🥇Week 1 ~ Exercise, Meet Your Cheerleaders, Get Outside, and Take Your Measurements🥇

Ceriusly1 Posts: 6,235 Member
edited October 20 in Social Groups
Week 1! Saturday, October 12 through Friday, October 18

The challenge begins on Saturday morning, October 12th. Exercise, Get Outside, Meet Your Cheerleaders, and Take Your Measurements done before SATURDAY DOES NOT COUNT!!!!

😀This posting is for information only. PLEASE POST YOUR RESULTS ON YOUR CHALLENGE TEAM PAGE. Each team has a similar ‘set-up’, yet each has its own ‘look & feel’. Your team’s leaders will answer all questions. Another good source of information will be from your fellow teammates on your team’s discussion board.

Fitter Fitness For Fall: Crossing The Finish Line

Thanks to everyone for your comments on the Challenge Themes topics on the Community Team Page. If you haven't read those posts yet, please take a moment to do so.

🏁 Race 🏁

It's a foot race! Each team has a goal of 6,000 minutes and a "ribbon to break." Exercise to break the ribbon before the end of the week as your team crosses the finish line. One minute of exercise = one minute closer to the goal. 120 Minutes Max.


Take Your Measurements!

The following paragraph is the only information I found about taking measurements on MFP. "Taking your measurements can be an even better gauge of your progress than the scale because when you burn fat and build heavier muscle, your weight may not change or even increase even though your body is tighter and smaller. We suggest taking your measurements every 2-4 weeks."

I found this article very informative and helpful in taking my measurements.

This chart is found on your MFP check-In page.


You can see I have not kept up with this onsite. I measure everything I can, wrap the tape around it, and track it on a spreadsheet. Even if the scale doesn’t move, I usually see some difference in the measurements. The last time I took my measurements with my first and last WIN (I think WIN sounds much better than weigh-in) was in Summer 2023. I lost 4 pounds during that challenge, but the 11 inches lost were more noticeable.

For this challenge, measure your neck, waist, and hips and enter the data on your page. You can add other measurements to the list if you want to. Take your measurements once during week 1 to earn your team 15 bonus points. We suggest taking your measurements on day 1, but we realize it can be a daunting task so please don’t feel you have to do it all at once.

Our Super Amazing Spreadsheet creator, @ladyluk1, added a tab for measurements to the team worksheets. If you are brave and would like to track your measurements publicly. (this is NOT required!) Your measurements are personal, and you are free to track them on your own.

If you choose to track publicly, the Spreadsheet is set up for the following measurements.

Upper Arm
Heads Up

The final Healthy Habit for this challenge is "Take Your Measurements!" You will get points only if you take your measurements in week 1!

Meet The Cheerleaders

Getting acquainted with your teammates and learning how your team supports each other is essential to the team's success. This week get to know your teammates by reading their profiles and sending/accepting friend requests. MFP members must be friends to be able to communicate by MFP mail. Did you know that if you click on a teammate's name or picture it links you to a profile where you can leave encouraging comments?

You can chat on your team's chat thread, play a game, or comment on a post. It's 10 points for participating on your team in some way.

Please Note:Posting your exercise and healthy habit points does not count towards Meeting the Cheerleaders.

Spend 10 Minutes Outside

Some of the benefits of being outside include:

Better breathing
Improved sleep
Reduced depression
Motivation to exercise
Mental energy
Immune health
Better vision
Emotional wellness
5 to 15 minutes of sunlight increases your Vit. D
Sunlight increases serotonin. This helps raise your energy and keeps your mood calm and focused.

Walk! From my own experience, walking outside changes your terrain. We use more muscle and gain balance when walking on gravel, uneven sidewalks, or asphalt.

Play! I love to go to the park where I played as a child, and swing on the swings! It is fun work to get the swing started and keep it going higher!

🧑‍🌾🌞 ⛱ 🚶⚾ Whether you're gardening, walking, playing, or just sitting in the sun, do something outside for 10 minutes every day.

Exercise Summary: Each minute you exercise moves your team closer to “Break The Ribbon” and reach 6,000 minutes! Remember it’s 120 minutes max to count.

Healthy Habits Summary:
Get Outside: 10 minutes all or nothing
Meet the Cheerleaders: 10 points all or nothing
Take Your Measurements: One time this week, 15 Bonus Points

Your post should look something like this:


Exercise: 120
Get Outside: 10
Meet the Cheerleaders: 10
Take Your Measurements:15 Bonus Points,

****Remember if for any reason your health does not allow you to participate in a challenge, please do not attempt
Ceri (Ceriusly1)
Co-Leader 2024 Fall 5% Challenge ~ Tenacious GR8TERS

Overall Co-Leader, Seasonal 5% Challenges
Co-Leader, Seasonal 5% Challenges ~ Bloggers!!
🥳🎊🎉🌟✨ CELEBRATING the beginning of our 4th Year
of Seasonal 5% Challenges on MyFitnessPal


  • DrewsAnna
    DrewsAnna Posts: 416 Member
    I guess I got kicked out, may I ask why?

    Can I rejoin?
  • DNjoys
    DNjoys Posts: 8,725 Member

    @DrewsAnna - It looks like you were on Rain Dancers so I've tagged that team's Captain so she can help you. I can't imagine anyone getting kicked off without communication and it would take something really inappropriate to have had that happen. It was probably a glitch or accident. Have you tried rejoining Rain Dancers? If you're not MFP friends with TEXASTITCHER, it would help to add her so she can communicate with you. If you are friends, you could message her.
  • DNjoys
    DNjoys Posts: 8,725 Member
    edited October 18
    With only one more day to take measurements, this is probably a little late, but I haven't taken mine yet and just thought of it tonight. I am a breast cancer survivor who had a single mastectomy and used to be thrown when asked to take chest measurements until I was given this tip:

    Put one end of the tape measure on your spine and bring it around your remaining breast to your sternum. Then multiply that number by 2.
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