Ummm Have we met before???

sistatv Posts: 53 Member
Ummm probably not? So, lets get to know each other and make the group a family!!!

Hi I'm Senam aka SISTATV because I have a Youtube channel by the same name:
I love, LOVE, LOVE to laugh... And I also really LOVE to make others laugh and happy whenever I can! I am a Mom/Stepmom to FIVE... yes FIVE! My husband and I have 3 kids, Twin boys and a little diva and I also have a lovely stepson and stepdaughter..

I'm a work at home mom. I design websites, do graphic design and do social media and marketing work ( if you need something I'll give you a MFP hookup) :flowerforyou:

I am ready to be the me I'm meant to be.. I want to feel good in my clothes, be active with my family, and feel good in my skin. I feel like I finally woke up and I am living every moment of this life now!!! I'm a total positive patty and I look forward to helping you all get to the finish line and letting you help me get there too!

We got this!!!

Now your turn ladies!!!!!


  • Trae1985
    My name is Tracy...been on a weight journey practically all of my life. I have never been slim. My highest weight was 292lbs back in 2007, embarrassing. I am trying to reach 180lbs. I am a Social Worker and I enjoy working with people to an extent...I am a Christian, who loves to sing...I enjoy the company of good people. I am on the search for my KING...someone must accomodate this QUEEN :)...I look forward to getting to know you gals...if you are on facebook, join my group...LOSING BIG WITH TRACE #2...all the best guys!!!!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • DynamicDiva
    DynamicDiva Posts: 138 Member
    My name is Temisha. I'm a single mom of a 6 year old who turns 7 next month. I am a college graduate and plan to go back to school soon. I had to take a little break. My heaviest weight was about 184 lbs - that was my pregnancy weight. Now I'm trying to become a healthier person and look good while doing it.
  • SexyMongoose
    Hey everyone(: my name is Peyton. I'm 18 years old and I've been overweight my whole life. My highest recorded weight was 193 and my lowest is 165(current). I'm slightly sarcastic and will talk to anyone, so add me. Good luck to all of you guys (:
  • GoldSag1
    GoldSag1 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Priscilla and I am an Insurance Agent. I am married to an amazing man and we have an 11yr old son. I enjoy reading, writing, and anything related to health, beauty and wellness. I lost about 60lbs a few years ago and gained it back after my mom and brother passed. I was sooo depressed. Anyway, by God's grace, I am emotionally healed and ready to get my body back in pristine condition. Currently I am 255, my goal is 145. My motto is "anything worth having is worth fighting for! I'm in it to win it!
  • spades05
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Brittany, Im 24, and im ready to lose this weight and meet some cool people along the way! I am a Christian woman who loves life! Im just not loving the body im living in now! I am a P.E. Teacher and Coach and I want to get into shape and be an example to my students! I am 184 pounds (down from 199) and I want to reach my goal of 125 pounds! I have been a Type 1 Diabetic for 5 years so I have to do things slightly different but Im still here! Anyone who is looking for a Cyber Weight Loss Buddy, let me know!:heart:
  • AngelaWeber
    AngelaWeber Posts: 95 Member
    Hi all! My name is Angela, I'm a mother of a 7 year old, his birthday is today whoop whoop!! I am married to my highschool sweetheart, we've been together since I was 15 years old and I'm now 30! We've been married for 6 years and live in a suburb about an hour from Philly. My hubby is very supportive of my weightloss journey which is awesome :love: I am a social worker and real estate agent (which I LOVE real estate). If yall need an agent, I have connections with agents in all 50 states :happy:

    My heaviest weight was an embarrassing 246lbs ouch!! My most comfortable weight was 160lbs and that was 9 years ago :cry: After the birth of my son, I just kept gaining and gaining and gaining! I lost weight before got down to about 205 and then gained it all back and then some (that was with LA Weight Loss). This time I have been going strong since August and is the longest time I have comitted to a weightloss journey in....well EVER. I want to get down to at least 160lbs but after that 145lbs would be ideal. My original mini goal was to be at 200lbs by Dec.31st but my current weight is 221.4 and I just don't see that happening. I hope to hit Onederland by Feb!!

    Looking forward to encouraging and supporting you guys:drinker: Cheers!!
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Sistatv love your site! Let's connect outside of MFP via email if you feel comfortable. I wanted to get a price quote from you. I have a few clients that need website design, and a logo.

    Inbox me =)


    Okay here's my intro. I moved to the New York City area a few months ago. I'm in the Communications and Events Marketing field. I love my job and my life thus far! =) Part time I coach in the Wellness and Health field. I also enjoy reading, shopping, and meeting new people.

    I'm on the hunt for a man LOL just kidding, but I have opened myself up to meeting and dating which I didn't before the weight loss. I'm working on a book and a screen play about my life and struggle with obesity, abandonment, and abuse.

    I'm totally committed to being happy, and making a POSITIVE impact in other people's lives. Oh and I love to have fun!!! :bigsmile:
  • misspoetic
    misspoetic Posts: 24 Member
    my name is kuda am 21years old.
    i weigh an embarrassing 80kg. i am in my last year of college and i really wanna graduate with a great body.
    btw im from AFRICA and no i do not meet lions on my way to school
  • stormywaters03
    Hey y'all, I'm Ericka, I just joined this site today and of course the first thing I did was look for women just like me! I started this weight loss journey at 261 pounds and I am now down to 235, it hasn't been easy and I still have a long way to go to be a happier healthier me.

    I am a single mom to a 3 year old, I'm pretty sure half the weight I've lost has come just from chasing him around! I am an Underwriter for home loans, and I live in Charlotte, NC. I just re-enrolled to go back to school and finish my bachelor's degree, so I'm going to need all of the energy I get from losing weight with so much on my plate!

    I look forward to getting to know and losing lots of weight with everyone!
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    Hi Ladies, I am Lexie. I live in Chicago and have always had a battle with my weight. My journey started in Feb and I have lost 50 pounds so far
  • Misspositiveme
    Misspositiveme Posts: 60 Member
    I'm Keisha.. or MsBerryBaby!! I am 32 year old single mommy of a beautiful 5 year old . Full-time worker and college student. As of Sept 2011, I"m 42pounds lighter.. working on getting out of the 200 and be a Onederland!! I'm ready!

    I love to laugh, talk.. and Praise my LORD!!!

    Let's go Ladies!!
  • skystew2003
    Hi my name is Donna and I live south Florida...Very hard being overweight here with all the beaches and bikinis! I am a 44 year old that became overweight after my second daughter and a disappointing marriage. I have been my heaviest at 240ILBS and when I saw that number I became disgusted with myself, so I needed help and came upon MFP! I have lost 12ILBS so far and it has been hard changing my diet and including exercise in my life!

    I am a MBA graduate but can't find any jobs yet in it, so I continue doing MRI's now ( I have been a MRI Technologist since 1996) until I can transition into a field I love! I would love to teach adult education, that is my passion to train and develop others, so hopefully it will happen if anyone has any contacts, please let me know.

    I love my life now, I have a great BF and great girls that inspire and love me everyday, so I want to be my best for them.

    Nice meeting you guys and keep inspiring!
  • Hardemanwifey
    Hardemanwifey Posts: 261 Member
    Hello sistah's my name is Tasha (Hardemanwifey) im recently married to a wonderful man and we have 2 beautiful girls( one 3yrto and 16yr old stepdaughter). I live in Roanoke, Va and work as a nurse at the veterans hospital working 12h nights. Im looking forward to connecting and supporting each of you on this journey. Im currently 166lbs and Im trying to drop 5lbs by the end of the year with my ultimate goal being 155. I did great at this time last year thru the first of the year but now after the wedding and honeymoon im looking to drop a few more pounds esp since we're thinking of trying for another baby next year. Currently im going to the gym about 3 days a week and on the other 2-3days I do one of my many workout dad's or walk. Feel free to add me as we take on me this journey together. Let's do it ladies.
  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member
    Hi ladies!
    My name is Charlotte and I live in Charlottesville, VA but I am from Montreal, Canada. I am a graduate student in French lit and I live with my wonderful boyfriend.
    I have been overweight all my life and I tried to lose weight so many times, this is ridiculous. I feel this one is the right one because I'm trying to heal my food addiction and becoming more healthy in all aspects of my life. I am ready to see the skinny me!

    Add me if you need support!
  • Peachy_T
    Peachy_T Posts: 138 Member
    Hi, my sistas! You can call me Peachy :smile:. I live near Pensacola, FL, married, and have 2 boys (one in the Air Force and one is a 10-year-old). We are a very close-knit family and we love each other dearly. I'm a medical transcriptionist, love serving the Lord, and I love sports (watching them, that is, lol). I've been overweight for about 15 years and it's hard for me to accept the way I am when I used to be soooo small. After the birth of my oldest son, I was a size 5 in pants. After the birth of my youngest son, I was in a size 14 in pants. Within the last year, I've gone to 18W!! What the heck happened?!? Well, I'll tell you this~ I've tried this diet, that program, these diet pills and so on, and yeah, they all work as long as you continue doing it, but once you stop, you find that you've gained all the weight back and THEN SOME! That's how I ended up in an 18W. But with the help of MFP, I'm learning to do it the right way this time. I'm not putting pressure on myself like I always have. My motto this time is "Slow and steady wins the race." It took 15 years for me to get to this weight./size. Surely, I can give myself 1-2 years to get it off! I look forward to your support, encouragement, and motivation as I will do the same for you! We're in this together! Feel free to add me!
  • I'm Claire. I just turned 26 years old on November 7th, and I'm born and raised in Seattle. I'm in between careers, I just left retail work after 8 years; and I want to go into accounting. I am going back to school in Spring of next year.
    I live with my boyfriend in Seattle, and we are going to be moving next year to New England since that's where he is from; and that's where we want to start a family. I definitely want to get healthy and get in shape before I consider having a family though.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Hi I'm AZackery and I'm just on the healthy journey. I like to talk to, encourage and motivate others that's on the healthy journey as well.
  • MissMotown
    Hi I'm Chelsea aka Miss Motown because I singing is my passion and my middle name is Monique (From my Uncle) . Im a 25 year old Cancer

    I love to Sing, Dance, and just hang out and have fun, most of the time its free fun!!! I have a special gentleman in my life that means a lot to me. I have 1 sister 2 brothers and no kids,yet 

    I work for a power wheel chair company (Sit down job) ugh BUT happy for the income!!!

    I want to look and the mirror and not only love who I am but love the SIZE I’m in!

    My weight that scared my half to death was in college… As a freshman in 2008 I was weighing in at 340lbs!!! So since then I have managed to stay under 325, which still is no good! I am now 316 just starting back last week!!

    Ready to do this, FORREAL!!!
  • juicyfruit85
    juicyfruit85 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey ladies. My name is Joscelyn, you can call me Jos. I have always been the chubby kid :) I didn't mind so much until I was in Jr. High. Ugh! I totally have blocked out those years, seriously! haha. I used to be a volleyball player in high school, i loved te way I looked then, I want that vball player look back. Over the past 3 years I have gone from 240 down to 201 (current). I owe THAT weight loss to my boyfriend. He inspires me and keeps me going. I am now looking to drop to a LOOK, not just a weight, I am comfortable looking at in the mirror. I am a night shift nurse working at two hospitals, hopefully one soon! :) It's difficult for night shift, everything from diet, exercise, sleep cycle, EVERYTHING is off! I'm trying my best though. I think I've found the right niche for me. I currently do Turbo Fire, strength training, and the elliptical for exercise 5-6 times a week. Sometimes all three in a day if I feel up to it. I love meeting new people, talking to people, learning about people... i just love people, especially those with a similar struggle and goal as mine :) SO LET'S DO THIS LADIES! Get some... :)

    GW: 165-150
  • shavonne
    shavonne Posts: 46 Member
    I'm late to the party but my name is Mimi and I'm on a quest to lose 20 lbs and put on a little muscle! I live in NJ with my fiance and 6 year old son. I never really had issues with weight until I hit my 30's and moved out to NJ - where the lifestyle is so sedentary compared to NYC. During the summer I lost 11 lbs with WW and for the last few months my good friend and I have continued the journey on our own. In the past I was a gym rat but recently I've been consistent with working out at home - using my treadmill and dvd's. Turbo Jam and Jari Love are my faves. I've been on a plateau for almost 2 months :( snacking is my nemesis. I'm trying to maintain through the holidays and hopefully in January the scale will move downward again. Good luck to everyone!

    CW: 158
    GW: 140