
baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
As is says, this is the thread to introduce yourself. Fitness goals, holiday planning, etc.

I'm Kate. Lost 31 lbs of pure bodyfat (no muscle loss) before turning up pregnant. :smile: Expecting #2 in May, so I'll be in Gain mode for a few months.

I'm an eclectic pagan, mostly Celtic based.


  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Hi all - I'm Trent. Been on MFP since late 2009. I'm at about 182 lbs right now, down from a starting weight of 230ish - goal weight is about 125-135 (I'm only 5' 3.5" ). Recovering from surgery about 2 weeks ago - can't exercise regularly for another 4 weeks, so I'm focusing on reestablishing healthy eating habits.

    I'm an Pagan of the Wiccan variety, though I'm fairly eclectic and practicing solo at the moment. Used to work with a large eclectic teaching-focused Wiccan group in the Denver area, but that disbanded a few years ago and haven't felt a desire to really work with anyone else since. One of my (many) goals at the moment is to do a better job of incorporating my spirituality into my everyday life.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i'm MA, i tend to identify as a Druid b/c ppl glaze over when i say "celtic paganism focusing on nature magic". I'm glad we have a group.

    merry meet.
  • JennBrown83
    JennBrown83 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi! I'm Jenn, solitary eclectic Pagan for the last 13 years. Fitness goal is to lose around 100lbs in time for my wedding next October. There's not an overly large or welcoming Pagan community in my city so I'm glad I'm solitary. I'm trying to get ready to run my first half marathon in May 2012 and then Gods willing, a full marathon in 2013 (depends on if i'm expecting)

    glad to meet all of you!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Hi! I'm Jenn, solitary eclectic Pagan for the last 13 years. Fitness goal is to lose around 100lbs in time for my wedding next October. There's not an overly large or welcoming Pagan community in my city so I'm glad I'm solitary. I'm trying to get ready to run my first half marathon in May 2012 and then Gods willing, a full marathon in 2013 (depends on if i'm expecting)

    glad to meet all of you!

    I just ran my 1st half marathon in October, and am going to be training for another one next May - good luck!
  • JennBrown83
    JennBrown83 Posts: 131 Member

    I just ran my 1st half marathon in October, and am going to be training for another one next May - good luck!

    THANKS!!! It's been forever since I've run even a mile so I'm a little nervous but I believe in myself and i have lots of suport from friends and family... not that any of them are gonna run with me LOL
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    I'm Angie, and I'm also a solitary eclectic pagan (for about six years), following general Wiccan traditions. I began a vegetarian diet about five months ago, and I've been on MFP about seven months now. I've lost almost 30 pounds this year, and I've finally settled into a diet and exercise pattern that I'm really happy with. I kayak a lot from March through October, but I'm mostly done for this season. My workouts are usually Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and Couch to 5K running. I ran my first race, the Zombie Buffet 5K, in Nashville on October 29 this year, and I intend to keep running and signing up for 5K's here and there for motivation. Happy to see this group!
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Hello, I'm Leah! I'm another solitary eclectic Pagan, though I have recently been considering going to a Unitarian Universalist church to seek some sort of spiritual community. Supposedly all religions are represented there, so both my Baptist (not really practicing...) boyfriend and myself could have a place to worship, side by side. Just something I'm curious about.

    Anyway, I'm glad that there is a Pagan group here! :heart: Nice to meet you all.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hello! My name's Heather, grew up Pagan, Gardenerian/Cabot (For those of you who are familiar with Laurie Cabot in Salem, MA, I was taught by two of her former students).
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member

    General pagan/wiccan/earth spirituality/tree hugging/rather atheistic/Goddess loving/Priestess of the Correllian trad, here.

    Yup, I'm a witch. :drinker:

    Live in Washington state... Working on losing a lot of weight... glad to be here!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    I celebrate all Pagan holidays................including Christmas!!!!
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I am Samantha, or Sam, either is fine really. I am trying to lose well over 100 pounds with a starting weight near 310. Ideally I want to be around 150, but we'll see how I look as it gets down there.

    Grew up with little religious influence until my grandmother decided I should start going to church. Now I am eclectic Pagan with a (kinda sorta) focus on ancient Egyptian traditions.

    Oh, I am also trying (slowly) to become a runner.
  • JessiC1984
    JessiC1984 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm Jessi, I grew up in a odd mix of paganism and catholicism. Both parents were lapsed catholics with a belief in just about everything.
    I live with my husband and our three cats, no human children yet.
    I'm nearing the end of my weight loss, but then I'll still be getting fitter, I want to be 110 to 115 and see how I feel.
    I have a lot of christian friends, but I am SO glad this group is here, there seem to be SO many bible thumpers on here, lol. Not that there's a problem with that but I don't need to thank God I worked hard, lol.
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    Merry Meet! Solitary Wiccan here, I practise for hearth and home so basically a Kitchen Witch. I'm so glad to find this group. I have been with MFP since March when I decided that I just had enough. I was doing really well until I suffered a nasty knee injury in June. I am finally getting back to where I was and I have even restarted C25K, currently on week 2. I am married, have 3 dogs and 2 cats and 2 kids who are grown and out on their own.
    I live in the UK, moved here from Colorado 4 years ago and really love it. So happy to be here!!!
  • zombi
    zombi Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there! I'm Katherine. For all intents and purposes, "agnostic pagan" fits me best. I tend to vacillate sometimes on my feelings about deity, but I keep the Wheel of the Year and am probably close to what most consider a rootworker. I practice hoodoo. (:

    I'm a nurse, a writer, and a wanna-be runner. I'll feel like I've earned the "runner" label once I can do a 5k, I think. I'm doing couch to 5k right now. I have a bone disease so running is a huge thing for me. Nice to see other pagans on here. I'll do my best to add to the recipes.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Hi, I'm Colleen. I'm a pantheist in a bit of an agnostic phase with deities, but in general I am a hard polytheist who follows primarily the Irish pantheon (however, I sometimes honor the Gaulish and Norse pantheons as well.) I'm a member of ADF (Druidry) and my family and I belong to a Unitarian Universalist church.

    I'm a barefoot runner and a Bodyrocker -- I also enjoy yoga and bellydance, as well as various other things. I'm running my second 5K in a week, and I'm really looking forward to it. :drinker:
  • Kim_SFB
    Kim_SFB Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Zombi, By rootworker, do you mean you are into herbalism? Do you work with the Ifa?
  • DawnWendalynn1973
    DawnWendalynn1973 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi, Im Dawn and I am eccletic. I enjoy researching and experiencing all pantheons still, so I haven't focused on just one yet.

    I am drawn to ADF, but haven't joined yet. I have attended a few of their rituals in my area.

    I am very happy that this group is here. I love meeting other people who fall into the pagan beliefs to discuss things with.

    I still consider myself very new to everything as I don't spend much time 'practicing' but I definitely believe this is the spiritual path for me.
  • amandas1137
    Hi everyone! I'm Amanda, I'm 19 and I've been an eclectic pagan for almost 2 years now. I've eager to learn anything and everything. And I'd love tips on how to integrate my spirituality and my mfp into my daily life <3
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Amanda, I'm 19 and I've been an eclectic pagan for almost 2 years now. I've eager to learn anything and everything. And I'd love tips on how to integrate my spirituality and my mfp into my daily life <3

    Feel free to add me Amanda and ask me any questions you'd like. I've been studying alone as well as with a group for 12 years (yes, since I was 7). I can probably answer a lot of questions :)
  • zombi
    zombi Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Zombi, By rootworker, do you mean you are into herbalism? Do you work with the Ifa?
    No, when I say "rootwork" I am referring to hoodoo, also known as conjure, which is a form of predominantly African-American traditional folk magic that developed from the syncretism of a number of separate cultures and magical traditions. It is basically indigenous to my native American South. The following link may explain more of what hoodoo is:

    Hope this helps. (: