today I was in a 2,259 calorie deficit which would explain why I’m starving. Please help!


  • Irizarry1
    Irizarry1 Posts: 1 Member
    You need to stick to your calorie goal for the day do not add back the calories given for workouts that’s so you can maintain your weight but you are trying to lose weight after you get to your goal weight then you can add back workout calories. Hope this help…. And more veggies and greens they are low cal and you can eat more to feel full longer also high in fiber stay away from processed food altogether that will make you hungry…. Lower your sugar intake by eating whole natural foods.
  • DebbsSeattle
    DebbsSeattle Posts: 125 Member
    I too am hungry before the meal, eat, feel fine and then am “starving” after about an hour later. I believe it is because I’m eating right and my body is burning excess fat stores. I’m learning to enjoy that feeling as it usually indicates an “all new low” for my next morning weigh in. My body does feel content longer when my meal was higher in protein and fat. That of course is a fine balancing act. I’m learning the 100 calorie proteins give me more meat for the bang than high calorie red meats. Loving my fish and sardines. I’m sleeping a lot (don’t know I’m hungry when I’m asleep AND I don’t eat). I plan my meals a day ahead. No food within 4 hours of bed except celery, cucumber and bell peppers. I’m no where near as good with my water as you are.I keep lemon juice for flavoring it. I target 80 ounces but should have 100 or so. I’m eating foods that are clean and as pure as I can get them, organic as budget allows. I’m also establishing “regular” foods and menus so it is easier to shop, plan and know what to eat without too much time involved. Good job at getting your program moving in the right direction. You should work hard to stick to your 2000 calories per day. Keep the fridge stocked with veg for hunger pangs. Possibly try protein powder to bulk up the proteins in your yogurt/cottage cheese (we are using Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides…35 calories=10 grams protein).
  • boyko12
    boyko12 Posts: 2 Member
    I’m new to the group and looking for inspiration and to get some advice on my approach.
    I went to see a nutritionist recently and she indicated that I wasn’t eating enough. She explained that being in a calorie deficit means understanding my BMR (mine is 1970) and then understanding my Total Daily Energy Expenditure ( I exercise 3-5 times per week) which sales that I need 3010 calories to maintain my weight of 281. She then suggested I focus on a daily calorie goal of 2300 - 2600 per day. Has anyone seen this methodology and has it worked? Previously I’d been trying to follow a calorie goal of 1600 calories and not seeing any weight loss results. What she is proposing seems counterintuitive.