Introduce yourself!!!



  • mallred76
    mallred76 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi, I'm Micheal (pronounced Michelle) and I am the mother of two children, Drew and Ellie, who are 6 and 5. We just started homeschooling this year. I've always been a runner and am just getting back in shape after a severe car accident. I've also started lifting heavy to try and build muscle. I have 8 more pounds to lose, or at least I think so. Either I've hit a plateau or I'm replacing fat with muscle. I guess I'll just continue to eat well and work out untill all my measurements are where I want them. I have about 5 inches to lose. My nutrition goal is to reach my caloric need (TDEE formula) of 1550 with clean food. My exercise goal is to have at least 45 minutes of cardio 6 days a week and lift 4 days a week. I'm working out extra hard right now because I turn 35 in two weeks. For some reason turning 35 has been difficult for me.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    Hello everyone!
    My name is Elvia. I'm a 33 yr old mother of three kids: daughter, Eirian (pronounced I-Ree-On), 12; Sons, Damyon (10) and Zachary (7). I also have a full time job on top of being a mother. I'm also a wife.
    I am trying desperately to motivate myself to work out every other day at least. It's hard. I get up in the morning at around 6:15am, get my stuff together before waking the younger two for school (daughter gets up on her own most days). I am at work from 9am to 6pm every weekday. I have about a 40 minute commute every day so I'm not home until almost 7pm. Boys are in bed by 8:30pm so I have about an hour and a half to make sure homework is done, showers are in, and I get my cuddle time.

    I did figure out that I really enjoy getting outside and jogging (more of a walk/jog). However, it's getting cold out so I'm not sure how often I'll be out now. I don't have a treadmill or elliptical. I can't afford a gym membership so I'm kinda stuck. I try dvds - do some Tae Bo every once in a while - but I get bored very easily.

    I need to find something to keep me entertained. :smile:
    Hopefully you all can help!
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Yo I'm Rita mum to three little monsters. 3year old boy/girl twins and a 5 year old

    I looooove to exercise and I love it even more when I exercise with the kids.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Just joined the group - I'm a 38yo mother of two. I have a 9yo daughter and 7yo son. I work full time as an assistant principal. I attend graduate classes at night. I have my hands full!
  • Hi Ladies! My name is Melanie and I have 4 kids 23 year old stepdaughter a 21 year old son a 17 year old son and an 8 year old son. I try to find time to exercise every day. I do work and love to be involved in my son's school as much as possible.I do have a husband( which is like my 5th child most of the time) and between him and my youngest son they always seem to make me feel guilty for doing something for myself. I work nights and go to bed late and have to be up a 6:30 to take my son to school and when I get back I go straight to my elliptical and get it out of the way. Then I usually lift weights twice a week. I'm premenopausal and trying to fight the tiredness and weight gain that goes along with it! My goal is to lose 15-20 pounds and tone up and be more healthly so I can be around and have lots of energy for when the grandkids come along!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I'm a mom of a busy 4 year old girl. I'm married, a full-time college student, and work part-time as well. I do triathlons but since it's off season, I am focusing on running. Just started training for my first half marathon. I strength train as well, but not as much as I should. I just reached my GW this week and I'm focusing on losing BF now.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm a mom of 3-a 10 year old, 3 year old, and 10 month old. I work full time night shift as a nurse. Between trying to get enough sleep and keeping my little ones content-and my husband:) I squeeze in workouts after supper time every evening . I am currently doing my 2nd round of p90x along with my husband, which is 6 days a week for at least an hour or more.
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    Hello sweaty mommas out there! Room for one more?

    My name is Rachel (or FunkBunny, which ever, i answer to both) I'm mom to 3 awesome kids, my two boys ar 11 and 7 and my step daughter is 8. I work full time outside the home and play roller derby. the majority of my calorie burn comes from derby practice, but my goal is to get in 20 - 30 minutes of cardio on my non derby days and core strengthening 6 days a week.

    Nice to join in with you all!

    FunkBunny #83 Chemical City Derby Girls
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Hello sweaty mommas out there! Room for one more?

    My name is Rachel (or FunkBunny, which ever, i answer to both) I'm mom to 3 awesome kids, my two boys ar 11 and 7 and my step daughter is 8. I work full time outside the home and play roller derby. the majority of my calorie burn comes from derby practice, but my goal is to get in 20 - 30 minutes of cardio on my non derby days and core strengthening 6 days a week.

    Nice to join in with you all!

    FunkBunny #83 Chemical City Derby Girls

    I have a friend that plays roller Derby near Philadelphia, PA. She LOVES it and it looks like so much fun!! I used to roller skate, but I think I have too many back injuries to get into derby. Burns lots of calories, though, I bet.
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member

    I have a friend that plays roller Derby near Philadelphia, PA. She LOVES it and it looks like so much fun!! I used to roller skate, but I think I have too many back injuries to get into derby. Burns lots of calories, though, I bet.

    It does! We practice for 2 hours and I wear a HRM during that... usually between 600-700 each session. Doing that 2x a week is a wicked burn!
  • Grace2112
    Grace2112 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Shari, I am 36 and live in the Orlando, FL area. I am married with 2 kids, ages 11 and 8. I joined the Y in August because I was tired of the extra weight and knew I needed a lifestyle change. My trainer told me about myfitnesspal and I am hooked. I do a weight training program 2x a week, and a spin class 2x a week. I also try to power walk between 2-4 miles a few times a week, and I am slowly getting back into running. Between working full time, plus kids and family responsibilities, it can be a struggle to carve out the time to work out. But I love the small improvements I see over 2 months and teh extra energy I have. I also love the fact that I make better food choices since exercising more.

    Hoping to encourage and be encouraged!
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    Hey everyone! I am a U.S. Navy Sailor and a married mother of two of the most amazing little boys ever! My son Isiah is 7 and my son Gavin will be 9 months in a few days. I have been in the military for almost 12 years and I love it!

    I am originally from Illinois, but I am stationed in Connecticut right now. Being in the military we have to be in weight standards. Typically people say that you have to wait 12 months to get your pre-baby body back, but the military only gives you 6 months. I am overweight right now, but I just made body fat a few months ago. Every 6 months we have to be weighed in and based on our height we have a max weight. If you are over that weight you have to be measured and those measurements are used to calculate your body fat. So for 5ft 6in I can not weigh more than 163. I weigh 173, so I was measured. Body fat max is 32% and I was right at 32%. My goal is to lose 30 pounds. I hate having to be measured. I am physically fit and always pass my fitness tests. Our fitness test consists of doing Xamount of pushups in 2 minutes, X amount of sit ups in 2 minutes and run 1.5 miles in a certain amount of time. 6 months after having my son I did 46 pushups, 58 situps, and ran 1.5 miles in 14:30. Not bad for having 2 c-sections and no abdominal muscle strength what so ever! Not to mention going 9 months without working out.

    Anyways - like I said, I want to lose 30 pounds and I will do it!
  • Bdoosh
    Bdoosh Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! My name is Beth and I'm a married Mom of one wonderful little boy who is 16 months old, Tristan. I'm 31, work full time as a Graphic Designer at the Newspaper and live in Burlington, North Dakota. I love to run and just workout at the gym! My day starts off by getting up at 6am every morning (or try to :) I don't work until 10am so I try to get to the gym by 8am to get a good full hour for a workout in. My husband is working on the oil rigs currently and I don't see him for a month at a time. Right now he is on a 7 week schedule to work 12 hours a day, everyday! :( I miss him like crazy, but when he is home for the 1 or 2 weeks he has for time off, I don't really stick to my workout schedule and I definitely do not eat properly. :) I love MFP because I can chat with other people and help encourage their fitness and healthy lifestyle as they do mine. I look forward to giving and receiving the motivation from the Sweaty Moms! :)

    My goal would be to lose maybe like 35 more pounds to get where I think I'm a "hot Mom" :)
  • Justine13
    Justine13 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Everyone, My name is Justine I am 24 and i have a 5 year old little boy who is full of energy and always on the go.
    I usually do my work outs in the morning before work (I love Jillian Michaels) and do Zumba 4 days a week. I do alot of long distance running. The Underwear Affair is my favorite run! It's alot of fun.
    Best Wishes :)
  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 577 Member
    Hi Ladies....
    I am a 40 yo mom....I have 2 kids...not so little anymore...14 and 20 [but they are still my babies!!]!!! I have a full time I usually do my workouts at odd hours of the day....mostly late at night....I would love to get some ideas about different workout routines and exercises...I just started doing yoga;and I love if there are any other yogis out there...feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    Hey all - I'm Debbi. Mom of three - 15, 13 and almost 12. Wife to a hard-working man. We live in Alaska. I homeschool my two youngest - this is the oldest's first year in public school, he seems to be doing well. As a family, we like to fish, hike, ice skate, and swim.

    I was encouraged by a friend to get back on the fitness wagon, but then she abandoned me for warmer climates, so I'm struggling here. haha - Seriously, mommynmotion is a friend IRL and I love her muchly. I am on this journey partly because of her, and someday I will make her proud, as well as myself.

    HI Deb! It is warmer here...but not nearly as beautiful! And I love you too!!! oh..and miss you!
  • Hello!

    I'm Amber, I'm 30 and have a 2 year old daughter (Averie). I work full time outside of the home too. We have about a 40 minute commute each way, plus the other half and I ride together which tacks on another hour or so to my work day. Most days we leave home at 7:15 AM and don't get home until 6:30-7PM. Hard to manage to eat right and exercise on that schedule. Blech! I've always been a 'workout alone' sort of person, but I'm slowly starting to get some enjoyment out of group fitness classes. I still hate the peppy instructors, but I've found a few that are the 'mean' sort. I prefer someone to say "Come on - give me a little more" over someone that says "You guys are doing GREAT!" when I know I'm only half putting in the effort! I still enjoy my treadmill and weight time by myself though :) I was given until May to lose 30 lbs to prevent cancer related surgery. I'm ALMOST halfway there already, so I'm pretty proud of myself. i started at 200 -- 30 lbs will drop me to 170, but ultimately I think I'd like to be around 155.
  • LJGmom
    LJGmom Posts: 249 Member
    Hi I'm a SAHM of 5 kids. 12, 9, 6, 4, 3. I am loving working out, but am finding that putting in the time is taking it's toll on my organization and our home is becoming a little chaotic. Would love advice on balancing it all! Kids are in music and sports, hubby has a full time job, and a small car dealership as well. We are, like most, running around with our heads cut off!
  • MissingPixies
    MissingPixies Posts: 316 Member
    Hello all,

    I'm missingpieces (or Jess). I'm a twenty something, single mother of two wonderful kids. I hope it's alright if I join this group. Here is a little background on me.

    Throughout my teenage years I have always been slightly overweight, I was a size 13 (although I was told I looked like I could fit into a size 6-8). I was 150 lbs back then at 5'6", which was overweight. I am now at 175lbs, but before I came across MFP (just this month) my starting weight was 200 lbs (in January 2011), around may I hit 175lbs and well stayed that way. So I joined MFP to lose 40 lbs so I can reach my goal weight of 140-135 lbs.

    I'm also looking for a job so I can support my family, and with my kiddos and job hunting I am just trying to find time squeezing in a workout or two.
  • KFontaine679
    KFontaine679 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all!

    I am in my early-thirties and a SAHM to my 5 year old son (O) and 3 month old daughter (A). I gained a lot of weight with both pregnancies, and while it came of quick the first time around (I was 5 pounds below my pre-preg weight by 10 weeks), it is definetly taking a lot longer this time!

    While pregnant with O I was able to workout until a few days before delivery. I ran a half-marathon a few months before getting pregnant with A and hoped to continue running during pregnancy. Unfortunetly, I wasn't able to because of sickness and injury. Oddly enough, my half-marathon was exactly one year prior to the day A was born. Aside from toning, my fitness goal is to be able to run another half by her first birthday (Sept 2012).

    I have about 15 lbs to lose, and lots of toning to do!