Fri October 4 Check In



  • ptitejeanne
    ptitejeanne Posts: 1,952 Member
    Oct 4
    ✅ exercises
    ✅ within calories
    ✅ track intakes
    0️⃣ pass days used
  • AwkwardHaircut
    AwkwardHaircut Posts: 156 Member
    Exercise - circuit training, rebounder, cycling, lots of walking
    Calories - no, over by about 400 :-(
    Tracking - yes, but ate out for lunch and dinner was leftover-based, so difficult to know exact amounts
    Pass days used - 2

    As we head into the season of pumpkin spice lattes and Halloween candy, what are currently your biggest challenges with your diet goals and tracking?
    I eat so much more when I’m cold. It just feels so good to me to have nice warm food in my belly, and it makes self-control very challenging.
    What are your goals for tracking in the last quarter of 2024?
    To measure more and be more accurate.
    Is there anything else you want to share about your current experience with tracking?
    I don’t enjoy that I am constantly on my phone to do it. It makes me much more susceptible to distraction on social media, email, and web browsing. I do enjoy the benefits of its eye-opening abilities. It’s incredible to see how closely my tracking aligns with actual weight loss (or maintenance). It’s very worth it for me.

  • tdarke1
    tdarke1 Posts: 90 Member
    10/4 Yes X 3
  • astroamy
    astroamy Posts: 1,057 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? 10 mile bike ride
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of all the calories I ate or drank? Yes
    Pass days: 0

    Halloween isn't so bad I allow myself have a few things I don't usually have and take any leftovers to work where they disappear pretty fast. I just try to keep the holiday eating to one day. That's easier with Thanksgiving than Christmas, since I do some Christmas baking.
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,680 Member
    cmoak54 wrote: »
    I usually struggle over the holidays with candy and baking, it is really what set me off track in 2024. So I am just going to try not having it around (my grandkids won't be happy when they are visiting, but we'll adjust, maybe they will just have to take all the goodies we make home with them! Thier parents probably won't be thrilled since they are all also trying to eat healthier)
    @cmoak54 Since their parents are also trying to eat healthier, wouldn't this be a great opportunity to have a family conversation about everyone's health goals, and how to support each other in reaching them? That way nobody has to have foods in the house that they'd rather not be eating... and while you're at it, maybe the kids could be recruited into creating some fun new family traditions that aren't all food-centered :)
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,680 Member
    edited October 5
    Date: October 4
    Exercised? ✅ two walks, 25 min total
    Pass Days? Zero 0️⃣

    As we head into the season of pumpkin spice lattes and Halloween candy, what are currently your biggest challenges with your diet goals and tracking?
    Funny you should ask! My biggest challenge right now is making sure I eat enough calories 😂 I’ve been working on losing weight since July of 2023, but after my recent hysterectomy I’m now under strict doctor’s orders to NOT lose any weight for the rest of the year (because that would interfere with the healing process). Of course as soon as I switched to “maintenance mode” the weight started melting off no matter what I did 🙄 and it’s been quite the adjustment to turn the tide! I eat like a horse, at this point I consume 1,000 calories above my normal and I’ve just barely managed to stop the weight loss now. That said, I’m eating all healthy, whole foods, with an emphasis on lots of protein and veggies, plus some grains/fruit/nuts etc and plenty of fiber and water. No room for lattes or candy. Feels like a full-time job to get all that food in, haha

    What are your goals for tracking in the last quarter of 2024?
    Continue tracking everything, as always. Ideally I would like to finish out 2024 at around the same weight I was just prior to my surgery. (I’m up a few pounds right now, due to swelling.)

    Is there anything else you want to share about your current experience with tracking?
    My tracking experience over this past year has made my surgery so much easier on me. I have so much insight now into how I need to eat to feel my best, and I was able to find and apply good, scientific information on how to best prepare for this major medical procedure (and the healing process). Getting comfortable analyzing, customizing, and tracking my food has made it a snap to be in the best shape I can be. My recovery has been amazingly easy so far, I’ve had almost no negative side effects at all and I definitely credit at least some of that success to my food tracking practice. Food tracking is awesome!

  • loopydo2017
    loopydo2017 Posts: 728 Member
    Yes x3. Rebounder workout and evening yoga. 0 pass days used.
    I’m aiming to stick with tracking for the rest of the year. I’m getting closer to maintenance and that is when I usually start slacking and bounce back up. Committing to break the yo-yo cycle!
  • cmoak54
    cmoak54 Posts: 1,331 Member
    @takinitalloff, we have had the family discussion on health because there have been so many issues this past year with everyone's health. One son has a herniated disk in his back and is trying to avoid surgery, his wife has a blown meniscus that may need surgery, but therapy is helping right now so they are focusing on eating better to just control their weight (neither are overweight, now). My other son was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, so he and his wife are focusing on anti-inflammatory eating. My daughter and her hubby are relatively healthy, but both their daughters are getting married next year so are trying to lose weight. So, the 5 youngest grandkids are all in homes where healthy eating is being practiced and they are encouraged to eat healthier. But Grandmas house always meant baking cookies, and we have cut that way back and do other activities, but occasionally we like to fall back on a fun day of baking, albeit not as much and healthier food. They are all getting older and are busy with friends and school, so they don't come as often as they used to, so we are all adjusting.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,915 Member

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? ✅
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? ✅
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? ✅

    Congrats to all the Champions!

    Pass Days = 0
    Nothing like a brand new month!!!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,193 Member
    Exercise: yes, back exercises including planks & crunches. Also, seated dips, pushups & squats. 25 min. Hopefully all will improve. 1st time to do these in a long time.
    Calories: yes
    Tracking: yes

    3 pass days
    I’ll be tracking all my pass days this month & hope to have less next month. Plan on getting exercise daily…
  • Wiseinwellness
    Wiseinwellness Posts: 1,077 Member
    I always find this thread to be useful.

    My biggest struggle is my workload at work right now and asking my hubby for help at home as he is retired (and willing, but only if I ask). So I must pin my ears and go forth and ask for help.

    3 x yes
    1 pass day
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 1,301 Member
    edited October 5
    tracking is an interesting topic - for me, a top line goal is to eat enough, stop at enough, and tracking helps me understand how much food is enough for my body. I find that when I struggle and want to eat more, I abandon tracking - because I already know it's too much. I try to start fresh at the very next meal, very next day.

    ok, 10/4 - no. pass 3 of 3... life interruptis = food difficulties. Will keep trying. today is a new day and another chance to try again. :)
  • mrscosto
    mrscosto Posts: 77 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? ✅ - 45 minute upper body strength class at the gym
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? ✅
    Did I keep track of all the calories I ate or drank?✅
    Pass days: 0️⃣

    97 days of tracking here! In my experience, I don’t lose weight if I don’t track.

    I don’t like coffee, so pumpkin spice lattes are not tempting for me. Reese’s peanut butter pumpkins, however, are another matter entirely. 🤣 I’ll have to plan them into my day a couple times this fall - they’re my favorite candy.

    My biggest challenge right now is just that everything gets so busy this time of year. October is the busiest month of the year at work, which usually means working overtime, which leads to more stress. Previously, this led to stress eating, but I’ve been doing well with managing it so far this year. Then outside of work, I feel like my kids have more activities, and there are more food-heavy events on our calendar than usual.

    I think that staying consistent with my tracking, even if I do go over on a few days, will help keep me from turning this month into a free-for-all with food. I listened to a podcast the other day that was about choosing memories over macros. How when these events come up, we have to decide which one is going to be our priority, and then own that decision with no regrets or guilt. One meal, or one day, is not going to un-do all of the progress we have made.

    (If anyone’s interested, it was from the “Embrace Your Real” podcast by Julie Ledbetter. I listen it to it every time I go for a walk.)
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,371 Member
    October 4

    Exercise: 15 minutes stretching 🙆 , 75 minutes walking 🚶‍♀️ , 14 minutes yoga 🧘
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes
    Number of pass days used?: 0