It's "lose" not "loose."

goron59 Posts: 890 Member
That said, I've got about 5kg I'd like to drop but in no great hurry.
Hello :-)


  • sabina26
    thanks pal i am going to edit
  • Nurse_Ratched
    All I want is to lose that last 5 kg.... I'd be really happy if I can lose more than that. May be this group will motivate me to do it.
  • Nurse_Ratched
    Guess I'm not in a hurry either. This last 5 kg. has been very stubborn and clinging to me really good.
  • sabina26
    we will be able to do it...i believe nothing is impossible as long you are determined and ofcourse friends support . What is your workout routine and meals plans now?
  • Chaseyk
    Chaseyk Posts: 42 Member
    Hi I am only trying to loose 10Kg, my head and heart have been in the same place al week but weekends are the worst for me, eating out of boredom is my fav pass time on weekends :(
  • Nurse_Ratched
    I walk at least 2 miles/day on my days off. To be honest, I'm not really losing any weight....I make bad food choices. I know that I need to change the way I eat soon or all this walking is gonna be in vain.
  • sabina26
    SInce you know the problem can work on it ...i think :)....that is my problem too. On weekend i often go out with friends ....nowadays i try hard to be careful with food out there, i discourage my friends to go to places where they have ice cream and whenever I am out i will go for anything Grilled and salad.......i also try to stock my fridge with fruits and nothing sweet ..that way even when i am home and bored and run in the kitchen i will only find fruits and eat as much as i want coz at least the effect wouldn't be the same as eating cups and cups of ice cream or other kind of food for that matter
  • sabina26
    It is hard to change but not impossible, you could start by keeping lots of fruits in your fridge and you can cook and take your breakfast and Lunch to work that's what i do...and i have influenced some people to do that at my work place........ also no carbs in any form for dinner
  • sabina26
    Options can aslo do some indoor workout ....there is this great site called exercisetv try google it up they have some free full length workout ..if you have realplayer in your laptop you can download it for free...they have great workout i download most of my dancing routine there will get 10 to 40 minutes workout.....strength and cardio so maybe you start with that i was 70 now am went to 61 and stopped exercising for while and got to 65 but now am on 64 with 10 more to it is as much as what you eat and working out. No miracles. try some dance workout it is fun and you burn some calories
  • Nurse_Ratched
    @Sabina.. I got some workout dvd from exercisetv. I just haven't really been using it. It's really hard to stay motivated. But, I'm gonna give it my best this time. I know I can lose the last 10 lbs, if I really want to. Since my clothes are all getting tight, I think I will really stick to it this time.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    thanks pal i am going to edit

    LOL. I knew what you meant!! :laugh:
  • sabina26
    Options is not too late to start and now is the best today I have been feeling so sick and lazy to do anything but I wake up and did the dancing for 50 minutes and now I feel better than before....,..those DVD are funny......just push yourself a little harder.......start with with Jennifer Galardi studio dance I always do that when I feel too lazy ....those salsa moves are fun to do
  • sabina26
    thanks pal i am going to edit

    LOL. I knew what you meant!! :laugh:

  • sabina26
    Welcome to the group Soph.....we help each other here to achieve our goals