Roll Call ~ Hump Day 10/16/24

manladdvm Posts: 8,963 Member
Mornin' gents


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,963 Member
    I have a cat on the lap situation and I need to get another cup of coffee. Thankfully the keyboard is wireless and I can move it to a spot where I can reach around the black lump and type.
    Sciatic pain not really bothering me too much during the day, but sleeping is still a problem.
    Pretty Pablo? I started doing my own clip downs when I felt like even the discounted grooming fee was more than I wanted to pay AND that the groomer never seemed to get it right. I've gotten pretty good over the years.

    Onward and downward ;-)
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,577 Member

    Saw the comet last night again, this time from the pond at the state park. Still very faint, and I think if there were no moon out it would've been much easier to see. I hope next time they schedule it for a moonless night. Still pretty cool to see.

    I need to get the window guys here to estimate replacing my sliding door and bedroom window, both 50 year old double pane that has lost insulation and is fogged up. Should have started sooner so the work won't be during a blizzard.

    Frosty nights now but warming by the weekend. Foliage getting more and more colorful.

    Long walk yesterday and resolved to cut back on fried food and sugar and make some vege recipes.

  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,306 Member
    Good morning!

    Frankie let me sleep in this morning until 6:15. We had our first official freeze of the season last night at 27 degrees this morning. It should be warming up again starting today. Now if we could only get some rain!

    Lee, I have a sweatshirt that says CURMUDGEON. It is ok to embrace being a grumpy old man.

    The Royals had the 6th best turnaround season to season in MLB history. They did great this year.

    Connie has two appointments today. Physical Torture at 11:00, and her post scope visit at 1:00. I will be driving her to both of them, and they are miles apart from each other. We'll grab a quick burger between appointments.

    Have a great day!
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,221 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Rita and I went out to dinner last night at a Japanese steakhouse, one of those places where they cook on a flattop where you eat. I wasn't especially impressed. Food was good, not great, and expensive. Rita had a gift card that paid most of the bill, though, so not a big deal. We won't go back.

    No frost out here yet - probably not until November. While there have been some showers overnight, we are at less than half the normal rain for October.

    Finished a beautiful walnut bowl yesterday and have a little walnut vase to do today. Fun times.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,696 Member
    edited October 16
    Good Morning

    Easy travel yesterday. We managed to end up in a Cadillac SUV when there was a problem getting our car. We didn't complain. Ridiculous how many do-dads it has. But it rides smooth and quiet. We took flowers over to the gravesite and cleaned up the stone for Heather's parents. Recovered from that with a nice walk in the local Botanical Garden and then took a drive up to Mt Baldy which was recently on fire. That area is closed off but we made it up to the turn off for the Ski Lift which is closed. Lots of memories here. I think because we now know we are leaving in a few weeks, the memories come in volume. I don't know if we will back down here ever again. Today we head to the coast to San Clemente where we lived a couple of years when we were broke. The family had a beach house there. Then Laguna Beach because we used to love walking around there. House is theoretically done and ready to be photographed etc. I am trying to stay of things unless I am needed. Inspection is today. Bob we will likely just miss each other. We go home on Thursday!
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,868 Member
    Physical torture this morning, therefore tonight shoulder pain is major, may have to breakdown and take pain relievers which I have tried to stay away from.
    Frost warning for tomorrow morning, pulled okra and what beans were there; hoping tomatoes are close enough to house that frost does not affect because some are just beginning to turn.
    Neighbor that walks Pablo for me in evening is very liberal and has not been here long enough to vote previously, she is going with us to early vote tomorrow so we can cancel each other's vote. She does not know local elections so will vote party; when we get to local positions, I do not look at party.
    Hope Connie got a good report today.
    I have thought about getting a pair of clippers that would trim Pablo, what I have will not cut; he does not like for his face to be trimmed therefore they have never trimmed as I asked, even when given drugs to keep him calm.
    Bill, know you are glad to be where you are in moving process.