VIP LOUNGE! Welcome to the 2024 Fall 5% Challenge!
Please do all chatting here! Have fun, ask questions, and get acquainted!
🧮Final Figures For Fitter Fitness For Fall🧮
Final Figures For Fitter Fitness For Fall 2024 Biggest Loser~ cinebibliophile!! Other Top Losers Note: If you are on the top losers list, please proudly display your award on your profile! Thanks! Total Harvest Points Earned In The Competition Race To Break The Ribbon Team Placement in Measurements Team Placement in…
Feedback Please!
Your OALs would like to have your thoughts on the new format that was used for the 2024 Fall Challenge. Thank you in advance for sharing.
How Did You Fill Up On Fiber?
Please share your thoughts about the Fiber challenge.
How Do Your Measurements Measure Up?
Please share your thoughts on using measurements to track your progress.
The Winter Community Is Open!
The Winter Community is now open. Please join and choose your team as soon as possible to reserve your spot! Remember, the last names on the list may be moved to balance the teams. join at this link.
💌Caring Hearts💌 Prayer Requests and Positive Thoughts
We value you and your families! Please use this space to share prayer requests and any need for positive affirmation for team members, friends, or family members. I'm sure we are all thinking of the destruction left by the hurricanes in the Southern USA.
📏Week 8! Saturday, November 30, - Friday, December 6, Exercise, Measurements, and Fiber📏
Week 8! Saturday, November 30, through Friday, December 6. The challenge begins on Saturday morning, November 30. Exercise, Fiber, and Take Your Measurements done before SATURDAY DOES NOT COUNT!!!! 😀This posting is for information only. PLEASE POST YOUR RESULTS ON YOUR CHALLENGE TEAM PAGE. Each team has a similar ‘set-up’,…
Week 3 Final Results TBA
I'd like to thank everyone for your patience and prayers as I care for my Mom. This post is conversation-friendly! Please use the comments to congratulate and inspire all teams! Fitter Fitness For Fall Race To Break The Ribbon Team Placement in Fitness Team Placement in Fruit Team Placement in Declutter Team Placement in…
🧮Week 2 Final Results🧮
This post is conversation-friendly! Please use the comments to congratulate and inspire all teams! Fitter Fitness For Fall Race To Break The Ribbon Positively Strong 4 Life🏆 100 Harvest Points Fit Force🏆 75 Harvest Points Shape Shifters 🏆 50 Harvest Points Team Placement in Fitness Positively Strong 4 Life 🏆 Mission…
Direct Messaging on MFP
Direct messages can be sent to members MFP Activity profile. The messages are not private and you are not notified you have received a message. You will need to look at your profile to see if you have received a message. Tagging the person does not alert them that they have received a message. I think it is good to send…
🏋Powered By Protein🏋
How did we do? Please share thoughts about the Protein Healthy Habit!
🥇Challenge Week #6: Saturday, November 16, 2024, through Friday, November 22, 2024🥇
This posting is for information only. PLEASE POST YOUR RESULTS ON YOUR CHALLENGE TEAM PAGE. Each team has a similar ‘set-up’, yet each team also has their own ‘look & feel’. Any and all questions will be answered by your team’s leaders. Another good source of information will be from your fellow teammates on your team’s…
Paying Attention to Your Intentions
Heading into week 2 of the Intentional Eating Healthy Habit, I first want to say that, as leaders, we welcome all feedback. Your kudos inspire us to carry on, and the other kind of feedback causes us to stop and think. Some members thought "Deviating from the plan even a tiny bit = 0." was probably not the best scoring…
Harvest Festival~How Fit are Your Fun Fall Fruits?
How are we doing with getting in our fruit servings? I rarely eat fruit unless it's in jello, so having fruit instead of freggies forced me to become aware of the need for fruity nutrition in my diet. Please share your thoughts about fruit and any ideas you have about including more fruit in your daily intake.
Harvest Festival: How Do You Vary Your Vegetables?
I prefer vegetables to fruit! I can easily overeat my veggies. How are you all doing with getting in your 3 servings a day?
🥇Challenge Week #5: Saturday - November 9, 2024, through Friday - November 15, 2024🥇
🥇Challenge Week #5: Saturday - November 9, 2024, through Friday - November 15, 2024🥇 This is an informational post. Please post your numbers on your team page at the designated topic. The challenge begins on Saturday morning, November 9th. Exercise, Intentional Eating, and FREGGIES done before Saturday DO NOT COUNT!!!!…
🥇Challenge Week #4: Saturday - November 2, 2024 through Friday - November 8, 2024 🥇
This posting is for information only. PLEASE POST YOUR RESULTS ON YOUR CHALLENGE TEAM PAGE. Each team has a similar ‘set-up’, yet each team also has their own ‘look & feel’. Any and all questions will be answered by your team’s leaders. Another good source of information will be from your fellow teammates on your team’s…
Community News Feed
Use this post in the same way you used your personal news feed to share similar items as was shared there. This is for check-ins and not to replace chatting.
🥇Challenge Week #3: Saturday - October 26, 2024 through Friday - November 1, 2024 🥇
This posting is for information only. PLEASE POST YOUR RESULTS ON YOUR CHALLENGE TEAM PAGE. Each team has a similar ‘set-up’, yet each team also has their own ‘look & feel’. Any and all questions will be answered by your team’s leaders. Another good source of information will be from your fellow teammates on your team’s…