Tell me about your pet



  • Dippydog
    Dippydog Posts: 154

    My cat Princess, is adapting to my food habits? LOL I dunno but she has grown accustomed to eating peas and corn off my plate!
    :laugh: :laugh: Too funny. I can't get Fishy to eat any kind of table scraps, not even meat!! Maybe I should try veggies. He does like olive juice.

    Awwh! Have you tried chicken? Nearly all cats love it!

    Too funny, too!! My cat LOVES peas!!!!
  • Dippydog
    Dippydog Posts: 154
    I have three dogs, one cat, and a husband.

    Dogs=Weim, Sheppard, & Wolf
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member

    My cat Princess, is adapting to my food habits? LOL I dunno but she has grown accustomed to eating peas and corn off my plate!
    :laugh: :laugh: Too funny. I can't get Fishy to eat any kind of table scraps, not even meat!! Maybe I should try veggies. He does like olive juice.

    Awwh! Have you tried chicken? Nearly all cats love it!

    Too funny, too!! My cat LOVES peas!!!!

    my orange and white long hair loves greenbeans
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    oh my gawd, I wanna squish and hug and keess everyone's schmanimals! Love all the pics.
    Here's my ten year old child.


    oh my gawwwwd! ive always wanted a pet pig!!!! :))))

    He is pretty awesome. It has definitely been a challenge moving around so much and begging the landpeople to let me have him. I'd never give him up.
    Get one! They are awesome.
    Litter box trained when he was a baby, potty trained outside now. No barking. No fleas. No destructiveness (other than my books on occasion when I leave them around). Cheap to feed.
    He's a good boy!

    lmao i would love to get one, but my husband would literally kill me! lol. I've always wanted a pig named Gordy :)
  • daydream58
    daydream58 Posts: 572 Member
    My spoiled little girl Tashi Pema

  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member

    Oh man, I LOVE these dogs! My friend had a pair.....sooo pretty!!!

  • modernsoul
    modernsoul Posts: 148 Member
    oh my gawd, I wanna squish and hug and keess everyone's schmanimals! Love all the pics.
    Here's my ten year old child.


  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    It was absolutely wonderful reading about and seeing everyone's babies.

    We're primarily cat people and after a six month sting of being cat-less we adopted three older cats into our home.

    Wee MacGregor (Macs) and Rob Roy (Robbie) are nine year Scottish Folds.

    At nine we clearly didn't name them and we'd had no intentions of ever having pure breds, but circumstances and coincidences came together and now they're ours. They're unlike any cats I've ever encountered and there are days I'm certain they're aliens in cat suits.

    Streaky (aka The Freak) is five years old and what is known locally as a Bermuda special (generic mix breed).

    We didn't name her either but since she comes when she's called we're keeping the name. She's incredibly affectionate but plays rough, which I believe was why the shelter was having trouble placing her.

    We also have two Wedell's (or Dusky) Conures. Eric (named after a football great) and Eski (named after a team in an entirely different version of football). Both are about 15 and regardless of gender (we have no clue what they are) have the personalities of crotchety old women.

    As well as a few random inhabitants in two freshwater tanks (one 5 gal, one 30 gal).
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    My spoiled little girl Tashi Pema


    that's so cute! She almost blends right in! lol
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member

    My cat Princess, is adapting to my food habits? LOL I dunno but she has grown accustomed to eating peas and corn off my plate!
    :laugh: :laugh: Too funny. I can't get Fishy to eat any kind of table scraps, not even meat!! Maybe I should try veggies. He does like olive juice.

    Awwh! Have you tried chicken? Nearly all cats love it!

    Too funny, too!! My cat LOVES peas!!!!

    My cat loves cooked carrots.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    My Simon is 9 years old. He is my little man. People think I'm crazy because we go everywhere together. If he can go, I take him. He eats carrots, loves chicken, tuna, and liver. He also eats blue berries and dried cranberries. I have had him since he was 6 weeks old.

    It's nice to have a group with others who understand how it feels to have pets for children. I don't have human children. My cat is my son. That's him in my profile pic.
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    My profile picture is of Duggie the cat. He is best friends with my 3 year old son and a lot of times his partner in crime. Duggie will be 3 in January. Very very spoiled and always up to no good :) My house just wouldn't be the same without him.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member

    My cat Princess, is adapting to my food habits? LOL I dunno but she has grown accustomed to eating peas and corn off my plate!
    :laugh: :laugh: Too funny. I can't get Fishy to eat any kind of table scraps, not even meat!! Maybe I should try veggies. He does like olive juice.

    Awwh! Have you tried chicken? Nearly all cats love it!

    My cats are funky, they don't like chicken. Or steak, or hamburger. The only fish they'll eat is salmon.
    They WILL, however, eat my ice cream, monteray jack cheese, and clean the maple syrup off a breakfast plate.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    My Simon is 9 years old. He is my little man. People think I'm crazy because we go everywhere together. If he can go, I take him. He eats carrots, loves chicken, tuna, and liver. He also eats blue berries and dried cranberries. I have had him since he was 6 weeks old.

    It's nice to have a group with others who understand how it feels to have pets for children. I don't have human children. My cat is my son. That's him in my profile pic.

    I totally agree. I have two cats, same litter, they are ten. They are my babies. I don't have kids, but between them and all the other animals in my house I keep busy. I have a lionhead rabbit who is hysterical (wish I had video, he's so acrobatic). And my husband is trying to become an amphibean breeder, so we have lots of species of various frogs and salamanders right now. Oh, and we have a tarantula but I like to pretend he doesn't exist.

    but my cats-they are my first pets I've ever had. Got them when I met my husband and I just can't imagine how miserable I would be if I didn't have them. I know they won't be with me forever, but I never understood just how much I could love an animal until they entered my life.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    oh my gawd, I wanna squish and hug and keess everyone's schmanimals! Love all the pics.
    Here's my ten year old child.


    oh my gawwwwd! ive always wanted a pet pig!!!! :))))

    He is pretty awesome. It has definitely been a challenge moving around so much and begging the landpeople to let me have him. I'd never give him up.
    Get one! They are awesome.
    Litter box trained when he was a baby, potty trained outside now. No barking. No fleas. No destructiveness (other than my books on occasion when I leave them around). Cheap to feed.
    He's a good boy!

    lmao i would love to get one, but my husband would literally kill me! lol. I've always wanted a pig named Gordy :)

    I have wanted a pig forever but my hubby says no :-(. I think they are awesome. I've heard skunks make great pets too(well, they remove the scent glands). No sense of adventure I tell ya!
  • 519harley
    519harley Posts: 241 Member
    Gary, How do I put a picture of my dogs here? Thanks Karen
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member

    This is hobbes (and Chris) These are very bad photos because he's next to impossible to get a good photo of, he moves around so quickly. We've had him for a few months, and he's a ton of fun (when he's not pooping in the corner :wink:)
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    At home I have Jack, a two year old golden Labrador and Sapphire, a 7 month old Blue-point Siamese. They are best friends and play together so nicely. Sapphire has been nicknamed The Boneless Cat cos he goes all limp when you pick him up and his engine starts very loudly. Jack is a pure beach boy as his coloring implies who is a bit too friendly for his own good. He believes all living things are his best friend, regardless of whether they want to play or not.

    At work I have a large number of reptiles to look after but my favourite is Stars, the Burmese Python in my profile pic.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    This is how my boys play...


  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    This is how my boys play...



    OK, that didn't work. I will try again later.