I think im loving the run now!!

Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
I have to say i am already finished with week 9 and i am doing week nine over again. Where do you go after that? i been just staying with it becasue it is still alittle challenge to run the whole 3 miles at times so my goal is to keep it up til i lose the weight. I have to say though i NEVER thought id hear myself say I LOVE TO RUN!!!

Im so happy to love it once i get the first half mile in i feel more alive then i have ever felt. Im breathing at a good rate i am not winded like im dying and i can look around at my surroundings and just enjoy what my body feels like, i enjoy the senery. Im not thinking of my run im thinking of things that are calming, I pray, I think of how blessed i am to be able to run!!

Just an amazing feeling to have, I am still heavy but dang im actualy running and enjoying myself!!!!!!!!! Wooo hoo!


  • RunLiftEat
    RunLiftEat Posts: 213 Member
    That is awesome to hear!!! I know there are programs out there that bridge the 5k to 10k. Not sure what sites have it though. I am sure you can find it with google. You could also start C25K over to improve speed. Run your normal pace during the walking time, and up your speed on the run intervals. You could also just run the 30 min, and add a few min to it every week to up your run time. Finding some local 5k races to participate in would also be fun to do!
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    That is awesome to hear!!! I know there are programs out there that bridge the 5k to 10k. Not sure what sites have it though. I am sure you can find it with google. You could also start C25K over to improve speed. Run your normal pace during the walking time, and up your speed on the run intervals. You could also just run the 30 min, and add a few min to it every week to up your run time. Finding some local 5k races to participate in would also be fun to do!
    Thanks good advice!! I did noe 5 k with my sister in Florida last may so i really want to find some local one's. I have been googling where there are some locally there are two for thanksgiving but i am looking more for January time. I cant find any yet, I was even thinking of getting a running club where we meet once a week to run somewhere pretty, So hard to find that here and to find people to join. I have no clue how to start andim so not organized. I am going to keep researching tho.

    Def going to try to do the c25k over again and do like you said work on my time. I am slow however I feel great and if i do sprints maybe that will boast my metabolism up to where i actauly start losing the weight!!
  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    You are amazing! I'm just getting to that feeling and reading your post was a huge inspiration. You go, girl!
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    You are amazing! I'm just getting to that feeling and reading your post was a huge inspiration. You go, girl!
    Thank you very much!
  • JoAnn73
    JoAnn73 Posts: 161 Member
    CONGRATS!! I'M on week 6 day 3 and I plan on signing up for my first 5k next month. I cannt believe how much C25K has help me.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    CONGRATS!! I'M on week 6 day 3 and I plan on signing up for my first 5k next month. I cannt believe how much C25K has help me.
    Thank you!! I just wanted to tell you, you have pretty legs lol no im not gay im happily married but thought yu should know and be very proud!!