How do you exercise

gritgirl Posts: 95 Member
Hey, all:

Thanks for joining the new DC area group. Thought it'd be cool to chat about healthy living in the DC area.

So how does everyone get their exercise? I do a ton of walking, or at least try to. I have a Fitbit and that pushes me to walk to a farther away Metro stop, that kind of thing.

Trying to get myself to do yoga at my health club, but as someone posted on another site, I'm starting to think the only way my gym membership will get used is through identity theft.

How about you all. What keeps you motivated?


  • blueimp
    blueimp Posts: 230 Member
    I work at AU and have a membership at the fitness center (cheap). I started with a personal trainer and am now on my own. I come from NOVA so have to get up really early, but it's working.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I used to walk everywhere and that was a good source of exercise for me. I've since stopped, since a particular incident.

    Now I do power 90. It takes care of my cardio and weight training. I used to do it 6 days a week but may now have to cut it back to every other day instead. My body doesn't seem to be handling the intensity very well and needs the rest.

    Otherwise, if I had a stronger body, I can pretty much do it everday. The workouts go by fairly fast. The pain afterwards, not so much. lol.
  • gritgirl
    gritgirl Posts: 95 Member
    Woou, what is power 90?
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    Woou, what is power 90?

    It's the classic version that came before P90X. I think there's the P90 (Power 90), P90 Master Series, P90X (P90 eXtreme) and then P90X-2 is coming out soon.
  • RoguePanda
    RoguePanda Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! Gritgirl, thanks for hosting a D.C. Metro area group. Trying to get back on the "healthy living" bus myself. So far what I'm doing:

    1) Joined a gym. I'm one of those "Well, I paid for it, so I better go" types. Problem is going consistently, but so far, some is better than none.

    2) Walk as much as possible. Take the stairs when I remember to and feel up to it.

    3) Exploit Metro's weaknesses. A delayed train is an excuse to pace the platform. A stationary escalator is an invitation to a quick workout. Even if it's moving, I try to use the left side "passing" lane when possible.
  • gritgirl
    gritgirl Posts: 95 Member
    I have a membership with Fitness First and can't get myself to go. Tried to find a work out buddy, with no success. Goal was to do yoga since I really need to stretch and strengthen. Read a comment the other day, "the only way my gym membership will get used is by identity theft." Sigh.
  • duebedm
    duebedm Posts: 127 Member
    I'm lucky that my office building has a gym downstairs. I'm also lucky that my boss doesn't know the combination to get into the room. So I try to go every day in the afternoon when I know my boss is meeting with her boss.

    I did learn today that it is a really bad idea to use your work blackberry as a radio when on the machines. I couldn't help but not answer it and i didn't get a decent workout in today.
  • I run a lot. I found that running (even in winter) makes me feel incredible. I also try cleaning my apartment more than usual. It keeps me on track with my chores and also gets in a little bit of sweat going.
  • gritgirl
    gritgirl Posts: 95 Member
    I just back from family Christmas in Wisconsin and was reminded how lucky I am to live in a city. Stayed at my nephew's house in the suburbs of Milwaukee and living the suburban lifestyle I walked less than a mile in a day. Yikes. Living in DC, walking to the Metro, etc, I walk at least 3 miles. That was a sobering moment. So grateful to have built in exercise walking around the city. Can't imagine how much I'd weigh if I lived in the suburbs.
  • I have a trainer that I see twice a month (that's all I can afford); I have fitness games on my Wii as well as fun dance games, Tae Bo and I have Zumba DVDs. Tell me why I'm still fat?
  • SAR4Life
    SAR4Life Posts: 153 Member
    Hi all! Gritgirl, thanks for hosting a D.C. Metro area group. Trying to get back on the "healthy living" bus myself. So far what I'm doing:

    1) Joined a gym. I'm one of those "Well, I paid for it, so I better go" types. Problem is going consistently, but so far, some is better than none.

    2) Walk as much as possible. Take the stairs when I remember to and feel up to it.

    3) Exploit Metro's weaknesses. A delayed train is an excuse to pace the platform. A stationary escalator is an invitation to a quick workout. Even if it's moving, I try to use the left side "passing" lane when possible.

    I agree with all those suggested.. i work on a 5th floor and can count the number of times I've used the elevator in year and a half on maybe 2 hands. Make it part of routine to walk the steps. Also group fitness is great cause you have others to motivate you. Strength in numbers!
  • sdl072021
    sdl072021 Posts: 6 Member
    Is this group still active? I see the last message was from 2013. I hope it is. The way I work out is at home. I have a small gym, but currently I have to start out slowly. I'm doing baby steps until I can do better.