
Looks like we are getting some interest here. We are goona be looking awesome when we get through this!


  • It has worked really well for some of my friends. I had a trainer at my old gym that used the moves in his circuit class. Those were the WORST... er.. BEST stations :)
  • essjay75
    essjay75 Posts: 77 Member
    I was going to start today and decided to see if anyone else was getting ready....so here I am! :)
  • I am starting today but I hope that this group is the support I need to get through it. :)
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I will re-start today, didn't make it too far the first time because I just could NOT find an hour or so a day to do it but I am dedicated this time :)
  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    We are all here for each other, lets do this!
  • kathyellen
    kathyellen Posts: 9 Member
    I have starting once before and did it for about 6 weeks...I felt great! But then life happened and I stopped and just have not gotten back. My husband is starting his third round ( and waiting for the newest edition to arrive next month) P90X has worked for him, he is 52 and looks better than EVER...it's AMAZING and it WORKS and I am so excited to get started. Happy to see others doing the same and I think it will help me to keep pressing play! Bring it!
  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome! Hopefully we can keep each other motivated!
  • Hello All,

    Looking forward to this, thanks Jared! For some reason I thought it started today the 15th so I am going to have to hit it hard today. I will get my stats in.

    Good Luck Everyone!
  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Well we had some folks that made a good point about wanting to start on a monday so the rest day was on sunday...no worries just jump in!
  • kathyellen
    kathyellen Posts: 9 Member
    DAY ONE DOWN! Chest and Back and AbRipper X ! Feels great! Good luck everyone... BRING IT!
  • Pressed play last night. Chest & Back & part of AbRipper X. (Wow that hurt!) Did anyone make it thru all 25 ab exercises??
  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Nice... well I "made it to the end" but cant be honest and say I kept up...LOL I had a little mental block because I knew I had to go see the "punisher" that leads my gyms bootcamp on monday and wed nights...I still have todays to get in, prolly do after dinner, its sunny and thats rare in Oregon this time of year, may have to put on the tights and go for a run :)
  • Hey everyone.

    I've just signed up to this website, and my first mission was to find a group of P90X'ers! I started November 1st for round 1.

    I have lost just over 100lbs in the last 2 years through weight watchers, and tried P90X about 12 months ago, and just couldn't keep up with it and only got about 4 days in. I have now got into shape through jogging and lifting weights, and decided to give it another go.

    I just started my 3rd week yesterday and so far so good, its going really really well. So hard to build up the motivation to press the play button after a long hard day at work, but after the warm up I am totally into it and ready to go. I have an online blog on another website if anyone is interested in taking a look?
  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Hey guy, welcome and thats an awesome story... I know how hard it can be to get it in...full time career, full time masters student and 4 kids... if you can just make it part of the daily routine it helps a bit..
  • Yep spot on. I do it as soon as I get home from work. Straight through the door, bag down, get changed, get water and a towel, get the dvd going. Like its an extension to my day job. I am still following a weight watchers diet, so nutrition wise I am not anywhere near the P90X guide for that, but I don't struggle with energy and I bring it every workout.
  • essjay75
    essjay75 Posts: 77 Member
    I owned day two(lean).....just got a HRM and am looking forward to tomorrow! :)
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    Day 2 done! Feels so good to be back in the swing of things! I did insanitys plyometric cardio circuit instead of p90x. I just can't handle watching what's-his-name jumping around like he's a bouncy ball! Lol!

    Hope everyone had a successful second day!!
  • agugino
    agugino Posts: 119
    I owned day two(lean).....just got a HRM and am looking forward to tomorrow! :)

    Me too! Felt awesome. :o)

    However, I'm a little confused. I am doing lean too, I did Cardiox for day two and it seems like he said this is the second workout of the day... was I supposed to do something else?! Cuz if so, I missed that in my little book... ?
  • Ran 2.5 miles and Plyo. Going to be sore.... I guess I am doing my own version of Lean. I am hoping to keep up my running along with doing P90X. I will just have to see how I am feeling.
  • essjay75
    essjay75 Posts: 77 Member
    I think you misheard-he said if you are doing lean it was your second day....if you are doing doubles it may be your second of the day. :)