Post X Plans

jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
So what are your plans for after this round?

Me, I'm gonna pick back up on the 100 pushup challenge at week 3 while in final recovery week, see if I can't get that sucker finished for Xmas. I was considering a running program like couch 2 5k but I'm not sure about starting running in december.

After new year I'm planning on running a 2 month bulk and a 2 month cut, aiming to get bigger but stay ripped ready for my wedding (and of course the beach honeymoon) end of April. After that? Well I guess I'll cross that one when it comes... More than likely a predominantly resistance based world for me though. I'll probably do another round of p90x next year but it'll likely be after may.

Insanity intrigues me… I'm not a big cardio fan though. But I do want that t-shirt…

What's your post X plans for the future?



  • spongela
    spongela Posts: 107
    I think I am going to do a P90X/insanity hybrid, looks ideal after completing p90x
  • miss_p90x
    miss_p90x Posts: 97 Member
    Doing another round :)
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    another short round of whatever fits between next week and X2 :)
  • kmccoleman
    After I graduate..another round of P90X the Doubles version (until P90X2 comes in the mail of course.) Then I'm gonna BRING IT times 2!!
  • roballesteros
    I am going to finish up my training and tappering for my marathon. I will do some of the strength training DVDs, like Legs and Back and Shoulders and Arms. After my marathon in mid January, I plan on starting P90X-2. I've gotta secure the abs by the Spring!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Round 2 - hopefully the full way though... may have to shorten the routines with it being the extremely busy season in auditing but I am going to bring it in time for the summer and the girls weekends in the sun!!

    Boom! You guys are rocking it every day!