The Steam Room- vents, problems, questions here



  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    OK i have topic we dont really eat breads pastes etc.. so for me my calorie intake its about 7-800cal sometimes lower
    im not hungry at all but mfp says you have to eat 1200 a day...what should i do? i have alot of energy so eating below the recommended cal is it ok?

    Going under occasionally isn't going to hurt you but long term, eating this little isn't sustainable and the effects will catch up with you. Especially since you are working out. I saw in your diary this went back a few days, I didn't look beyond that. You have youth on your side and your body may be more resilient than some of us that our older, but this will eventually catch up with you. Even if you have to step it up gradually, make it your goal to eat 1000 calories making good choices. Then step it up again to 1200 and so on. You will not stall your weight loss by eating nourishing foods in reasonable quantities.
    I agree 100%.. when I was your age I could eat very little, feel good, have tons of energy and loose weight but years of that really messed up my metabolism making it harder to loose weight now that I'm almost 40.. it may be ok once in while but you don't want to make it habit. Try adding some good fats to your meals like organic coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil etc that will up your calories in a healthy way.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Guys, I just need to vent/moan a bit. (Backstory. My husband and I just started TTC and have realized that my cycles are even more out of whack than I originally thought.)

    I talked with my OB/GYN today about my lab results. My TSH and Free T4 are both well within normal range, but my progesterone was incredibly low, confirming what I already suspected, I didn't ovulate last cycle and I probably am not ovulating in general.

    I know that it isn't going to help to compare my experience with others but but but....

    I have always been concerned with trying to eat well and take care of myself. I've had problems with a big of excess weight from time to time, but I've never been a big junk food fan or a heavy drinker or whatever. I've eaten mostly whole, un-processed foods for YEARS! Never so much as smoked a cigarette. I am active, etc. Heck, I have tried to limit pesticides and endocrine disruptors like BPA, etc.

    It's just.... seriously? I know people who eat virtually nothing but Wonder Bread and Pop Tarts, smoke like mad, drink heavy.... and have no trouble having multiple children. :huh:

    IT JUST ISN'T FAIR!!! (<--pity party).

    Anyway. Thanks for listening. I know full well that some of these things are just not in my control. And I certainly don't mean to imply that people without "perfect" eating (not that mine is or ever was "perfect") shouldn't be able to have kids. It's just that I feel like I have tried so hard to take care of my body and now I feel like it is failing me.
    I am so sorry hun.. I know it has to be very hard and even heart breaking at times. Obviously I have not experienced the pain of infertility personally and this may not help coming from someone with 8 biological children. I have watched my sil go through the same thing.. she has PCOS and has desperately wants children and not been able to conceive.. My heart breaks for her. It's not been easy for her especially since she has watched us have a baby every few years and though she loves us and loves her neices and nephews.. there are still moments she asks "why me".."what did I do wrong". All I can say is there is hope.. there are success stories of people who have reversed disease , healed their bodies and then been able to concieve by eating paleo/primal and by using supplements.. one of our members- Resilientwoman is one of them. My Pastor and his wife were having trouble conceiving.. she began seeing a natural doctor that put her on progesterone cream and supplements to heal AGF.. it took a few years and lots of prayer.but they did have a daughter .. she was 47 at the time the baby was born. I don't know how old you are, but as the old saying goes "it ain't over til it's over." Give it more time..perhaps your body needs extra time to heal. and there are other options Have you ever considered adoption?.. there are many many children out there that need a loving home. I hope this has helped.((hugs))
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Thanks both of you. It sure is amazing to hear stories of women who are in their early and even mid- to late- 40s having babies. I am 32, so I still have some time. But I am an impatient sort. I'm not one who has an easy time just saying "everything in its own time." Once my husband and I made up our minds to start trying, I was ready to be pregnant the next month.

    Thanks for the blog recommendation, too. I hadn't heard of that blog. I'll check it out for sure.
  • Kaitlinj - I read your post and i'll be thinking positive thoughts for you :flowerforyou:

    Does anyone have a preferred cooking method when it comes to bacon? I was feeling lazy this morning so I decided to nuke some bacon in the microwave instead of frying it in a pan and it came out cooked and crispy alright, but it also looked funny, a bit burnt, and dry since the paper towel sopped up all the bacon fat! It felt like I was eating cardboard bacon :laugh:
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Kaitlinj - I read your post and i'll be thinking positive thoughts for you :flowerforyou:

    Does anyone have a preferred cooking method when it comes to bacon? I was feeling lazy this morning so I decided to nuke some bacon in the microwave instead of frying it in a pan and it came out cooked and crispy alright, but it also looked funny, a bit burnt, and dry since the paper towel sopped up all the bacon fat! It felt like I was eating cardboard bacon :laugh:
    I usually fry it .. todayI tossed in the oven and forgot about it til I smelled the smoke..... it was severly char-broiled lol... think I'll stick with frying lol
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Kaitlinj - I read your post and i'll be thinking positive thoughts for you :flowerforyou:

    Does anyone have a preferred cooking method when it comes to bacon? I was feeling lazy this morning so I decided to nuke some bacon in the microwave instead of frying it in a pan and it came out cooked and crispy alright, but it also looked funny, a bit burnt, and dry since the paper towel sopped up all the bacon fat! It felt like I was eating cardboard bacon :laugh:

    I have just done it on paper towels before too. It sounds like you just cooked it too long. You might try half the time you did today, see how it looks and then just add time in 30 second increments until you get as crisp as you like. I have found that even from the same brand, package by package can be sliced slightly differently so your times may vary a bit from package to package and per number of slices you are cooking at a time.
  • momof8munchkin - looks like frying is the best way to go for bacon! plus it makes the house smell oh so good... Lol

    jamk1446 - yeah i think the cooking time was too much. i just followed the instructions and was surprised at how 'cooked' it looked. i'll lessen the cooking time next time and see if that would make the bacon look better :bigsmile:
  • wxkris
    wxkris Posts: 57
    Kaitlinj - I read your post and i'll be thinking positive thoughts for you :flowerforyou:

    Does anyone have a preferred cooking method when it comes to bacon? I was feeling lazy this morning so I decided to nuke some bacon in the microwave instead of frying it in a pan and it came out cooked and crispy alright, but it also looked funny, a bit burnt, and dry since the paper towel sopped up all the bacon fat! It felt like I was eating cardboard bacon :laugh:
    I usually fry it .. todayI tossed in the oven and forgot about it til I smelled the smoke..... it was severly char-broiled lol... think I'll stick with frying lol

    I like doing it in the oven, spread out on wire cooling racks. The fat will fall onto the cookie sheet and this prevents some of the splatter of pan frying. Then, you can gather the bacon fat and use it to fry eggs or something :) But DEFINITELY monitor it because it will get a tiny bit smokey.
  • determinedcrystal
    determinedcrystal Posts: 75 Member
    is it ok to eat lot of sunflower seeds maybe 5 hand fulls?
  • wxkris
    wxkris Posts: 57
    is it ok to eat lot of sunflower seeds maybe 5 hand fulls?

    I guess it depends on how big your handfuls are ;) If you have a scale, I'd measure some out sometime, just to give you a reference point to go off of during the times when you don't feel like measuring. I realized I was eating like wayyyy too many nuts and seeds so I'm trying to cut back, but they're DEF a great snack if you're in a bind and need something quick!
  • kkarrolle
    kkarrolle Posts: 120 Member
    I put nuts (hazelnuts and macadamias) and seeds in the category of being way too easy to overeat so I only eat measured amounts.

    If you are attempting to lose weight, seeds are healthy but they do contain a lot of calories, 5 handfuls are likely to have a lot and I mean a lot of calories.

    If you are not getting fats from any other source, 5 handfuls may be fine.
  • determinedcrystal
    determinedcrystal Posts: 75 Member
    ok ladies we all try to eat primal and dont eat wheat substances for example i havent eaten wheat in a while especially bread
    if i ate a donut will it make my body retain water causing temporary weight gain or did i suddenly gained 2lbs over like 2 days???
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    ok ladies we all try to eat primal and dont eat wheat substances for example i havent eaten wheat in a while especially bread
    if i ate a donut will it make my body retain water causing temporary weight gain or did i suddenly gained 2lbs over like 2 days???
    Depends on how your body reacts to wheat, some people- those who are not gluten intolerant/celiac-can occasionally eat regular bread, cakes etc and not have a problem.. most people however after being off gluten for a while notice a very strong reaction bloating, gas, discomfort.. you would just have to try it and see, but first ask yourself is it really worth it..If I am going to go off plan it's going to be for something I really love and even then a lot of times the cheat food doesn't taste nearly as good as I remembered it to be.

    edit.. sorry it's early ..are you asking because you already had a donut and gained 2lbs? if that is the case, yes it could be , or too much soduim or AF.. it's not uncommon for us girls to fluctuate up and down a few lbs. When you weigh yourself it should be in the morning before you've eaten or drank anything and after you've gone to the bathroom
  • ok ladies we all try to eat primal and dont eat wheat substances for example i havent eaten wheat in a while especially bread
    if i ate a donut will it make my body retain water causing temporary weight gain or did i suddenly gained 2lbs over like 2 days???

    I'm not sure about the weight gain since I don't weigh myself that often but I did have some bread, cake, pasta for my husband's bday this week and the next day my stomach felt 'sore'. I realized that whenever I eat grains, I pay for it the next day because I don't feel quite right. I'm not gluten sensitive or anything but my body seems to react when I put something non substantial in it after being primal.

    Are you noticing anything different after eating the donut?
  • mj_zepeda
    mj_zepeda Posts: 32 Member
    OK- I really need to vent.

    I have not been doing well carb- wise. I guess once you fall off the wagon it's hard to get back on it. You start eating trash and then you want to continue and binge all day long. I can see my belly bloated since I got back from the beach (got back on Wednesday and had lots of trash while over there) and it's making me mad.

    My family is all against me on being PRIMAL... and they think I am on an ATKINS diet. They don't agree with me taking this as a lifestyle... or being low carb and not eating wheat or grains at all. To tell the truth sometimes I wonder if I should let it down and continue "normal" life. I mean, I am the FREAK at home that doesn't eat pasta or sandwiches. That's what makes me feel bad, really. I KNOW I feel much better now than 2 months ago when I would eat 200g of carbs a day, and didn't pay attention to nutritional info. What mattered was just CALORIES.

    I am not feeling healthy right now. I feel heavier.. actually I weighed myself today and I am 3 lbs up from my last weight 2 weeks ago. I am sure it's all about water retention because of all the wheat and trash I had during the weekend at the beach with my family. It doesn't seem to go away though... I keep on binging on carby foods! specially sweet bread, or cake, or chocolate!

  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member

    It's hard to be the odd man out, especially when everyone is giving you grief over it. You know you don't feel good eating junk. Make a list of the positive things that you experience eating primally, I would focus on how healthy you feel rather than how good you look in a bikini, for example. Things like- not bloated, not fatigued, mood improved, food cravings under control, PMS manageable, sleeping better, fewer headaches, whatever. One, this will help remind you why you are doing this and, two, this will lend weight to your argument with your family. A lot of what you posted here in your vent is a good start. If somebody says, "oh just eat a sandwich, it isn't going to kill you." Say in return, "no, but I don't feel good after I eat it though." Eventually, someone's going to start taking you seriously.

    As for the cravings, I personally find that if I do indulge in something- piece of GF cake at a birthday party for example, I know I will have up to 2 days of sugar cravings afterwards to deal with. The aftermath more often than not prevents me from indulging in immediate gratification. The only way to move past those cravings is just to do it and tough it out. I may end up eating a little more protein and veggies, drink soothing teas, etc. until those cravings pass. Giving in and eating more crap only makes you want more crap.

    Hope some of this helps. :)
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member

    It's hard to be the odd man out, especially when everyone is giving you grief over it. You know you don't feel good eating junk. Make a list of the positive things that you experience eating primally, I would focus on how healthy you feel rather than how good you look in a bikini, for example. Things like- not bloated, not fatigued, mood improved, food cravings under control, PMS manageable, sleeping better, fewer headaches, whatever. One, this will help remind you why you are doing this and, two, this will lend weight to your argument with your family. A lot of what you posted here in your vent is a good start. If somebody says, "oh just eat a sandwich, it isn't going to kill you." Say in return, "no, but I don't feel good after I eat it though." Eventually, someone's going to start taking you seriously.

    As for the cravings, I personally find that if I do indulge in something- piece of GF cake at a birthday party for example, I know I will have up to 2 days of sugar cravings afterwards to deal with. The aftermath more often than not prevents me from indulging in immediate gratification. The only way to move past those cravings is just to do it and tough it out. I may end up eating a little more protein and veggies, drink soothing teas, etc. until those cravings pass. Giving in and eating more crap only makes you want more crap.

    Hope some of this helps. :)
    very well said..sometimes you just have to do what is right for you whether anyone else agrees or is hard when you have people on your back but like Jamk1446 said's a pretty good arguement to say I just don't feel well when I eat ________ fill in the blank.. eventually the family will come around and back off.. they love you and want you to be healthy and happy. as far as carb cravings I am no help on that one,, I am kinda facing that same battle right now lol but I have found good consistent eatng habits tend to push cravings out the window for me.. so I guess it is a matter of resisting and eating good stuff about 90% of the time
  • determinedcrystal
    determinedcrystal Posts: 75 Member
    yes i ate a donut and i loved that moment its going to be while since i have another lovely moment like that haha
    but i think i need to stop weighing my self or something i think it would make me feel better but its so hard
  • determinedcrystal
    determinedcrystal Posts: 75 Member
  • acs4162
    acs4162 Posts: 99 Member
    Hey ladies,
    Is it normal to "miss" a period while on the Paleo diet? I have only been eating like a cavelady for about 2.5 weeks and even had an "off week" last week while on Spring break eating some pretty bad foods and I'm late. I've never missed a period and I'm usually early or on time (and yes, I accounted for the short month last month.) My husband had a vesectomy 2 years ago, so either it failed or I'm pregnant with no symptoms.

    What is your experience/stories you've heard in this area of Paleo?