what is your daily calorie goal?

Channing Posts: 617 Member
Just wondering what some of you other Totally Tall women have your calories set at? On most of the forum posts i see shorter women with goals around 1200, and that just doesn't fly with this tall chick! I tried 1300 once and was constantly starving, miserable, AND not losing weight. I usually average around 1600 and it seems to working for me. How about you?


  • MFP says I am allowed 1410 calories/day. I try to keep it around 1200-1300. I works for me. But everyone is different. Don't get discouraged.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • pkiesch
    pkiesch Posts: 259 Member
    I'm at 1600 but I exercise & eat those calories back so I probably eat about 2100 cals a day at least!
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    I'm at 1600 but I exercise & eat those calories back so I probably eat about 2100 cals a day at least!

    Same! I usually eat back my cals too, so i guess 1600 would be my net...
  • loseiteli
    loseiteli Posts: 242 Member
    MFP has me at 2000 for 1 lb a week, I tried 1400 once before and gained weight...so i normally eat 2000 net out around 1650 :)
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    1530 and I'm not moving it a single calorie lower. Maintenance for my goal weight is 1800-2000, so why mess with my metabolism more than I need to as I get there?

    Anyway, I normally eat between 1450 and 1700, sometimes more, depending on whether I'm hungry. I eat exercise calories pretty much only when I want them.
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    i tend to eat around 1400 a day roughly. it has been working for me since i started, but now that ive started 30ds... i am going to adjust after this week i think. the whole calorie thing is such a tweak here and tweak there process for me... lol
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    was doing ok on 1200 & eating back exercise then i hit a wall & started to get really hungry so upped to 1600 a day & will eat back exercise cals only when I feel I need to & am def seeing a move again. although have sabotaged myself this last 2 weeks!!!
  • awdhemi
    awdhemi Posts: 99 Member
    1200 calories a day, but sometimes I eat my exercise calories back (ranging from 300-600 calories)
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm at 1860 at my current weight. I adjust it every time I log a new weight. I eat maybe half of my exercise calories, so I get somewhere around 1900-2000 most days....I've got over 100 pounds to lose so anywhere between 1800-2200 is going to allow me to lose pretty fast, honestly.

    In my younger years, I did a diet that was reduced carbs and fairly low calorie. I actually did ok when it was 1200 calories and sticking to 20g elective carbs (there were a bunch of free veggies and fruits and a protein shake, so it was closer to 60-80g carbs per day) and I did ok, lost but when I started eating carbs again, it came back and then some! So yeah, I practice moderation, if I cut something out, when it comes back, I'm hosed!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I'm in maintenance now but I think the least I ever ate was about 1300 + exercise calories.

    Now I eat around 1900-2000
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    i have my goals still set at 2lbs a week... i think im going to change it to 1.5 for a while and eat more. im looking at the last 20lbs... so its probably better i eat more calories in prep for maintainging... when did you guys change from 2lbs to 1.5 and then 1lb a week? im not hungry because i seriously eat small things all day long. but i dont want to eff up my metabolism by not eating enough cals for too long.
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    Mine is set at 1800 or so, but I eat about 2250 a day, because I exercise a lot. I don't eat back all my cals, but a good amount of them.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    uh oh... i think i am going about this the wrong way or something. I normally eat about 1600 calories a day TOTAL... I burn between 900-1700 calories a day in my workouts ( I have a ft7 hrm and workout about 2-3 hrs a day)

    So i guess my net is normally 700 all the way down to -100
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    On average I consume almost 1800. I am giving zig-zagging a try though so my "high" days are 1,900 or 2,100 and the other days are from 1500 to 1700! and that is net
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    uh oh... i think i am going about this the wrong way or something. I normally eat about 1600 calories a day TOTAL... I burn between 900-1700 calories a day in my workouts ( I have a ft7 hrm and workout about 2-3 hrs a day)

    So i guess my net is normally 700 all the way down to -100

    Well obviously it's working! 120 pounds lost is IMPRESSIVE! I always just worry for me personally that I won't be able to maintain eating a lower amount of calories for the rest of my life. You're weight loss and dedication is inspiring!
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    uh oh... i think i am going about this the wrong way or something. I normally eat about 1600 calories a day TOTAL... I burn between 900-1700 calories a day in my workouts ( I have a ft7 hrm and workout about 2-3 hrs a day)

    So i guess my net is normally 700 all the way down to -100

    hadnt you been plateauing for a while? maybe give eating more of your workout cals back for a week or 2 and see if that moves the scale. cant hurt :wink:
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    uh oh... i think i am going about this the wrong way or something. I normally eat about 1600 calories a day TOTAL... I burn between 900-1700 calories a day in my workouts ( I have a ft7 hrm and workout about 2-3 hrs a day)

    So i guess my net is normally 700 all the way down to -100

    hadnt you been plateauing for a while? maybe give eating more of your workout cals back for a week or 2 and see if that moves the scale. cant hurt :wink:

    I have been plateauing for a while.... actually i have gained about 10lbs since last year and i am exercising more and eating less now.... maybe i will try to at least make sure my net is 1000 for the next couple weeks and see where that puts me, then maybe up it if i am losing again.
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    hadnt you been plateauing for a while? maybe give eating more of your workout cals back for a week or 2 and see if that moves the scale. cant hurt :wink:

    I have been plateauing for a while.... actually i have gained about 10lbs since last year and i am exercising more and eating less now.... maybe i will try to at least make sure my net is 1000 for the next couple weeks and see where that puts me, then maybe up it if i am losing again.

    i think that will help you, plus you can get into the point of training your brain to eat better while still eating enough to feed your body after those workouts. you dont want to eff your metabolism up by eating too few cals for too long. check for your maintenance number will be at your goal weight, since you will be needing to eat THAT number just to maintain when you are done... if you are too far below that for too long, it will screw with your body's metabolism.
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    Trying to lose a pound a week, my cals are set for 1710. I usually eat back most of my exercise cals. Slow and steady- that's my motto :)
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    I'm set at 1600 currently and between that and exercise am eating around 1800-2000 calories a day without feeling constantly hungry and am down about 23 pounds at this point.