Introduce Yourself!

fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
Hello all my name is Courtney & I've been with my boyfriend for 5 years! :) x


  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    Good morning! My name is Jennifer... I've known my husband since we were 16... He was my best friend... 23 Dec will mark our first year anniversay of being married and then on 18 Feb 12 will mark our 4 year anniversary of being together...:heart::heart: :heart:
  • jenswwjourney
    Hey everyone!! I am Jen and my fiancee is also on MFP his name is Ziggy. If you want to friend him he is under GrandMasterZiggy. In March we will have been together 5 years and we have been engaged for about a year now. No date set yet but just enjoying being together :) We love to cook but mostly love to eat. We have links on our MFP profile to our blog where we put up new recipes and stuff like that each week if you are interested.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Hey there!
    I'm Ashley and have been with my boyfriend Jesse for 2 years now! We are long distance for now :/
  • libtex
    I have been married for 32 years. It has been a strange and ever evolving trip.
  • kessalove
    kessalove Posts: 27 Member
    I'm ending 20 years with my soon to be ex-husband and went back to the boy before him whom has been my best friend since we dated 22 years ago this fall! He's been my rock through this messy divorce and he's been encouraging me to become a HOT mama again, he remembers me when I was a sexy, hot, athletic 19 year old...he misses that energy that I had then. I do too! I'm slowly getting it back and my confidence and self esteem too! We've been together again for 13 months! Right now it's a long distant relationship but hopefully it'll be a same state/house relationship by summer! We will see, just waiting on the courts to finalize my divorce!