Friday Night Cravings

MommyMiles Posts: 34 Member
I seem to eat great through the work week, then Friday rolls around and all I want is pizza, cookies, and soda!! Every week it is the same thing. Today is my "Friday" since we are off for Veteran's day tomorrow... and I hit the store on the way home from work to pick up a redbox movie and I wanted SO desperately to hover in the bakery section. TERRIBLE!! I fought the urge and bought salad, canned chicken, and avocados.

What and when do you have your cravings? How do you curb them?


  • celewis2011
    celewis2011 Posts: 243 Member
    cravings are the worst , during TOM i crave sugar pop , but i know if i give in then it wont stop , so i go back to my diet mountain dew. Today hubby had 2 slices of pizza for lunch man i was craving pizza but I put it out of my mind , 1. because I get such bad heart burn from it and 2. because how high the calories are I kept my mind busy and when the craving was done i ate a sandwich.
    I feel like I am getting so much better at eating , before I started this i ate when ever no breakfast , no lunch just when ever and I barely ate anything as it was so it was like i was always in starvation mode. Now that i track every bite i feel i eat more and i eat better. I guess most of this is starting to sink in now. I even find things to do for exercise if i am not at the gym, like today I danced and yesterday I did the biggest loser workout twice.
  • ladym04
    pizza is my enemy, i dont see much of my kids during the week and on sat. we get pizza and a movie. Not sure what to do....
  • destinysmommy2011
    Great job on fighting the urge! I had just posted on my page that the weekends are always a challange for me too. I have set my weigh-in days for Mondays to help me keep my head in the game. When i have a craving I do like you did, just walk away from it and try to get something healthy or a little more healthy than the item I want. I did have a craving for sugar the other night and had a blow pop LOL. I was mad I ate it but I could have ate something worse is how I thought of it. Hope you have a great weekend!
  • koylefam
    koylefam Posts: 142 Member
    I struggle with the weekends as well. not so much on the ones the DH is working.. But when he is home, I slip so easy. He tries to be supportive, but also feels I don't have to be "SOOO STRICT." Every 2 weeks on payday we do familygame/ movie/redbox night. And I have goven myself that day to let go a little and have one meal/evening (ie pizza, pop, and a dollar candy) with my kids and DH. I look forward to that special time as much as my kids. It seems to help with the other days If I know I am saving a splurge for a family memory
  • melkithall
    melkithall Posts: 75 Member
    I too get cravings on the weekends when my husband, who doesn't watch what he eats, is around more. We also get together with family for dinners on Sunday and there are always so many yummy desserts available. I try hard to stick to what I know. If we're having a family potluck, I bring something that I know I can have and then just try a little of what else they have. I'll stick to one choice of desserts and then leave the kitchen altogether. I go visit with the family instead and not let it be about the food. However, I also don't forbid myself to have a specific thing. If I were to do that it becomes that much more tempting and I want it even more. An indulgence here or there is okay in my books, because then I don't get depressed about what I can't have and let it take over my thoughts. I'm here, like you all, to make a lifestyle change. And, saying I'm never going to have chocolate, or ice cream, or potato chips, or whatever, is just ridiculous. It's not going to happen. I just limit myself in my indulgences; eat one small slice of cheesecake, not 1/4 of the thing with ice cream on the side loaded with caramel sauce, whipped cream, etc.
    MODERATION, that's been the key for me!