Roll call ~ Monday, Dec. 23, 2024

mikehikemike Posts: 3,683 Member
A merry good morning, men.


  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,683 Member
    Nice view of the mtns, Lee. There is something awesome about seeing those peaks rise up as you approach a mountain range.

    Cookies came out great and 10 y. o. DGS gave us a Christmas carol concert on the piano. He’s really come along (i. e. plays better than me).

    4° here. Got up early to feed the stove. This big galloop of a dog is a whining mess till I scatch her neck and pat her head.

    Have a good day everyone.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 9,163 Member
    Mornin' gents.

    First night in Colorado house. House in in great shape. M has it already furnished, except for sun room and outdoor furniture. A little sterile, but she likes it that way, makes it easier to keep clean. Sun is not up yet, but I will get a photo of mountains in the west with morning sun on them and post.
    I will have to build a garage barn with a shop when I get here. No place for a man cave. I will say the chicken coop has potential for game bird pen and pigeon coop. I think I will have to make raised bed tomato and pepper garden. The soil here is not great and it is super arid.
    Had four slices of pizza last night, over 40 pts, and I had real pork sausage for breakfast with sourdough toast. Good thing I had weeklies and activity points in reserve.
    DS#1's house is really nice and roomy, but on a postage stamp. I hope he comes out to our wee little country space to hang.
    I hear it is cold in NE. Per my weather channel app, it is 0 degrees at my CT house. 41 degrees here in Monument. Berners love the cold for sure. When cold weather camping, make sure you bring a big warm dog to snuggle with.

    Onward and downward ;-)
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,989 Member
    Good Morning,
    Glad you made a safe trek with girls, but you are in a different time zone now so need to sleep later.
    Love a wood burning fire but keeping it fed is a different story.
    Hope ribs are better today,
    27 degrees here this morning,
    Will take Pablo out just before sun rise.
    Baking a cake that DW wanted for DS.
    DW cannot have carbs or caffeine today also has to hold diabetes meds. PET scan tomorrow.
    Cancer is also around stomach and adrenal glands.
    Kids will be here Christmas Eve and have told them they will be cooking; I have everything here with instructions on how to prepare. They will go home Tuesday night for Santa Wednesday, me and DW get a day of rest before going back to Athens for doctor Thursday.
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,409 Member
    Good morning!

    Lee, I'm so happy for you. I'm glad that you had a great trip out there. I know the seeds are being planted for you to trim down your timeline on moving there.

    Bill, I'm sorry that you have yet another delay. I hope that this is the last one, and that the time moves quickly.

    Sam, I am in earnest prayer for you and for your wife. I pray that they find and can get rid of all the cancer.

    Connie has an 8 foot high rubber tree. We got that as a small plant when the kids were killed in 2010. It is in a corner by the deck door. When I took Frankie out this morning, all was OK. When I came back in, the tree had fallen over and was blocking the door. I lifted it back up and tucked it behind Connie's chair, but I can't set it right. It is too heavy for my rib. I hate that I can't lift anything more than a few pounds.

    I have a few Christmas errands to run this morning.

    Have a great day!
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,776 Member
    Good Morning

    Mountain pics never get old do they? Sorry to hear that the rubber tree fell over. I must be getting top heavy for its pot. Let Connie and Colin handle to lifting so you can heal.

    Big day today. My son flies in mid day. I just called him (at his request) to make sure he is up. He usually works late and sleeps in. If I don't have a text from him now I call him again. Once we have him we will all go to lunch and then Heather and I will drive over to the house to meet up with our agent and get our keys. It is a bit anti-climatic now bt it will feel good to finally be able to go in and get mail sent there. Our internet modem etc is coming to the house today as well. I doubt Heather will be patient enough to let me set it up. That may have to wait till Thursday when we are back for the initial furniture delivery and the washer/dryer delivery. Tomorrow is all family day stuff.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 9,163 Member
    edited December 2024

    From our road
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 9,163 Member

    From our back porch
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,394 Member
    Good afternoon gentlemen.

    I thought I checked in this morning, but I guess not.

    Colorado never gets old. One of my favorite states to drive through.