The beginning Everyone do this by Sunday evening. 11/13/11

The beggining Is almost here. I have long awaited this. Girls lets do it! (guys are welcome too)

Start by filling out the info below. This will need to be turned in each Sunday. So Monday we know who won the weekly challenge.

Beginning Weight:
2/14/12 Goal Weight:
Personal Strengths:
Personal Struggles:
This Week’s Personal Challenge:
Favorite New workout:

Every sunday after that will be:
*So starting 11/20/11
Weight lost:
Cals burned:
This weeks personal Challenge completed: (can include things such as: no eating after 8 pm, drinking enough water, No sugar, Keeping a positive attitude, etc.)


  • EmelyJ
    EmelyJ Posts: 208
    Do I need to repost if I filled this out on the original post?
  • ChangingTami
    ChangingTami Posts: 109 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    Beginning Weight: 285
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 255
    Personal Strengths: Watching my calories
    Personal Struggles:
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: Just had surgery, getting in a short walk each day.
    Favorite New workout:
  • hebbby
    hebbby Posts: 70
    Height: 5'6"
    Beginning weight: 251lbs
    14/2/12 goal weight: 220lbs
    Personal strengths: logging all my calories
    Personal weaknesses: letting small slips become massive binges.
    This weeks personal challenge: to start playing squash.
    Favourite new workout: badminton
  • m1nky
    m1nky Posts: 104 Member
    Reposted from last week:
    ~ 1st Week! ~

    Height: 5'7
    Beginning Weight: 152lbs
    Current Weight: 149lbs
    (It was 149.7 but I'm so ecstatic about being out of the 150's I refuse to round up!)
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 135lbs
    Personal Strengths: I didn't dip into the Halloween candy this week!
    Personal Struggles: I only made it to the gym twice instead of my desired 4 times.
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: My daughter doesn't have school this Friday so I need to make it to the gym every other day - and to stay away from the Halloween candy.
    Favorite New workout: Spin is the only thing I made it to last week... still love it!

    This week - 11/13/11

    Weight lost: -2lbs (147!)
    Cals burned: I don't track this so I'm not sure.
    This weeks personal Challenge completed: I made it to 3 of the 4 gym classes I wanted to get to and only missed one day of the 30 day shred.
  • leanmeby33
    Height: 5'4"
    Beginning Weight: 167.6
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 148
    Personal Strengths: I like exercise!
    Personal Struggles: I still get lazy trying to fit my workouts in....and I eat far too often when I am not truly hungry
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: To fit exercise in every day - even if it's only 20 minutes
    Favorite New workout: My old Denise Austin "personal trainer" and 10 minute pilates DVDs - ahhh...old friends
  • Melissa_Suzanne
    Melissa_Suzanne Posts: 75 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    Beginning Weight: 154.1lbs
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 145lbs
    Personal Strengths: Determined
    Personal Struggles: Need to push my self harder
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: Drink more water
    Favorite New workout: A dance workout dvd, not my favorite but its my only new work out
  • LoveLifeToday
    Height: 5ft5
    Beginning Weight: 158
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 140
    Personal Strengths: I really enjoy exercise and activity
    Personal Struggles: Binge eating
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: To go binge free for a week
    Favorite New workout: Haven't tried any new ones lately

    Happy Sunday everyone x
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    Height: 5ft 9
    Beginning Weight: 187.3
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 154
    Personal Strengths:
    Personal Struggles: Find motivation tough to hard to make myself work out when I'm tired after work etc
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: go to the gym every other day when at work and twice on days off
    Favorite New workout: running
  • jmgcummins
    jmgcummins Posts: 93 Member
    I did this in the other forum thread, but here it is again

    Height: 5'6
    Beginning Weight: 167.5
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: Between 140-145 pounds
    Personal Strengths: avoiding junkfood
    Personal Struggles: Making time for exercise
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: Go to 3 gym classes
    Favorite New workout: Yoga :)

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    Copied and pasted from the other thread.

    Oh I really want to be sexy for my hubby :)

    Height: 5' 7"
    Beginning Weight: 222.0
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 200
    Personal Strengths: reading/research
    Personal Struggles: time/motivation/baby
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: Get moving in the morning at work, even if for just 15 mins.
    Favorite New workout: none yet.
  • ShortayBaybay
    *Sorry this is late, I didn't get on my computer all weekend since the hubby was here, but here is mine!!!*

    Height: 5'2"
    Beginning Weight: 195.8lbs
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 160-165lbs
    Personal Strengths: Counting my calories && not cheat with foods.
    Personal Struggles: Stress is a big problem with me right now, I need to not let it get to me and bring me down :-/
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: Start the 30DS again and stick with it, EXCEPT for on my TOM, it's just impossible LOL. Plus, keeping a good attitude and not getting down if I don't lose the amount of weight I want to every week, and realize that it takes time to come off!! :)
    Favorite New workout: 30DS, PCD dancing, Biggest loser work outs, Sit ups, and playing basketball.
  • MichaelaaJ
    MichaelaaJ Posts: 79 Member
    What is our challenge for this week?

    Copied from original post..

    Height: 5'5
    Beginning Weight: 239.5
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 229
    Personal Strengths: Zumba 2x a week
    Personal Struggles: Binge eating, excuses for not working out
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: Mindful eating & work out everyday this week,
    Favorite New workout: Body Pump!
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    Height: 5'2"
    Beginning Weight: 129lbs / 28" waist
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 115lbs / 26" waist
    Personal Strengths: cardio (running), weight training
    Personal Struggles: junk food, partying, men
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: log all my cals, start a new running program
    Favorite New workout: trail running/night running with a headlamp... not really new but I want to do more of it
  • AshleyWebster
    Great starting numbers guys. C:
  • xsnuffyx
    xsnuffyx Posts: 26 Member
    Hey sorry mine is late too. I just now saw the posts I was away this weekend

    Height: 5' 10
    Beginning Weight: 266
    2/14/12 Goal Weight: 215
    Personal Strengths: When I get motivated I work hard
    Personal Struggles: Counting calories and working out together. I usually can do one or the other but I need to do both.
    This Week’s Personal Challenge: Eat fewer calories and workout more
    Favorite New workout: Zumba