Hi There

I'm new to the site. Joined this weekend. I'm 53, soon to be 54........shhhhh. If I was in better shape, I'd shout it out but I think being so overweight makes me look so much older. I am just thrilled to meet you all and looking forward to getting to know you and learn from you and lean on you as we learn ways to weigh less!


  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Welcome! Age is a number, what you do and how you do it really is what determines more. If you get & go, you will feel younger, act younger and stay younger! I'll be 60 in April, and despite being overweight, I walk to my office each day, ride my own motorcycle, and refuse to slow down!
  • You made me smile, Sue! But my body has definitely slowed down with being overweight for decades. My bones ache even in my feet. My blood pressure is awful. So finally I get it.....I need to lose for my health. I've done a lot of damage. Praying I get time to give myself back more time here on earth with my family! I did ask my hubby to take a look and fix my bike tires y'day and he's working on it, discovered I need a new inner tube. So I'm heading to Walmart soon! I have a shepherd mix that needs to RUN and I see this lady in my n'ghood and she rides bike and" walks" her pitbull. So I that's my goal to be able to ride awhile and teach Lexie to trot along side!
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    Welcome! Age is a number, what you do and how you do it really is what determines more. If you get & go, you will feel younger, act younger and stay younger! I'll be 60 in April, and despite being overweight, I walk to my office each day, ride my own motorcycle, and refuse to slow down!

    Sue, you are definately an inspiration! :flowerforyou:
  • kathcurt2
    kathcurt2 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Wanna and Sue!
    I saw your posts and thought I would reply to you both: I, too, have to lose weight for health reasons. I'm looking for some friends to do it with and I also just joined the group and MFP.

    Sue: you are so right about age--you are only as old as you feel (I'm 50). But I have seen some slow downs...especially when it comes to exercise. I just can't do as much as I did before. Of course, maybe that's because I haven't been exercising much...vicious circle that...:happy:

    I'm starting slow...walking 20 mins a day. Any little thing helps. Wanna--you can do it, too. Just take it one day at a time and don't try to do too much too soon. Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • Well thank you kathcurt2 for the inspiring pep talk to begin to exercise. I want to, I honestly do. I just am afraid of making my feet hurt worse and they already ache. I will look this weekend for my good walking sandals and see if my husband feels better (he's not felt well for 3 days but tonight was in much better spirits...tk u, God) and can work on my innertube for my bike. At least I did go back and back track and enter into my food diary the one day I missed this week so that those calories could be tallied and I'd see how I ate that day as well. This is a mjor accomplishment for me to do a food diary! Here's to doing something physical this weekend!!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey! That's good!! I did/do the same thing. I'm forever starting and quitting. Seems I can always find a reason not to eat reasonably! And my MO is, once I stumble, rather than pick myself up and get back to doing, I give up. I've been tracking for a few weeks now, missed a weekend, but got back on the right track again. It's a good thing for me! I look at it this way.... Small beginnings. I am making bits of changes. I look back at the way I have always tried to lose weight and I start out like gangbusters, drop a bunch of weight, and then.... well, you know the story, I'm sure. I have been a yo-yo dieter for years, often because I rest on my laurels when I lose 10 or 15 lbs,, just as often because "I deserve a treat" even though I know those treats are my triggers. I'm not going to do that this time, one day at a time, I'm going to be more aware of what I did that day that didn't benefit me longterm and make a small change. Just one, like today, I know I need more exercise. I don't have lots of extra time in my day for 30 or 60 minute work outs, but I can for instance, do crunches in the morning when I wake up, and then some lunges or bicep/tricep curls.