what is your daily calorie goal?



  • tallteacher
    tallteacher Posts: 74 Member
    My calories are set for 1730, but I try to eat 1500. On a rough day I eat about 1800, (with added exercise calories). I don't think that I could ever eat lower than 1500!!
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I was netting 1200 and below awhile back with no loss. I finally got the hint and upped my cals to my BMR level of 1540, and viola! I started to lose steadily. :smile: I'm bummed I wasted weeks eating too little, but I'm glad I eventually caught on.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I was netting 1200 and below awhile back with no loss. I finally got the hint and upped my cals to my BMR level of 1540, and viola! I started to lose steadily. :smile: I'm bummed I wasted weeks eating too little, but I'm glad I eventually caught on.

    Were you eating your exercise calories back too?
  • Debadoo2018
    Debadoo2018 Posts: 38 Member
    I am just starting this "counting calories" type of diet, so I was very confused as to what I should have as my daily limit. MFP has me at 1400 calories a day (to lose 2lbs/week); but when I've gone onto other sites to use their calculators, I've gotten anywhere from 1500 - 1900. I read somewhere that a good base is to get the calorie requirements for your goal weight and use that - but even that seems to fluctuate depending on what site you use. Since I'm only on Day 3 of counting calories -- I am going to give the 1400 calories a try and see how that works. On the days that I exercise and feel that I need to eat more, I will.

    I am a VOLUME eater, and although I do like vegetables, when I'm looking for a snack, a carrot is not going to cut it. I remember the last time I joined Weight Watchers and was given my daily points allowance, I honestly could eat all those points in one sitting and I really struggled with being hungry. I know it's just a matter of getting out of this bad habit of just eating whatever I want - but boy is that a hard habit to break! The last three days have actually not been terrible - I've tracked everything I've eaten and have not felt like I was "starving". I tend to eat light during the day and save my calories for dinner and the dreaded "night munchies"!!
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I was netting 1200 and below awhile back with no loss. I finally got the hint and upped my cals to my BMR level of 1540, and viola! I started to lose steadily. :smile: I'm bummed I wasted weeks eating too little, but I'm glad I eventually caught on.

    Were you eating your exercise calories back too?

    Yes, I gross anywhere from my BMR if I don't exercise, all the way up to 1900 if I exercise. I always try to at least net at my BMR level!
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    I'm doing 1500 cals a day and not eating my exercise cals back until I have 20 pounds to lose when I expect the weight loss to slow down considerably. Thoug having said that, I've maintained for the last two weeks so maybe not.
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    I'm doing 1500 cals a day and not eating my exercise cals back until I have 20 pounds to lose when I expect the weight loss to slow down considerably. Thoug having said that, I've maintained for the last two weeks so maybe not.

    That's exactly the same spot I'm in. so I'm eating more and going to see what happens!
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    I did 1300 back in 2008 and did fine, I lost 35lbs. I've got a goal of 1500 on here but I'm usually hitting around 1300 because the 1500 is there for the heavier days... I'm almost never "starving" thanks to my water... and back in 2008 I used to down huge 32oz cups of unsweetened plain ol' 0 calorie tea... That was what helped back then and is helping now with my gallon of water...

    Oh and back then the thought never crossed my mind of eating back calories... I didn't do it then so I'm not doing it now.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Everyone has to learn how their own body. I have tinkered and found out that I need to be at 1000 calories per day and I don't eat back exercise calories. If I eat fewer my metabolism drops and if I eat more I simply don't loose weight. I am a long waisted tall person and that means an extra long digestive track. I guess you could call me an economy model, I get more miles to the calorie. I try to get 1-2 hours of mixed aerobic/strength exercise every day and drink 8-12 glasses of water a day. I also have to get 8 hours of sleep if I want to loose weight. This has been working for me I have been consistently loosing weight since last May with no plateau. I am not usually hungry except in the morning, which is a good thing because I forget to eat in the morning if I am not hungry.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    Currently custom set at 1650 and am slowly increasing that. I also workout at least once most days so I'm typically consuming 1900-2200. I wear a BodyMedia Fit and my average TDEE is about 2500-2600 so 2000 is about where I should be.
  • hwgroff1
    hwgroff1 Posts: 3 Member
    My calorie counter says that I should eat about 1700 calories a day, but I tend to try to stay a little under that mark. I typically average around 1600 and that is working for me. I have more than 100 lbs to lose and am off to a great start. 4 lbs this week so far. I also allow myself to have a late night snack of yogurt or something small that is 100 calories or lower. That way I don't feel like I am going to bed with an empty stomach.