Drop by and Say Hello!

lisabstrong Posts: 165 Member
Hello Everyone!

Drop by and say hello! Where are you from? What do you do for a living? How did you stumble upon Clean Eating?


  • RoseW125
    I am from Ontario, Canada!! I live on a farm out in the country. I am a stay at home mom who really doesn't stay at home much!!:laugh: I volunteer at the school my boys go to and am on several boards/committee's at the church we attend. Also have a home based business selling Lia Sophia jewellery. How I found Clean Eating I was looking for more ideas for clean eating and found this group then realized HEY I know Lisab150 and just had to join!! :wink:
  • lisabstrong
    lisabstrong Posts: 165 Member
    I know you to darling and glad to have you aboard! You looked awesome last night by the way!!
  • RoseW125
    Aww Thanks Lisa!! Even with the mud on my jeans from the truck!! Felt like an idiot when I finally noticed it, thankfully I could brush it off.
  • kellykaye_xo
    kellykaye_xo Posts: 66 Member
    Hi! I'm from North Texas area. My doctor suggested clean eating to me so I bought Tosca Reno's Clean Eating Recharged book. I just started the Cooler 1 plan this week. So far so good! I'd love to hear what about what others have done on clean eating, what works, good recipes, etc. Glad to be here!! :)
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    My name is Shanna and I've cleaned up my diet quite a bit, although I'm not 100% there. I am dealing with health issues right now and can't exercise so I'm concentrating on what I CAN do...eat well and STILL lose weight!! Good luck everyone...I'm still very new to this.
  • _JPH_
    _JPH_ Posts: 25
    My name is Jeff. After watching Food Inc. my view of food has changed. I am a vegetarian (pesco at the moment) and still fall into the processed food trap. I want to live cleaner and get leaner......
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    Hi, I'm Beth. I live in Columbus, Ohio and work in health care. I have always aspired to eat cleaner but it took the support from the people on this site to really give me the push. I thank you guys!
  • mushalek
    Hi everyone, I just was invited to join this group from one of my fellow friends,
    I'm not an extreme clean eater, i still have ganola bars and some cereals, but i do
    limit my intake of processed foods! You all seem like a great group of people that
    i can learn a lot from!

    A little about myself.. Hmm well I am 20 years old from Ohio, attending school
    at the moment to someday become a RD (registered dietitian) will graduate with
    a bachelor of science degree
    - love running! and out doors, i hunt and fish and ride fourwheelers,
    in the summer i work full time as a landscaper, so yes, anything a guy can do
    a girl can do better ;) Joined MFP because i put on some weight in highschool that
    i never want to or nor will i ever see again :)
  • FrankWorsley
    FrankWorsley Posts: 106 Member
    I'm from California and love to run, hike and backpack. I'm pretty happy with my diet but I have room for improvement. It seems like the key is planning. The changes I've made in the past year have really made a difference in the way I feel. I'm pretty fit now so my focus is my long-term health, not weight loss. My food log is open and it helps me to be accountable.

    I've found so many great people here and I'm amazed by your dedication to healthy eating. I'm looking forward to learning from everyone and helping any way I can!
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    Hi, I'm Shari, and one of my friends just invited me to join this group. I'm 67 years old and trying to make the best food choices I can for my health.....I grind my own grains to make my bread and have a lot of fun with it.....I'm sure I'm not the cleanest eater, but I'm moving towards more whole foods.....I eat lunch at the senior center twice a week to primarily visit with friends and be a support to those that are alone...My husband and I love to hike and garden. I participate in a local farmers' market every summer......I'm sure I can learn a lot from all of you, and hopefully I will have some good things to offer as well!
  • clankp22
    clankp22 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I just started eating clean about 3 weeks ago. I am very interested in learning as much as I can about it and finding new recipes. Question: Did anyone have any issues transitioning into this way of eating? I have been having frequent stomachaches eating this way and I am trying to figure out why. Thanks for any suggestions that you have :)
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I'm from Ottawa, Ontario. I have been dabbling in eating clean for the last year or so.... still a lot of room for improvement. My weight loss stalled back in June and I decided last week I need to tweek my diet to get a jump start. So I am starting with eating whole foods and limiting the amount of processed food I eat.

    Anybody have a favourite recipe?
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I'm striving for mostly clean because of health reasons mostly. I've had hypertension off and on the past 9 years(first appeared during pregnancy with my daughter) as my weight gets higher the more erratic it gets and my pulse too. I recently switched from a ACE to a beta blocker due to major anxiety issues between my prior BP pill and the daily Claritin I was then taking. Since I've switched to beta blocker and no claritin AT ALL I don't have the full on anxiety attacks but I'm still getting a lot of dizziness, lightheadedness and shortness of breath. Finally my PCP is sending me to cardio specialist to get a work up and echo probably from what she says just waiting on referral so I can make first appointment. Trying to work on eating and doing what exercise I can without the worry I will pass out but its not easy. I do know the sodium effects me big time as does caffeine so I avoid them but still fall to weakness on occasions like today.

    Anyway I'm here to get the extra fluff out of my diet and learn to cook from scratch as I venture more and more into whole foods a lot of times raw even.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Hello, I'm Jaq. I'm from Seattle.

    I didn't really stumble upon clean eating, per se. I've always know that was the way to eat, so that's the way I went when I started working to eat healthier, even before MFP. Then, when I started MFP, I transitioned to pescetarianism and tossed most of the remaining stuff that wasn't "real" food out of my diet. It was only through MFP that I discovered there was a whole movement surrounding eating real food. I was slightly shocked that it needed a movement and books and stuff.

    I probably won't ever hit 100% clean, but I'm OK with that. I think I'm around 95% clean, right now (depending on the day, really). My coworkers think I'm crazy because I lug my lunch pail to work every day with half a garden in it, plus some fruit in my bag for snacks on top of that. I just tell them it's tasty and they should try some. Rarely do they take me up on that offer.

    Of course, I let myself fall off the wagon a wee bit in October, due to a convention I attended. I was, uh, in costume, so I didn't want to lug my own food around all day. I'm still sort of hanging on tight to the back of the wagon, which is why I decided to join this group. My weakness are sweet beverages and cheap chocolate. I do my best to find clean alternatives, but it doesn't always work.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I just started eating clean about 3 weeks ago. I am very interested in learning as much as I can about it and finding new recipes. Question: Did anyone have any issues transitioning into this way of eating? I have been having frequent stomachaches eating this way and I am trying to figure out why. Thanks for any suggestions that you have :)

    I had a lot of, let's say, intestinal distress when I started out because my body wasn't used to all of the fiber and whatnot in the fruits and veggies. That could be one reason.
  • imjustlisa
    imjustlisa Posts: 79 Member
    Hi all I am Lisa and i am from Florida, I have been attempting the eating clean lifestyle for about 3 years. Trying to get better at it because i kinda fell off the wagon (and into a sugar filled soda lake) So i am back with it and it feels so much better. I also live gluten free due to my son being gluten intolerant. Can't wait to hear from others on their successes and downfalls along the way.
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Hi! I'm new here on MFP. I live in Minnesota and I've been eating "clean" for a while but still have improvements to make. To me, clean eating means eating mostly what I make or prepare myself and shopping mostly from the outer edges of the grocery store (produce, bulk grains & legumes, meat & fish, dairy & eggs). I do mix some breads in there, and once in a while cereal, but generally that's what I eat. I only get into trouble of I go out or buy a snack at a store or coffee shop...

    One goal I've been working on lately is cutting out diet soda and drinking more water. I now carry a water bottle at work. So far, it's helping.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Drop by and say hello! Where are you from? What do you do for a living? How did you stumble upon Clean Eating?
    Hey!!!!!! I am from Ohio and I am a nurse. I stumbled on 'clean eating' when I started reading Oxygen magazine.
  • ambervargo
    ambervargo Posts: 67 Member
    Hi, Im Amber. I currently live in Baltimore MD and work for an investment bank doing reporting and project management. I started clean eating when I tried WW CORE a few years ago and got back into it when my personal trainer gave me a nutrition plan based on what she does when she gets ready for a show. We are also into eating local/sustainably sourced foods so they go hand in hand.
  • seesaey
    seesaey Posts: 231
    Hi everyone! I have heard of clean eating but it wasn't until last week that I became truely intrested in it. I try to make everything homemade but need to really focus on eating cleaner so I can feel my best. I want to get this last layer of fat off (totally vain I know!) and I know that what I eat is very important for that! I have 3 kids so I want to clean up their diets too. I am looking forward to learning from this group!