Water Challengers!!! CHECK IN!!!

sistatv Posts: 53 Member
How are we doing ladies! So far so good for me! Yesterday though we had a major malfunction... My husband is building bathroom in our basement... And why did this man cut off the water and broke something and can't turn it back on....

I had only a teensy bit of water left... ! But it was like 11 at night so I just drank what I had and first thing this morning, My mom got us 8 zillion gallons of water! The plumber will be here shortly to fix it... Well he better be... Or my husband will be having to face the challenge of an angry wife...LOL!

SO how are you ladies doing?


  • GoldSag1
    GoldSag1 Posts: 122 Member
    Hey lady! My husband thinks he is about to put a bathroom in our basement and make his "man-cave" as well! You know I have a back up contractor and plumber on standby. LOL

    Anywho, I am doing great. So far I have downed 48oz of water!
  • GoldSag1
    GoldSag1 Posts: 122 Member
    I have downed 64oz so far and plan to get at least another 16-24oz in today.
  • athinnerme16
    hi ladies. its so cold. i have to force myself to drink water. I even got an app for my phone but it is really hard. i dont drink soda so that is great. any tips?
  • Hardemanwifey
    Hardemanwifey Posts: 261 Member
    Hey ladies im doin pretty good with my water no other drinks lately. Im having a hard time drinking enough tho esp since I work nights and sleep all day. Then if I drink too much while at work I can't sleep. But im goin keep trucking on and do my best. We got this ladies.
  • lallder
    lallder Posts: 17 Member
    Hey ladies, it's going ok so far...64oz yesterday and about 40oz today. My goal is to drink 100oz a day but it's hard.
  • Dstdiva01
    Dstdiva01 Posts: 18 Member
    96oz for Wednesday!
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    I have been doing so much better on my water
  • misstasharenee
    misstasharenee Posts: 95 Member
    This has been a fail!!! ...fail!! .... FAIL for me:sad: I'm working these 12hr shifts plus school ya'll and the only thing i'm doing is grabbing those little mini juices from the nurse's station lol .. I know sad ... but I did get in about 32oz so far. I'm still working on it ...old habits are hard to break.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    11 cups
  • MissMotown
    So far today I've had about 34 oz, going for at least 68-90!!!
  • beautifulbrat
    33.9 oz today
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    12 cups so far....
  • TimeToWork
    I so need help with getting my daily water in! I am the worst over the weekends. Headed to get hydrated now!
  • LaBelle89
    Do you guys put on here..everyday how much water?

    Today I've only had...50oz...lot more to go.
  • TimeToWork
    It's 11:00 am and I'm just opening my first bottle...smh.
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    24oz down so far
  • kimistry35
    kimistry35 Posts: 203 Member
    64OZ TODAY