Large Frame BMI (probably applies to most of us TTW)

Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
So I was very happy after my weigh-in this weekend because I was finally in the Overweight Category on the BMI scale... That thing is so bogus anyway. But, hey I am a sucker for numbers so I was thrilled!

So I did a little research and found this calculation for a BMI skew for Large Frames (I am 5'11" and my wrist is 6.75" around)!!! Hallelujah I am not too far from the HEALTHY category! BooYahhhh!! Because no matter how much weight I lose... my BONES will always be this big! hahahaha

Here is the link:

And here are the calculated True-to-Scale Large Frame BMI numbers:
BMI Below 20.35 = Underweight
BMI 20.35 to 27.39 = Normal
BMI 27.39 to 32.89 = Overweight
BMI 32.89 and above = Obese

So, for all of you out there that are focused on that BMI... make sure you have your frame size right... this just might make you feel a helluva lot better about where you are going!~

**Disclaimer: I checked it again, using ANOTHER site ( just to be sure I had my info correct. It says very specifically, "Here is a BMI chart to which you should ADD 10 percent for a large frame." Excellent!**


  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I have a BMI of 34.0 according to that math problem lol! So yeah still obese... Also I have *JUST* over 6.5 inch wrist!

    Now do I add the 10% to the 34.0?

    Edit: Yup I guess I do add the 10% so I'm really at 37.4? is that right?
  • jencoz04
    jencoz04 Posts: 67 Member
    I always want to throw my Wii out the window when it tells me I should weigh 157. A good weight for me is between 170-180. I would not look healthy at 157.
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I always want to throw my Wii out the window when it tells me I should weigh 157. A good weight for me is between 170-180. I would not look healthy at 157.

    I hate the wii fit's "that's obese" voice...
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    I have a BMI of 34.0 according to that math problem lol! So yeah still obese... Also I have *JUST* over 6.5 inch wrist!

    Now do I add the 10% to the 34.0?

    Edit: Yup I guess I do add the 10% so I'm really at 37.4? is that right?

    no no no... you only add the 10% to the BMI scale numbers. your BMI is what it is, that doesnt change... it's the SCALE that changes :O)
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I have a BMI of 34.0 according to that math problem lol! So yeah still obese... Also I have *JUST* over 6.5 inch wrist!

    Now do I add the 10% to the 34.0?

    Edit: Yup I guess I do add the 10% so I'm really at 37.4? is that right?

    no no no... you only add the 10% to the BMI scale numbers. your BMI is what it is, that doesnt change... it's the SCALE that changes :O)

    Oh, okay! Cool beans... :-)
  • hersheygirl09
    hersheygirl09 Posts: 41 Member
    i have this great scale that tells me i'm 7.1% bone. that makes me feel better somehow. but more to the point, my scale said my bmi is 27.22 this weekend! that means i'm normal!!!!!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I saw this when you posted it before and LOVE IT. I am not far from overweight at all! Yay!
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    it is so important for us tall women to have a realistic view of what our goals should be. and i think so many people try to get into the "normal" range of the BMI scale... and well frankly 132-179 seems a bit ludacris to me lol. our bodies are so different, we dont all fit into the standard mold! i am planning to lose another 20 pounds and even then i think i might be a bit on the boney side... so we shall see!
  • 1FitMomof4Girls
    1FitMomof4Girls Posts: 202 Member
    6.5 in wrist! Love this
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    it is so important for us tall women to have a realistic view of what our goals should be. and i think so many people try to get into the "normal" range of the BMI scale... and well frankly 132-179 seems a bit ludacris to me lol. our bodies are so different, we dont all fit into the standard mold! i am planning to lose another 20 pounds and even then i think i might be a bit on the boney side... so we shall see!

    So true.

    Fun fact: per my body fat percentage, my body is 152.3 pounds LEAN MASS. Yet I'm supposed to weigh less than 175 overall?

    Now, I know I won't retain all of my lean mass as I lose more weight, but I intend to maintain as much as possible by doing a lot of heavy strength training. So 175 is not unattainable, really.
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    Fun fact: per my body fat percentage, my body is 152.3 pounds LEAN MASS. Yet I'm supposed to weigh less than 175 overall?

    Now, I know I won't retain all of my lean mass as I lose more weight, but I intend to maintain as much as possible by doing a lot of heavy strength training. So 175 is not unattainable, really.

    I borrowed my neighbors WW scale and it has all those fun factoids on it! so I am tracking that during my 30DS and it is an eye opener! lol but yeah... like 150 is not an option for me. i weighed 175-180 graduating from HS, but i dont think thats possible as an ADULT now!
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    this is very cool, thanks for doing the maths for me. hehe
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    I've never even thought of adjusting the scale based on frame, I never put much stock in BMI because it's just too simple....and we are not. but it does make me feel better to see that the goal weight I'm aiming for IS closer to the BMI on this chart. Altho according to other research, i'm just a medium frame based on wrist length? either way, I know getting down to like 157 or whatever I would have to be to be a 25BMI is just not logical for me. It's all good info tho, thanks for sharing it!
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    just measured, and my wrist is just under 6.5, so I guess that means medium frame... kind of disappointed, I still have a ways to go before my target weight.:ohwell:
  • Staceyblewin
    Staceyblewin Posts: 96 Member
    Although I will judge my weight loss by how I look and feel, it's nice to know that 210lbs would be a healthy weight for me :)
  • The healthiest that I ever looked was at around 200 lbs. I am large framed and pear shaped. I'll be thrilled when I get down to that size again.
  • tallteacher
    tallteacher Posts: 74 Member
    I love those numbers! WOW! I haven't measured my wrist, but those numbers definitely line up with how I FEEL about myself. I feel like I cross the line between obese and overweight at 240, and that is what this BMI stats tell me. Also, I feel great about myself and look awesome at 200, and this BMI says that it is where I hit the healthy weight. Interesting. I might just have to post that on my mirror. Thanks for sharing!
  • cirka2002
    cirka2002 Posts: 134 Member
    Now I'm just the opposite! I'm 5'10" with a SMALL frame! I always feel weird with these tiny wrists, neck and ankles and being so tall. Any idea how to adjust the BMI for a small frame? I can't seem to find it.
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    bump for later!!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Oh God Bless You! I have been so down on myself lately because I am so tired of "That's Obese!" I have a 7" wrist so I definitely qualify as large framed, so I am "only" overweight! WOO HOO! I got a HRM from Santa and I was wondering why the calories burned were so much higher than most of the Wii estimates (double what EA Sports Active gives me) so maybe it is exercising with bigger bones... You made me so happy! :bigsmile: