repochick Posts: 40 Member


  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    This could be a learning experience huh? :laugh: Sure worth a try. :flowerforyou:
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    I have noticed how much weight I have put on. I actually was talking to a friend of mine about making this lifesytle change and she gave me the link to MFP. I thank her every day for that. It has really helped me. Now if I could get back to it on a regular it would REALLY help me. So any way ... I was looking for a pair of pants and realized WOW! I cannto even wear my BIG pants because they were too tight. I broke down and some how I was lifted up from that state of mind and elevated to make the changes I needed to. With the health issues I have had in the past I had doctors tell me to fight the weight gain was useless unless I wanted medicated. Yeah so not going to happen. So MFP showed me how wrong they were. I can do this! WE can do this! Now to find that motivation again. :drinker:
  • smangani
    smangani Posts: 120
    I have been on this journey wayyyy to many times. But now I'm at my wits end! My clothes don't fit and I'm tired of it! I've gotta get this weight off. I also started working from home and have the ability to workout now - so I had to fix my eating too. So, here we go! Day 3!!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    There were several things that kinda built up to me getting on the health & weight loss bandwagon. I lost my grandmother(paternal) and my great grandmother(maternal) within 6 months of each other due to heart related health problems. They had both lived long lives but it really hit me hard. I knew I wasn't living anything close to a healthy lifestyle and it could lead to very serious problems with my health. I had a moment when I was putting my size 20 jeans on fresh out of the dryer and realized I could barely button them. They were actually painful to close but I had refused to buy anything higher than a size 20 because I was not THAT fat. It hit me again how big I had gotten. My best friend had started using an app called loseit on her phone and was really working hard at losing weight for her wedding and I kept seeing her posts on facebook and it sounds terrible but I had always been the smaller of us and I didn't want to be the fat friend. So I bought a scale and joined. I can't tell you how horrified I was to weigh in at 272. I had stopped weighing myself except for at the doctors office a long time ago so when I saw how bad I'd let it get it really motivated me. I worked really hard for a year. Starting out working out in my room (I was too ashamed to workout outside where *gasp* people could see me!!) and slowly the weight started to come off. I started going on long bike rides to burn more calories and eventually even started a running program. While the running thing didn't work out I stuck with it for a year and lost 72lbs. But then something happened. I saw 198.6 on the scale and freaked out. It's the stupidest thing but I fell off the wagon hard. It took about 3 months of losing nothing and then 6 months of binging and slacking for me to finally take a look at what I was doing. I had succeeded and I was on the way to being "not fat", "un-chubby", *gasp* THIN! and that really scared me. I knew how to deal with the world as a fat chick and that's the body I was comfortable with and felt safe in. So in some fits and starts and after gaining back 22 lbs (*weeps on the inside*) I've finally come back. I'm ready to do this and get back on track.
  • repochick
    repochick Posts: 40 Member
    I lost both of my parents to cancer. My mom was 48 when she died and I was a teenager when I lost her. I don't want my kids to have that feeling. So I got on MFP and started holding myself accountable. My biggest was last summer when I weighed 230 pounds. I started walking 3 miles a day and watching what I ate and saw 25 pounds come off. I was down to 204 pounds and looking forward to dipping below 200 soon. I went to Charlotte with my girlfriends in high school for a weekend and wore a shirt that was a LARGE!! I haven't done that since right after my daughter was born! It felt soo good.

    Then I fell off the wagon in August when my daughter went in for major airway surgery. (She has Down Syndrome) I was so wrapped up in her and her care that I let myself go. I got back on the scale this past Monday and I am back up to 212 pounds. I was so mad at myself. I was feeling good and I was happy. Clothes were fitting so much better and people were commenting on how different I looked. It made me so mad that I would let myself go again. But I was determined not to go back there.

    I went back to the gym on Monday and killed the elliptical, I walked 3 miles that morning too. Now two days later I can almost feel my legs again but I am not giving up. I am holding myself accountable again and using MFP as a big too. My facebook group Chubby Buddies is really a great support group and my husband is doing this with me so that helps too. But I know only I control me and the only reason I fail is me. I refuse to fail. We can all do this.......just one step at a time!! Thanks everyone for sharing. It's great to know we all are in this fight together.
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    then something happened. I saw 198.6 on the scale and freaked out. It's the stupidest thing but I fell off the wagon hard. It took about 3 months of losing nothing and then 6 months of binging and slacking for me to finally take a look at what I was doing. I had succeeded and I was on the way to being "not fat", "un-chubby", *gasp* THIN! and that really scared me. I knew how to deal with the world as a fat chick and that's the body I was comfortable with and felt safe in. So in some fits and starts and after gaining back 22 lbs (*weeps on the inside*) I've finally come back. I'm ready to do this and get back on track.

    :flowerforyou: You may actually have solved my conundrum with this! I was pushing hard. If I ate over my calories I would really hurt myself to work it off, and felt better for it. Then after I reached my .25 mark I don't know what happened. My mind went off on its own and things went down hill. Hell you know I hardly ever wear make-up any more even. I look at my self and ask every day what happened to that ambition? Where did it go? How can I get it back? Maybe just maybe subconsciously I am sabotaging myself. I may need to push through this, but I think together we can do this a heck of a lot easier than on our own! :cry: